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  • 1、我们都有过高估计我们意志力的倾向,因而将自己放在多过我们能够抵御的诱惑当中。
  • 2、导演很辛苦,他每天只睡五六个小时,但我从来没在他脸上看到过疲倦,我十分佩服他!大概正所谓‘成功之人必有成功之处’吧,我觉得吴宇森导演有着常人没有的意志力。正是这种意志力让他注定会成为一个伟大的导演。
  • 3、With unwavering determination and perseverance, he relied on his inner strength to overcome countless obstacles and achieve his lifelong dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur.
  • 4、Despite facing numerous setbacks and challenges, her indomitable spirit and strong willpower allowed her to rise above adversity and emerge as a role model for others.
  • 5、Inthe face of adversity, he displayed immense fortitude and resilience, drawing inspiration from his inner drive to never give up and ultimately achieve his goals.
  • 6、With an unyielding will and unwavering determination, she transformed her weaknesses into strengths and defied all odds to become a champion in her field.
  • 7、His relentless pursuit of excellence and his relentless commitment to self-improvement are the embodiment of true perseverance and determination.
  • 8、Armed with an unshakeable sense of purpose and an unwavering belief in his abilities, he overcame all doubts and emerged victorious in his endeavors.
  • 9、Through sheer grit and determination, he turned his dreams into reality, inspiring those around him to believe in their own potential and strive for greatness.
  • 10、Her unparalleled dedication and unflagging zeal for her work propelled her to the pinnacle of success, serving as an inspiration for others to never settle for mediocrity.
  • 11、With a steadfast resolve and an unbreakable spirit, he conquered his fears and proved that with enough determination, anything is possible.
  • 12、Despite facing overwhelming odds, his sheer force of will and unwavering determination inspired his teammates to push through their limits and achieve victory.
  • 13、In the face of adversity, her unyielding optimism and unwavering determination shone through, illuminating the path to success for herself and those around her.
  • 14、With an iron will and an unwavering commitment to his craft, he defied all expectations and emerged as a pioneer in his industry.
  • 15、Through the darkest of times, his unyielding determination and unwavering resolve served as a guiding light, leading him towards a brighter future.
  • 16、Her relentless pursuit of her dreams and unwavering dedication to her craft taught us that anything can be achieved with enough passion and perseverance.
  • 17、Armed with an unbreakable spirit and a never-ending thirst for knowledge, he overcame all obstacles and realized his full potential.
  • 18、In the face of adversity, his indomitable will and unwavering determination shone through, inspiring others to persevere in the pursuit of their own dreams.
  • 19、Through countless struggles and setbacks, she remained steadfast in her goals, proving that true strength lies in one's ability to overcome challenges and never lose sight of their aspirations.
  • 20、With an unwavering focus and an unyielding resolve, he carved his own path to success, serving as a beacon of inspiration for those who dare to dream big.
  • 21、In the face of naysayers and doubters, she channeled her inner strength and unwavering determination to prove them wrong and achieve the impossible.
  • 22、上次略谈了一下意志力和创造力的问题,但觉得还没谈到点子上。
  • 23、最常见的情况是,一个任何情况下都不会抛弃生命的战士诞生了,其守护生命的意志力之顽强,让那些擅长野外求生的士兵都自愧弗如。
  • 24、困难不是问题,远近不是距离,朋友间在于取长补短,惺惺相惜。金钱只需努力赚取,而乐于助人才考验人的意志力,我的短处就是手头有点紧,你看着办吧!
