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惩罚造句 首页

  • 1、那些伤天害理的人,迟早要受到惩罚
  • 2、这肯定是那天杀了父亲的惩罚,是抛下雪穗的惩罚,从那双小手中夺去了她的未来的惩罚,剥夺了雪穗在黑暗中犹豫,犯错,而终于抓住的明天,已经无法再次让她失去了。
  • 3、Despite the pain it brought, the punishment she received was necessary to make her understand the consequences of her actions and encourage her to change her behavior.
  • 4、The harsh punishment inflicted on the corrupt official served as a powerful deterrent, sending a clear message that corruption will not be tolerated in our society.
  • 5、His heart sank as he watched his son endure the punishment, realizing that it was the only way to teach him the valuable lesson of responsibility and accountability.
  • 6、The school's strict disciplinary measures were not aimed at instilling fear, but rather at molding responsible individuals who understand the value of rules and respect for others.
  • 7、Despite the initial resistance, the punishment eventually made her see the error of her ways and inspired a genuine desire for self-improvement.
  • 8、The punishment for the thief who stole from the charity fund should be more than just monetary, as it is essential to make them understand the impact of their actions on the vulnerable communities they have harmed.
  • 9、The severe punishment handed down to the drug lord was a significant blow to the network, dismantling their operations and sending a strong message that the community will not tolerate such criminal activities.
  • 10、The punishment was intended not only to penalize, but also to rehabilitate, providing the offender with an opportunity for redemption and a chance to reintegrate into society.
  • 11、The punishment should be proportional to the offense committed, striking a balance between holding the wrongdoer accountable and offering them a chance to reform.
  • 12、The public outcry for stricter punishments for animal cruelty reflects our society's growing awareness and recognition of the importance of protecting the most vulnerable among us.
  • 13、The purpose of punishment is not to inflame vengeance, but rather to establish a safer and fairer society, where every member is held accountable for their actions.
  • 14、While forgiveness is important, it should not overshadow the need for appropriate punishment in cases where individuals have caused great harm to others through their actions.
  • 15、The punishment she faced for breaking the law was a solemn reminder that no one is above the law, regardless of their status or influence.
  • 16、The punishment may seem harsh, but it is necessary to maintain law and order and ensure the safety and well-being of the community as a whole.
  • 17、当惩罚为零时,正人君子在遇到感情破裂的时候也可以选择婚外情,而后者的效用和不结婚的效用一样大。
  • 18、法律的制订是为了惩罚人类的凶恶背谬,所以法律本身必须最为纯洁无垢。
  • 19、独霸一方的大地主终于受到了应有的惩罚
  • 20、我不知道这些年来,自己所承认的一切是命运对我的恩宠还是惩罚,如果是前者,那我就应该从容地面对痛苦。
  • 21、用不着惩罚他,就让他自食其果呆几天,他的良心就会遣责他的。
  • 22、那些给你伤害的人,惩罚他们的方法,就是让自己活得漂亮、活得精彩,然后脱胎换骨在他面前出现。
  • 23、你不要到处惹事生非,否则会受到惩罚
  • 24、幸福不是奖赏,而是结果;苦难不是惩罚,而是报应。英格索尔
  • 25、教育是社会进步及社会改革的基本方法。改革仅仅依赖法规的制定,或是惩罚的威胁,或仅仅依赖改变机械的或外在的安排,都是暂时性的、无效的。教育是达到分享社会意识的过程中的一种调节作用,而以这种社会赏识为基础的个人活动的适应是社会改造的唯一可靠的方法。
  • 26、作恶多端的人最终会受到法律的惩罚
  • 27、否则惩罚小木偶的不再是子虚乌有的仙女,而是世界各地千千万万热爱大自然的潜在顾客。
  • 28、惩罚这个汉奸头子,可以起到杀一儆百的作用。
  • 29、梦想家是那种只能依靠月光才能找到路的人。他受到的惩罚是比整个世界都提早看到黎明。
  • 30、辛弃疾有句话,“事无两样,心有别。”外在的失去后获得都不构成*最本质的惩罚或者奖赏,人面i对的最大困难啊始终是自己。有时候是一根羽毛落下来就不行了,有时候泰山压下来都没问题。
  • 31、惩罚恶人是上帝的事,我们应该学会饶恕。艾米莉·勃朗特
  • 32、若过度胡作非为,再重要的人都得受到惩罚。世间虽没有神也没有佛,但仇恨一旦积累,还是会化为妖孽;眼泪一旦凝结,则会化为鬼怪。
  • 33、做人切记三不要:一不要拿自己的错误来惩罚自己;二不要拿别人的错误来惩罚自己;三不要拿自己的错误来惩罚别人!
  • 34、总之,李某捏造事实诽谤他人是违法的,应受一定惩罚;类似这样开玩笑取乐的人,应引以为戒。
  • 35、这是另一种惩罚自己的方式吧,回头去找那个你以为在那儿的人,可是却看不到。
  • 36、每一个人都拥有生命,但并非每个人都懂得生命,乃至于珍惜生命。不了解生命的人,生命对他来说,是一种惩罚
  • 37、他利令智昏,竟然贩卖*品,终于受到了应有的惩罚
  • 38、不要以别人的错误惩罚自己,不要以自己的错误惩罚别人。
  • 39、他这样对待救命恩人,如此忘恩负义,迟早会受到上天的惩罚
  • 40、生气就是拿别人的过错来惩罚自己。证严法师
  • 41、凡是不能做出合理解释,都必须接受惩罚
  • 42、违反交通规则的人应受到惩罚
  • 43、实际上犯罪人逃避刑事追究后惶惶不可终日的生活对其无疑也是一种惩罚,这种惩罚包括道义与身心两个方面。
  • 44、“上帝素来是抛弃自甘坠落的人的。”“不过上帝想保留住那种对恶人的惩罚!他想让人类的复仇行动赶在天上的审判前头!”。大仲马
  • 45、惩罚是对正义的伸张。
  • 46、编造谎言往往会受到惩罚
  • 47、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
  • 48、不要拿小人的错误来惩罚自己,不要在这些微不足道的事情上折磨浪费自己的宝贵时间。
  • 49、梦想家只能在月光下找到自己的路,他的惩罚是第一个看见黎明。王尔德
  • 50、细节轻视它必受惩罚,过分重视又干不了大事!


惩罚 chéngfá

1、惩戒;责罚;处罚 2、施加鞭鞑或体罚使之服贴、受辱或以苦行赎罪 
惩罚 (汉语词语) 惩罚,具有动词和名词词义,表示惩戒、责罚;处罚。或者施加鞭鞑或体罚使之服贴、受辱或以苦行赎罪。出处《魏书·西域传·于阗》:“其刑法,杀人者死,馀罪各随轻重惩罚。”同时有许多文学作品、影视作品、流行歌曲用此命名,如电视剧《惩罚》,羽泉、张信哲的歌曲《惩罚》等。
