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  • 1、当教师把每一个学生都理解为他是一个具有个人特点的、具有自己的志向、自己的智慧和性格结构的人的时候,这样的理解才能有助于教师去热爱儿童和尊重儿童。
  • 2、能力、志向、才干的培养问题,没有教师的个性对学生个性的直接影响,是不可能实际解决的。能力只能由能力来培养,志向只能由志向来培养,才干也只能由才干来培养。
  • 3、Asa young entrepreneur, my ambition knows no bounds, and my strong determination drives me to succeed against all odds.
  • 4、Myunwavering ambition to become a renowned artist pushes me to create, experiment, and pour my heart and soul into every stroke of the brush.
  • 5、Myambition to become a successful author fuels my late-night writing sessions, where I pour my deepest thoughts and emotions onto the pages, hoping to touch the hearts of readers worldwide.
  • 6、Despite countless setbacks, my unwavering ambition to become a professional athlete keeps me motivated, pushing me to train harder, reach new heights, and prove that dreams can come true.
  • 7、Myambition to become a respected scientist stems from a deep curiosity and passion for uncovering the mysteries of the world, pushing me to question, experiment, and challenge existing knowledge.
  • 8、With a burning ambition to become a world-class chef, I spend countless hours perfecting my culinary skills, exploring new flavors, and creating gastronomic delights that tantalize the taste buds.
  • 9、Myambition to become a successful entrepreneur in the technology industry empowers me to constantly innovate, adapt to changing trends, and create groundbreaking solutions that shape the future.
  • 10、My ambition to become a renowned architect drives me to envision and design awe-inspiring structures that blend seamlessly with their surroundings, leaving a lasting impact on the world.
  • 11、Driven by a strong ambition to become a trailblazing entrepreneur in the fashion industry, I strive to create unique, sustainable fashion brands that redefine beauty standards and empower individuals to express themselves authentically.
  • 12、My ambition to become a successful educator propels me to create inclusive, engaging learning environments where every student feels valued, nurtured, and inspired to reach their fullest potential.
  • 13、With an unwavering ambition to become a world-class dancer, I dedicate my life to perfecting my technique, expressing emotions through movement, and leaving the stage breathless with every performance.
  • 14、Fueled by my ambition to become an influential CEO, I consistently strive for excellence, leading by example, fostering innovation, and cultivating a supportive and empowering corporate culture.
  • 15、My ambition to become a skilled surgeon drives me to continuously expand my knowledge, refine my surgical skills, and save lives, never losing sight of the immense responsibility that comes with the profession.
  • 16、With an unwavering ambition to become a renowned film director, I bring stories to life, captivating audiences with powerful narratives, evocative visuals, and thought-provoking themes that resonate deeply.
  • 17、想起了母亲,志向消沉就会化为意气风发;想起了母亲,虚度年华就会化为豪情万丈;想起了母亲,羁旅漂泊的游子就会萌发起回家的心愿;想起了母亲,彷徨无依的心灵就找到了栖息的家园。
  • 18、人无志向,等于迷途的盲人。
  • 19、愿林将军心在云天,不坠平生志向。殿前欢
  • 20、同学们感叹他的行为之奇、志向之奇,也感叹他写诗作文的“戛戛独造”之奇。
  • 21、一个男人的心胸,就是把一切都原谅了,只要不失去自己的志向
  • 22、心有多大舞台就有多大,志向大小决定了你成功的概率。王健林
  • 23、青少年不仅要有尽忠报国的志向,还要努力学习,具备尽忠报国的本领。
  • 24、幸福和谐的生活,让我们品尝甜蜜,懂得了珍惜,苦难艰辛的心境,使我们志向高远,实现了超越;尊重关爱,让我们学会快容;在和谐的社会中,我们学会了太多太多,让我们携起手来,使我们的和谐社会变得更加美好。
  • 25、确定志向,就意味着要有所作为,有所创造。苏霍姆林斯基
  • 26、确定个人志向,选好专业,这是幸福的源泉。苏霍姆林斯基
  • 27、只要拥有志向,在努力的为它奋斗,那不可能也会变成可能,只要坚持不懈,那你一定能够达到成功的彼岸。
  • 28、没有志向的人,就像失去了领航舵的航船。
  • 29、工作随着志向走,成功随着工作来。
  • 30、几十年贫病交迫的生活并没有改变他的革命志向
  • 31、下片“豆剖瓜分,都为吾故土”,讲山河破碎,丧权辱图之恨,并表达反清志向
  • 32、教师把每一个学生都理解为他是一个具有个人特点的、具有自己志向、自己智慧和性格结构的人的时候,这样的理解才能有助于教师去热爱儿童和尊重儿童。
  • 33、林将军,愿你心在云天,不坠平生志向。韩太傅,愿你甘得此报,痛享无边孤单。华总受,愿你心口如一,当真无爱无憾!殿前欢
  • 34、立志向、有梦想,快乐童年放飞希望。
  • 35、家居的快乐,是所有志向的最终目标;是所有事业的劳苦的终点。
  • 36、人生的志向往往神秘莫测,极少有人能够沿着直线靠近它们,也不会有人在找寻他们的过程中一帆风顺。
  • 37、没有树立远大的志向,就好像没有舵的船,没有嚼子的马,任意航行奔驰,终点到底在哪里呢?
  • 38、成功之本取决于人的心理素质、人生态度和才能资质。除了这些还要具有高远的志向和实现目标的专心致志的毅力。特别是专注于一的精神,更有利于助人成功。
  • 39、没有树立远大的志向,天下就没有可以做成的事情。
  • 40、宏伟的志向没有才不能实现,不学习就不能成大才。
  • 41、坚定的志向会使人一步步迈向成功,正如那句古话:"有志者事竟成"。
  • 42、真正的才智是刚毅的志向。拿破仑
  • 43、成功之本取决于人的心理素质人生态度和才能资质。当然,仅靠这个“本”还不够,必须兼具高远志向和实现目标的专心致志毅力。特别是专着于一的精神,更有利助人成功。
  • 44、格局,决定人生的走向。人的关注点,则决定了他的格局。琐碎小事计较太多,人会变得小器。一句话:有大志向的人,无小是非。
  • 45、虽然你有打断腿的志向,可是,我还是会心疼你。薛杉杉
  • 46、古时候,有刺股悬梁、穿壁引光、积雪囊萤、燃糠自照等勤奋好学的故事,主要是要教育青少年树立好学上进的志向
  • 47、有些员工具备取得高绩效的能力,但个人发展愿望与志向可能与所在职位或企业发展远景存在差异,所以该类员工总是这山望着那山高,只是把现有职位当作通往高薪的跳板。
  • 48、目标愈高,志向就愈可贵。塞万提斯
  • 49、唯有立定志向,不断努力,才不会玩岁愒时以致一事无成。
  • 50、崇高的目标造就崇高的品格,伟大的志向造就伟大的心灵。


志向 zhìxiàng

志向 志向,指人们在某一方面决心有所作为的努力方向。具有不同世界观和人生观的人有不同的志向。无产阶级的最终目的是实现共产主义,并以此作为最远大的志向。从个人来说,志向主要通过选择职业来体现,个人应选择社会需要的、最能发挥个人特长的职业作为志向,并为实现志向而努力奋斗。是远大理想、目标。