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意想不到造句 首页

  • 1、据报道该方案产生了一个意想不到的轰动效应.
  • 2、如果你的心灵很敞亮,很仁厚,你有一种坦率和勇敢,那么你有可能收获到许多意想不到的东西。
  • 3、It's incredible how a small decision can have such a profound impact on our lives, like when I randomly chose a different route to work one day and ended up meeting the love of my life.
  • 4、Asa child, I always dreamt of traveling the world, but it was beyond my wildest imagination that I would one day find myself exploring the mesmerizing landscapes of Antarctica.
  • 5、The magic of life lies in its unpredictability, like when I stumbled upon a hidden treasure while cleaning out my attic, bringing both astonishment and joy to my mundane daily routine.
  • 6、The power of human resilience is truly remarkable; I never could have foreseen that after undergoing numerous setbacks, I would emerge stronger and more determined than ever.
  • 7、Fate has a way of surprising us in the most unexpected ways, like when I accidentally discovered my hidden talent for painting after taking up a brush for the first time.
  • 8、Life's little miracles can often happen when we least expect them, as I witnessed the birth of a baby bird right outside my window, reminding me of the beauty and fragility of life.
  • 9、The path to success is rarely a straight line; it's the unexpected detours and challenges that push us to evolve and achieve things we never thought possible.
  • 10、Weoften underestimate the power of a single moment, like when a spontaneous decision to take a dance class opened up a whole new world of creativity and self-expression for me.
  • 11、Sometimes the most valuable lessons in life come from the unlikeliest sources, like when a chance encounter with a stray dog taught me the true meaning of loyalty and unconditional love.
  • 12、Life is full of surprises, like when the person you least expect turns out to be your greatest source of support and comfort during difficult times.
  • 13、The exhilaration of stepping out of my comfort zone and into the unknown was something I never could have anticipated, but it taught me that growth and self-discovery lie just beyond our fears.
  • 14、The beauty of life lies in its ability to constantly surprise us with unexpected twists and turns, reminding us to embrace the unknown and seize every opportunity that comes our way.
  • 15、Inever could have predicted that an unplanned trip to a remote village would introduce me to a community that taught me invaluable life lessons about gratitude, humility, and resilience.
  • 16、The unpredictability of nature never fails to amaze me; witnessing a breathtaking sunset over the ocean reminded me that the most mesmerizing moments in life often happen when we least expect them.
  • 17、The universe works in mysterious ways, like when a chance encounter with a stranger led me to a life-changing job opportunity I had never even considered.
  • 18、The joy of receiving unexpected good news is unparalleled; it's a reminder that life has a way of surprising us with moments of triumph and happiness even in the darkest of times.
  • 19、本文故事情节曲折离奇,真相迷离扑朔,是本有点类似侦探小说的文章,望大家耐心阅读,喜欢武侠小说的朋友,文中绝对有你意想不到的情节及惊喜。
  • 20、不管发生什么,你都不要放弃,肯定会有意想不到的风景。也许不是你本来想走的路,可是另一条路有另一条路的风景,不要念念不忘原来的路,在这里你会遇到难忘的更好的风景。
  • 21、三藏法师心一沉,将那一页撕下,这些不能入俗子眼中,毕竟太惊世震俗,倘若传开一定会发生许多意想不到的事。
  • 22、有时候,正是那些意想不到之人,成就了无人能成之事。图灵
  • 23、弘京泽在画作中置入了大量象徵性的物体,赋予作品意想不到的哲学深度。
  • 24、得到时间,就是得到一切。充分利用你的每一点时间,就能获得意想不到的收获!珍惜时间!
  • 25、失败是不可避免的,但只要贯彻始终,总能收到意想不到的成效。
  • 26、男人在女人意想不到的情况下拔个电话温柔地说。2、“给我一点时间,我会尽快和她分手。
  • 27、大司马连声答应,竟是要安排车马随行,护送棺椁和汲勉与乾冲同返,他是一派好心,却忘了这些经年降妖除怪的伏魔道之士有着他意想不到的神通。
  • 28、这本身就是一座美丽的城市,这里瑰丽的人为和自然景观形成了众多令人激动的鲜明对比,构成了一幅幅令人意想不到的精彩画面。
  • 29、人心也是科学,而且意想不到的深奥。东野圭吾
  • 30、有明断力才能出现意想不到的结果:在可靠专业技能与价格之间寻求平衡,选择能为你特殊需要提供最有效服务的公司。
  • 31、和摇摆圣诞树与小雪人一起摆放,有你意想不到的效果。
  • 32、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
  • 33、本书的开端虽然凄凉,却好比一座险峻的高山,挡着一片美丽的平原,翻过前面的高山,就来到那赏心悦目的境界;攀援的艰苦将换来了加倍的欢乐。乐极固然生悲,悲苦到了尽头,也会涌起了意想不到的快乐。薄伽丘
  • 34、浓妆淡抹总相宜,可以创造出意想不到的效果!
  • 35、人生的道路上总是充满意想不到的惊喜和阻碍,你可以丢弃很多累赘、流言、虚荣、那些不爱你的以及你不爱的人与回忆,但是无论何时,你不可以丢掉你的勇气。
  • 36、一个人若能自信地向他梦想的方向行进,努力经营他所想望的生活,他是可以获得通常还意想不到的成功的。梭罗
  • 37、我觉得从叙述学角度来观照陈染的小说就有意想不到的审美意味。
  • 38、从法源寺回来之后,陈夕去了雪丽丝家,竟然碰到了一个意想不到之人。
  • 39、适当的夸张可以收到意想不到的效果。
  • 40、但随着其反资本主义新作上周在美国影院上映,摩尔针对经常吵嚷着攻击他的保守派亮出了令人意想不到的杀手锏:基督教。
  • 41、但是如果你让它自由飞舞,它却会在你最意想不到的时候翩然而至。
  • 42、如果否定性发生,它将意想不到地大概来。
  • 43、但苏打税还会很有争议,而且要面临很多质疑。而且,和烟草业一样,在国家和地方级别**内要进行许多意想不到的改革。
  • 44、劳动可以锻炼人们的劳动能力,可以锻炼人的意志,只要你付出了劳动与汗水,就会有意想不到的收获。
  • 45、假如你的心灵很敞亮,很仁厚,你有一种坦率和勇敢,那么你有可能收获到良多意想不到的货色。
  • 46、美国邮坛常常会爆出许多意想不到的新闻。
  • 47、多年以前,研究太阳的物理学家就已了解超米粒及其产生的磁网,但直到现在,他们才通过RHESSI揭示二者与太阳扁率之间令人意想不到的联系。
  • 48、臣服的好处就是,当你接纳了当下,不徒然浪费力气去抗争的时候,事情往往会有意想不到的转机出现,你才发现原来的挣扎真的是白费力气。
  • 49、按照预定计划,天刚麻麻黑,敌人正在吃晚饭,忠义团突然从敌人意想不到的南城墙里冲了出来。
  • 50、但是,当甲虫背脊骨包容的遗传特性显示出一些意想不到的结果时,这些研究人员决定仔细查明蚯蚓的DNA。


意想不到 yì xiǎng bù dào


