- 1、不要拒绝凉风的吹拂,丝丝的凉意为你拂去所有的烦忧;不要拒绝黄叶的飘落,悠悠的飞舞为你褪去所有的恼怒;不要拒绝大雁的南飞,行行的队伍为你带走所有的忙碌;不要拒绝关怀的短信,条条的音符为你带来所有的祝福。
- 2、阿幕爱她的孩子但是他们那种带着天真的脆弱以及愿意爱那些并不真正爱他们的人的倾向使她感到恼怒使她有时想要伤害他们——只是作为一种教育一种保护手段。这就仿佛他们的父亲从一扇窗子消失了但他们却让那扇窗子敞开着等待任何人从那儿进来然后欢迎他们。阿兰达蒂·洛伊
- 3、Upon discovering that someone had spilled coffee all over my new white blouse, I erupted into a fit of anger, feeling absolutely furious at the careless person responsible for ruining my favorite piece of clothing and staining my day.
- 4、The endless traffic jam during rush hour frustrated me to no end, causing my blood to boil as I watched the minutes tick away and my patience wear thin.
- 5、AsI heard my neighbor's dog bark incessantly through the night, I became increasingly irritated, wondering why they couldn't take responsibility for their pet's disruptive behavior and spare everyone else's sanity.
- 6、The constant interruptions during my presentation made me seethe with anger, as I struggled to maintain my composure and deliver my message amidst the disrespectful and intrusive comments.
- 7、Seeing my hard work and effort go unappreciated by my boss made me dejected and infuriated, questioning why I was wasting my talents and dedication in a place that showed no recognition or respect.
- 8、Despite repeatedly asking my roommate to clean up after themselves, they continued to leave a mess in our shared living space, leaving me angered and frustrated by their blatant disregard for our agreed-upon cleanliness standards.
- 9、The dishonesty and betrayal of a close friend left me not only hurt but also indignant, feeling a mixture of anger and disbelief that someone I once trusted could turn their back on me without any remorse.
- 10、The blatant disregard for basic manners and etiquette by the people around me made me seethe with anger, questioning how society had reached a point where common decency was no longer prioritized.
- 11、The constant criticism and belittlement from my family wore me down, leaving me enraged and suffocated by their lack of support and understanding.
- 12、Seeing the continued destruction of our environment by greedy corporations filled me with a sense of outrage, as I questioned why profit was prioritized over the wellbeing of our planet and future generations.
- 13、The ineptitude and incompetence of the government officials left me exasperated and furious, as their inability to effectively address pressing issues only furthered my distrust and frustration.
- 14、The constant delays and cancellations by the airlines left me infuriated, as I questioned how they could so carelessly disrupt people's plans and show no accountability for their actions.
- 15、The lack of accountability and responsibility from the company's management infuriated me, as they continuously placed the blame on others and refused to take ownership of their mistakes.
- 16、The persistent ignorance and refusal to be open-minded by those around me left me fuming and disheartened, as I questioned why people were so resistant to understanding and accepting different perspectives.
- 17、The constant noise pollution from my neighbor's loud music made me livid, as I struggled to find peace and quiet in my own home, feeling trapped by their thoughtlessness and lack of consideration.
