- 1、他是一群土豪恶棍中唯一一个堂堂正正的英国人。
- 2、我是一个有名望的恶棍…
- 3、Inthe quiet town, the cunning and malicious villain plotted his next scheme, causing fear and anxiety to spread among the innocent residents.
- 4、Despite his charming facade, the villain's true colors emerged as he exploited the vulnerable, leaving a trail of broken hearts and shattered dreams in his wake.
- 5、With a twisted sense of joy, the wicked villain manipulated the minds of the weak, plunging them into a never-ending cycle of darkness and despair.
- 6、The deceitful villain hid behind a mask of innocence, using his charm to deceive and exploit those who believed in his false promises of a better life.
- 7、The menacing villain, driven by greed and power, stopped at nothing to achieve his wicked ambitions, leaving destruction and devastation in his path.
- 8、The cunning villain's malicious schemes were carefully planned and executed, leaving his victims defenseless against his sinister acts of cruelty.
- 9、The vile villain's dark presence loomed over the once peaceful town, casting a shadow of fear and terror upon its inhabitants.
- 10、As the villain's web of lies and deceit grew stronger, the good-hearted citizens fought back, refusing to let evil prevail over their hopes and dreams.
- 11、The clever villain always seemed to be one step ahead, his mind filled with diabolical plots and sinister strategies to achieve his malicious goals.
- 12、The villain's malevolent laughter echoed through the empty streets, a constant reminder of the evil that lurked in the shadows, waiting to strike again.
- 13、The villain's heartless actions caused pain and suffering among the innocent, but in their resilience they found strength to rise above the darkness and rebuild what was lost.
- 14、The villain's calculating mind was a force to be reckoned with, as he manipulated others to do his bidding, leaving destruction and chaos in his wake.
- 15、As the villain's control over the town grew stronger, hope flickered in the hearts of those who longed for a future free from his oppressive grasp.
- 16、The villain's insidious plots tore apart families and friends, but their bonds remained unbreakable in the face of adversity, proving that love and loyalty conquer all.
- 17、桌子旁坐着一个六十来岁的男人,马吕斯望见桌上有鹅翎笔、墨水和纸张,那男子是个瘦小个子,脸色蜡黄,眼睛阴狠,神态尖刁、凶恶而惶惑不安,是个坏透了顶的恶棍。
- 18、这个横行霸道的恶棍,终于受到法律的制裁。
- 19、需要时好人也会变成恶棍。丹尼尔·笛福
- 20、很难解释。比如,新的电影里的那些恶棍就没有旧电影的那么坏。
- 21、因为大自然不动感情:太阳照射,不分善恶,月亮与星星,对善人和恶棍一例生辉。歌德
- 22、人必自重而人重之,如果她们这一群不去选择这种笑脸送迎的生活,那就不会遇上这种该杀千刀的恶棍.
- 23、帕雷高声骂他是恶棍,他回答说,假如自己和那三人易地而处,希望也有人这样为他解脱痛苦。
- 24、妇女染有庸俗化习气的家庭里,最容易培养出骗子恶棍和不务正业的东西来。契诃夫
- 25、革命的*裁者之所以可怕,并非因为他们是恶棍,而是他们像失控的机器,像出轨的列车。鲍里斯·帕斯捷尔纳克
- 26、你是你自己死亡的因,世上没有受害者,也没有恶棍。
- 27、在争论中,正义和真理也不一定永远能得到公平的裁判,黑了良心的人要招揽一些同样黑了良心的恶棍作您的反面证人。莎士比亚
- 28、波神殿,而非让它沦为人间炼狱,成为一个又一个恶棍的巢穴;努波顿虽然同样信仰萨满之道,侍奉着大地元素,但他终究幸免于难,并未萎缩成畸形的破碎者。
- 29、他们哪里知道,此时,沈延芳看得眼睛都直了,那沈廷芳是好色之徒,色中恶棍,见了人家小姑娘,美妇女,就如苍蝇见血的一般,但是他有些姿色,必定要弄他到手方罢。
- 30、多年之后,才知道真爱是谁,这是每个傻瓜都能拥有的智慧。多年之后,才想要善待真爱,这是每个恶棍都能学会的道德。
- 31、难道你不知道围点打援这是德库拉那帮恶棍的拿手好戏吗?
- 32、莫宁注定将要成为篮球场上最硬的那个家伙,一个让所有对手咬牙切齿痛恨的恶棍!
- 33、勒鸽鸟网必须请警方根除,以免除恶棍徘徊.
- 34、林齐之所以结识他,就是因为葛朗姆曾经被军事学院的恶棍学生敲诈勒索,但是那两个倒霉的恶棍搜遍葛朗姆全身,也只找到了两个铜子儿。
- 35、无限朱门生恶棍,几多白屋出公卿。
- 36、我们从生活细节中揭露“乖乖仔”嬗变成“毒瘾恶棍”的堕落历程。
- 37、回衙借兵拿恶棍,与民除害保安宁。
- 38、所以不久之后,我们就有可能通过注射对付变体蛋白这些恶棍的疫苗,来降服早老性痴呆玻.
- 39、蒙羞抡刀捅恶棍2004年10月19日5时,徐下班回家,开门时发现家门反锁,叫门后好长时间妻子才将门打开。
- 40、他们之中总是有一些恶棍,”他说着,眼睛眯起来,摆了摆手指。
- 41、辰生是个审美者,即是画恶棍刁婆,幺麽小丑,亦笔墨精美,谑而不虐,丑中有雅。
- 42、“这个恶棍抓拿骗吃抢,日嫖夜赌偷,早就该死了。
- 43、法官宣布他是一个死不改悔的恶棍.
- 44、知之小工具原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
- 45、凭什么我们要和像你这样臭名昭彰的恶棍打交道?
- 46、你得罪了这个恶棍,恐怕以后是永无宁日了。
- 47、他表面看来和和气气的,其实是个粗野狂暴的恶棍.
- 48、他可是远近闻名的恶棍,谁都不愿和他交朋友。
- 49、马陶是一位深受欢迎的性格演员,他早期在影片中扮演恶棍,后来多扮演性格暴躁但是招人喜爱的懒汉,成为了好莱坞喜剧演员的当家人。
- 50、最后,恶棍收伏这位男人并拿走了他的钱包。