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恰好相反造句 首页

  • 1、男人在不懂的时候装懂,女人则恰好相反
  • 2、而其他人提倡冷敷,准确地说是因为它恰好相反,缓慢的血流和最轻微的炎症.
  • 3、The sun was shining brightly, lighting up the whole town, while the storm clouds loomed ominously in the distance.
  • 4、The child's laughter echoed through the empty room, but the silence of loneliness enveloped the elderly woman sitting alone in the corner.
  • 5、She put on a brave smile, reassuring everyone around her, yet inside, her heart felt heavy with sadness and despair.
  • 6、Despite her cheerful demeanor, her eyes betrayed the pain she carried within, revealing a hidden sorrow that few could comprehend.
  • 7、The bustling city streets hummed with energy and activity, while the forlorn outskirts depicted a desolate and abandoned landscape.
  • 8、The dazzling fireworks illuminated the night sky with bursts of color and joy, while the spectators below couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness deep within.
  • 9、The celebratory music filled the air, lifting everyone's spirits, but for him, it only served as a painful reminder of lost love and shattered dreams.
  • 10、The luxurious mansion stood tall and grand, representing wealth and success, yet the haunted expressions on the owners' faces revealed a cold emptiness within.
  • 11、The laughter from the crowded cafe mingled with the clinking of glasses, while the hollowness in his heart drowned out the joyful ambiance.
  • 12、The beautiful garden bloomed with vibrant flowers, their sweet fragrance permeating the air, yet she couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness amidst the beauty.
  • 13、The actor received a standing ovation for his performance, his talent evident in every movement, but deep down, he struggled with insecurities and self-doubt.
  • 14、The charismatic politician captivated the crowd with his powerful speeches, but behind closed doors, his true intentions were shrouded in corruption and deceit.
  • 15、The seemingly perfect couple smiled for the camera, their love portrayed as flawless, but in reality, their relationship was filled with lies and betrayal.
  • 16、The charming smile on his face could light up a room, yet his eyes told a different story, revealing a profound sadness concealed from the world.
  • 17、The captivating novel transported readers to a vibrant world of imagination, but hidden within the pages were subtle hints of the author's melancholic view of life.
  • 18、有些家伙就是喜欢和精*病交朋友,他们臆想,这会让自己变得强大,从而免于在这个残酷的世界中受到伤害,但事实恰好相反交一个坏朋友会引来一群更坏的,甚至可能使你同真朋友远离简直是劣币驱逐良币。
  • 19、恰好相反:当大型基金公司感到非常悲观的时候,实际情况往往是积极的.
  • 20、而义大利人、希腊人、瑞典人和芬兰人却恰好相反,他们对来年抱有很高期望,同时对于生活的满意度也很低。
  • 21、尽管他大言不惭,自吹自擂,事实恰好相反,他还太年轻,得不到女人的欢心。
  • 22、对于西欧人士而言则恰好相反.
  • 23、知之小工具尽量原创和收集高质量句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 24、叔叔以为给根棒棒糖给小孩,他会开心起来,然而,结果恰好相反
  • 25、然而在中国的垄断部门中的一些人看来则恰好相反.
  • 26、维图里奥的眼睛像镜子,它们将看到的东西反射回来,丝毫也看不到他们背后的东西。梅吉的眼睛恰好相反,它们可以直通深处,一直通到她的灵魂。考琳·麦卡洛
  • 27、公共场所的不清洁的行为,例如涂鸦,或许会对不良行为有推波助澜的作用。然而,当牵扯到个人清洁卫生的时候,结论却恰好相反
  • 28、是的,我忽然看得很清楚了:大多数人都有一个双重误信的幻觉,一方面以为记忆是恒久不褪的记忆中的人、物、行动、人民都不变;另一方面又以为补偏救弊是可能的补救行为、谬误、过失、罪恶。其实无论是前者还是后者都一样大谬不然。事实恰好相反:一切都终将被遗忘,同时又无论什么事物都不可能得到挽回。米兰·昆德拉
  • 29、看书是从头开始看,但经营企业却恰好相反,先从结局开始,为达成结局而努力。
  • 30、但那类研讨没有成是正在过往,而且目下现古仍旧没有竭天讲明,即便毫受昧觉的物量,其运动也根柢没有是随机奇我、毫出法则的,而恰好相反,它们正在依照着必定的自然法则。
  • 31、事实结果却恰好相反,这次工人党自己的老根据地都快守不住了。
  • 32、然而这里毫没有"今不如昔"的意思,恰好相反,事实证明"今胜于昔"。
  • 33、不讲诚信则恰好相反,表里不一,言行相悖。