- 18、伊诗眼中闪过恼怒的神情,最终没有表现出过度的愤慨和激烈,只是平淡地说了句,剥皮抽筋点天灯。
- 19、过一会,雨淅沥开始下起来,越下越大,雨珠如大豆一般无情的打在树上,眼看着树木被狂风刮折,道路被大雨冲垮,再窗内看着雨,心里在深思,又恼怒又开心。
- 20、巡抚听了越发恼怒,把金珠一掷,呵叱县令。
- 21、花琼大怒,一脸红润,气恼怒叱:“你想到哪里去了?我说我以后可以帮你卖几次命!”。
- 22、二傻发横,咬住一个特务的手不放,被恼怒的特务在头上猛敲了几下,血流满面,昏迷不醒。
- 23、想不到这么平常的事竟使他大为恼怒,怎么劝都不管用。
- 24、周平舆看了一下两边路人投过来异样的目光,不禁有些恼怒地冲山前去压低声音道:“你小声点好不好,既然看到了我们的情况,就应该知道我们有多难堪了!”。
- 25、病家十要:一择明医,二肯服药,三宜早治,四绝空房,五戒恼怒,六息妄想,七节饮食,八值起居,九莫信邪,十勿惜费。龚廷贤
- 26、孩子猛地跑进棚屋去了。他去找样东西。他听见那女人还在数落爸爸。爸爸这个慢性子人也渐渐恼怒起来。
- 27、恼怒,嫉妒,冤仇,寂寞,无论这其中任何一种感到,减肥方法,都已可能将一个人折磨得逝世去活来。
- 28、我从未见过,在任何真正出色广告诞生的过程中,没有一点疑惑、有堆满的字纸篓、有殚精竭虑、有对自己恼怒甚至咒诅。
- 29、身材娇小的杨翠比女服务员矮了大半个头,她感觉到了被歧视的目光,心里很不是滋味,更加恼怒黄锦图,害她丢工作不算,还带她来出洋相。
- 30、沐擎苍有些恼怒,沐夜从前虽然胆小,却从来没有不识大体过,自己交代他去做的事情也会乖乖完成,虽然弱小,却从不拖他后腿。
- 31、许元林见他礼仪到位、对答如流,无论从哪方面,都挑不出一丝毛病,心里着实有些恼怒。
- 32、阿芙洛狄特是位嫉妒心很强的女神,她对波西卡大为恼怒.
- 33、酒意尚未完全散去,他微微皱起眉头,似有一些恼怒。浅淡消薄的嘴唇轻轻上挑,眸子时而闪闪发亮仿佛装着整个天河,时而深邃如漆,眼,神迷醉勾人。
- 34、再华丽的语言也纠正不了我的过错,再灿烂的笑容也抚平不了你的恼怒,再诚挚的道歉也表达不了我的愧疚。我只希望,你能看在多年友情的份上,原谅我。
- 35、三凤失去了江城的踪影,顿时大为恼怒,青翼狂舞,大海之上顿时气浪滔天,排浪分开。
- 36、劳咯哒本人弟叫汤米,好奇而冒失,有时顽皮哒举止会让人恼怒不要已,是的一个典型哒调皮鬼。
- 37、红色绝对是让我“发泄愤怒”的颜色,当心情差到极点时,我就会理所当然地拽过一张白纸,抓起一支红笔,疯狂宣泄自己的心情。看着自己的女起一个个红彤彤地跃然纸上,心中的恼怒就不知不觉地烟消云散了……
- 38、这使得阿芙洛狄特对波西卡更为恼怒.
- 39、九环王看到灵源有些恼怒的哼了一声,却没有枉费唇舌的去过嘴瘾。
- 40、永远原谅你的敌人,使其恼怒,莫此为甚。
- 41、北辰心里有些恼怒,拜这些东西所赐,自己渴望的平凡生活已经化为泡影,眼下敌人居然还如此难缠。
- 42、以前我们总是仰望天空,恼怒地乜斜物质的淤泥浊水;现在我们却俯视大地,并在大地的印证下相信上天。
- 43、同时,从卫星电视的新闻里,传来洋介的尸体在本土被发现的消息,这顿时令原本对李博恼怒万分的狱警们感到有些不妙。
- 44、你了解了很多美国的事情,你以前曾经对拒签恼怒过吗?
- 45、爱妻心切的默多克对这篇报道极为恼怒,给该报打电话控诉不满。
- 46、如果你有过和打鼾者共睡一室的经历,你一定有这样的感受:看着那个发出巨响的家伙幸福地睡着是多么的让人恼怒。
- 47、在不幸中所表现出来的勇气,通常总是使卑怯的心灵恼怒,而使高尚的心灵喜悦的。卢梭
- 48、杜伏威是个急性子,恼怒至极时,取出身后硬弓,便要朝城门斥候射击,被辅公?一把拉住。
- 49、去对质,只会青竹搅粪缸,越搅越臭!不去对质,实在咽不下这口气,恼怒得拳头往桌子上一搡,吼道:千丈?绳总有一节的!旗杆台门,我等着你这一节。
- 50、杨睿似笑非笑的看过来,柳师道恼怒的摇了摇头:好了,我们动身吧,尽早。