  • 25、实际上如果通过一种务实的方式来培养,每个人都可以在意志力和自律性上面达到一个高水准。
  • 26、***同志力挽狂澜,挽救了中国革命。
  • 27、更何况冲击时要全神贯注,不能三心二意,一旦意志力有所松动,同样会前功尽弃。
  • 28、要知道,陷入目前这种鏖战状态后,已经不仅仅是比拼各人牌面的大小或者赌本的多少了,更要全面比拼各人的体力、耐力、意志力等多方面能力。
  • 29、用顽强的意志力,把内心的自律意识化为行动。
  • 30、仅靠意志力,或者说什么那是你所想的,是不能掌控你的情感的。你为什么要这样做,你在做什么,这样做的目的是什么,你对这些必须要有某种情感上的认识。
  • 31、当然了,我也许曾经有过足够的“意志力”来战胜这个欲望,但我的虫牙总是能占上风。
  • 32、评论认为,中央治军先治将,严下先严上,打老虎、惩腐败,必能培树军中正气,提振军心士气,凝聚意志力量。
  • 33、正如我们指出的,决心无法让思想停止,意志力的决定或者想要进入那种寂静的空无状态的迫切愿望也不能够让思想止息。
  • 34、那些在练功中走火入魔,不能涤除玄览而出问题的,大都是自作聪明的运用意志力或试图以想象力去进行控制,以引导气而发生的。
  • 35、假如你贪图一举多得、一劳永逸,那么很有可能你没有足够的意志力去完成。
  • 36、魅力女人,就是有充分得意志力去抵挡男人的进攻,也有足够多得魅力阻挡男人的撤退。
  • 37、曾用烟瘾比喻过爱情,迷恋一个人,有时也不过是一种习惯,习惯成瘾成癖,要戒,的确要动用一点理智与意志力。林夕
  • 38、如果孩子由于生性好动、天真活泼而做了顽皮的事,他自己会后悔的。随着年龄的增长,他的意志力也日益增强,当他善于控制自己的时候,他会自己支配自己的良心,不会让那种坏的伙伴和外界的生活条件等等来支配自己。捷尔任斯基
  • 39、性格的基础是意志力,而我的意志力则完全受你的意志力的支配,这听起来好像很奇怪,但却是千真万确的。王尔德
  • 40、凡成大事者都有超乎常人的意志力忍耐力,也就是说,碰到艰难险阻或陷入困境,常人难以坚持下去而放弃或逃避时,有作为的人往往能够挺住,挺过去就是胜者。
  • 41、没有不可能的事。每件事都有解决的办法,只要我们有足够的意志力,我们便有相当的办法。我们常说不可能,往往只是藉口而已。
  • 42、如果潜入我们生活的外星人比我们自己更加有爱情的自尊心和敏感,换言之,这个人比我们自己更加表现得像个人类,我们是否还有意志力将她视为敌人?斯坦尼斯拉夫·莱姆
  • 43、感谢上帝,每天早上起床后,不论喜不喜欢,总会有工作等着你去完成。被强迫工作而且努力去做,能训练你的修养和自制力,培养认真的态度和坚强的意志力,使你拥有愉快和满足的心境,以及懒人无法想像的很多德行。
  • 44、布莱利:当然,我们上次就骑了七十公里啊,那只是意志力的问题.
  • 45、难免会遇到挫折和失败,此时,特别需要创意者具有顽强的意志力,不怕困难,百折不回。
  • 46、我们迟早要学会一件事,那就是必须接受和适应那些不可避免的事情。对于我们无法预料或者我们的意志力所不及的事情,大可以一笑了之。卡耐基
  • 47、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是让大家更快地造出更优秀的句子.
  • 48、失败培养了你的忍耐力,困难磨出来你的意志力,对手会使你学会乘风破浪而毫无怯意,对手迫使你越来越勇敢地接受暴风雨的洗礼。当“让暴风雨来得更猛烈些吧”成为你的心声时,那时的你是勇敢的,因为你想磨练自己。
  • 49、人在意志力和斗争性方面的长处或短处,往往是导致他们成功或失败的重要原因之一。哈代
  • 50、有一种草,生长在荒芜之地,性坚韧,风沙与干涸不会轻易让它死亡,哪怕只有一线生机,它都会顽强地生存下来。这是怎样的一种意志力啊!


志力 zhìlì

志力 志力是出自 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·勤求》的意为心智才力的一个词语。