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  • 1、很久以后我回味此情景,才知道这不过是一次"练习"而已.在甜蜜而脆弱的爱情里,我们都这样不断地在"练习"练习"失去,"练习"承受,"练习"思念,在重重复复高高低低的预热中,走向我们最终的早已既定的结局。
  • 2、看着天上的月亮,就仿佛看见了美丽的神话仙子嫦娥带着自己的玉兔在月亮上跳着自己喜欢的舞蹈。同时也展示出了它的多彩多艺,如果你那天看到了这如诗如画的情景,知之小工具整理一定会情不自禁地说:“大自然的神奇和多姿多彩的景色太与众不同了。”。
  • 3、The golden sunset over the tranquil beach created a picturesque scene, filling my heart with a sense of peace and serenity.
  • 4、Inthe hospital waiting room, the anxious expressions on the faces of the family members created an emotionally charged scene, filled with hope and fear.
  • 5、Asthe orchestra began to play, the delicate and haunting melodies created an enchanting scene, enveloping the audience in a sea of emotions.
  • 6、The crowded city streets during rush hour formed a chaotic scene, filled with honking horns and bustling pedestrians, evoking feelings of frustration and impatience.
  • 7、The candlelit dinner set against a backdrop of soft music and dim lights created a romantic scene, causing our hearts to flutter with love and anticipation.
  • 8、The squeals of joy and laughter from the children playing in the park created a vibrant scene, filled with innocence and happiness.
  • 9、The sight of a lone soldier standing tall and proud amidst the war-torn battlefield created a poignant scene, showcasing courage and determination.
  • 10、Asthe protagonist stood at the edge of a cliff, gazing at the vast expanse of the ocean, a scene of contemplation and introspection unfolded.
  • 11、The vibrant colors and intricate patterns of the traditional Chinese New Year decorations created a festive scene, igniting a sense of joy and celebration.
  • 12、The sound of raindrops tapping against the window pane created a cozy scene, evoking a feeling of comfort and nostalgia.
  • 13、The harsh rays of the scorching sun beating down on the empty desert created a desolate scene, invoking a sense of isolation and adversity.
  • 14、The joyful reunion of long-lost friends at the airport created an emotional scene, overflowing with tears of happiness and heartfelt embraces.
  • 15、The sound of crickets chirping and leaves rustling in the moonlit forest created a mysterious scene, enveloping the surroundings in an air of intrigue and enchantment.
  • 16、The quiet and serene countryside scene, with its rolling hills and blooming flowers, offered a peaceful retreat from the chaos of city life.
  • 17、The heart-wrenching scene of a homeless person huddled on a cold winter night evoked feelings of compassion and a desire to help those in need.
  • 18、The scene of a beloved pet being reunited with its owner after a long separation created an incredibly touching moment, brimming with love and happiness.
  • 19、The sight of a lone artist in their studio, surrounded by paints and brushes, created a scene of creativity and passion, captivating the observer with their artistic prowess.
  • 20、这篇散文生动形象地描述了大海涨潮时的情景
  • 21、我喜欢到游乐场,看见小朋友们玩耍的情景,好像置身于童话世界里。
  • 22、登泰山观日出,你能领略到东方地平线上云彩瞬息万变的情景
  • 23、回忆毕业时的情景,许多珍贵的瞬间仿佛历历在目。
  • 24、“山下旌旗在望,山头鼓角相闻,”这两句诗描写了战斗中的情景
  • 25、例如,我在极地的那些日子里,假如我跌入冰隙里或踏碎薄冰而落入海中,我知道该怎样做因为这样的情景已在我的梦中多次出现过。
  • 26、初中生的作文是以写人、写事为主的情景作文,提供情景的形式花样繁多,不一而足,常见的有提纲、图片、表格、关键词或引言等。
  • 27、风的指引让蒲公英一边旋转一边飞向那遥远美好的远方。我想去追逐它的脚步,于是我跟着它再次奔跑,却看见了一个异常美丽的情景,那棵小小的蒲公英像一个舞者那样,飞向那湛蓝的那么灼热的天空,好像一个人在坚持不懈地追逐自己的梦想那般执着。
  • 28、我和小虎从小一起长大,他家要搬到外地去,临行前,那依依惜别的情景,至今仍历历在目。
  • 29、对一个乐观的人来说,某种情景只不过是一种令人可笑的冲突,忧郁的人却把它当作悲剧,但在恬淡的人看来又毫无意义。
  • 30、安德鲁脑际闪过五天前的种种情景,说到:"那时我有点神魂颠倒,这你恐怕不能见怪。"。
  • 31、最使我感动的是解放军战士在洪水中救助灾民的情景
  • 32、我们教师可采用电教或实物等直观教学手段,努力创设情景,诱导学生入情入景,让学生见景生情,有话可说。
  • 33、每次回到故乡,我就浮想联翩,昔日和小伙伴们玩耍嬉戏的情景仿佛就发生在昨天。
  • 34、主题活动以中华孝道情景演出开场,“扇枕温衾”等“二十四孝”故事搬上了舞台。
  • 35、一闭眼一睁眼就毕业了,如今站在校园外,回想起往日情景,历历在目,无比怀念。怀念教给我知识的老师,如今教师节到了,我要对老师说声节日快乐,生活幸福!
  • 36、那场火灾后的情景惨极了,令人不寒而栗。
  • 37、一阵微风吹来,树上的茶花随风舞动,一朵朵茶花像一张张笑脸,正向我微笑点头,这情景可把我给吸引住了,让我想到了快乐的童年。
  • 38、想起了小时候会客说错话时俺妈在桌底下用脚蹭我,边吹胡子瞪眼的情景
  • 39、民不聊生的情景,拍摄得十分逼真。
  • 40、画《地狱变相》,表现了“金胄杂于桎梏”的情景:不管是王公贵族、帝王将相,阳世作恶的,阴间都得到了报应。
  • 41、回忆周*理为发展教育事业而呕心沥血的动人情景。将永远激励我们奋勇前进。
  • 42、感恩生命,感谢她给予我们一个聪明的大脑。思考疑难的问题,生命的意义;赞颂真善美,批判假恶丑。记住精彩的瞬间,激动的时刻,温馨的情景,甜蜜的镜头。生命赋予我们特有的灵性。
  • 43、雪,下了一夜,第二天早上,向窗外一看“哇”遍地都是那皑皑白雪,整个世界银装素裹。看着这些雪我不由得想起了小时在院子里和小伙伴们一起游戏的情景,那时是多么的天真啊!
  • 44、活着的时候要努力把自己前面的路看清楚,要尽快弄明白生命的原理和奥秘,搞清楚天国的方位和情景,然后尽快地办理好“护照”、“签证”、“机票”、“行李”,尽快了却人间的债务和事务,随时准备启程奔赴天国。
  • 45、凄怆的情景真是惨不忍睹。
  • 46、独自走在幽长幽长的小巷中会是一番什么样的情景
  • 47、这首诗描叙的情景仿佛跃然纸上。
  • 48、情景相融而成诗,此作家之常也。谢榛
  • 49、对当年那种艰难竭蹶的情景,他今天有一种恍如隔世之感。
  • 50、想起读书时长枕大被的情景,也别有情趣。


情景 qíngjǐng

1、感情与景色 2、情形,情况 
情景 情景,指感情与景色。见魏巍《东方》第六部第一章:“虽然事情过去了几年,那幅情景仍然历历在目。”