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慕名而来造句 首页

  • 1、10月24日,德国MIJI米技厨房生活馆在西安家春秋国际美居中心盛大开业,众多慕名而来的米技粉丝亲身体验了德国MIJI米技带来的全新厨房体验。
  • 2、沙湖湿地公园,人们慕名而来,休闲垂钓,探幽访胜,亲近自然。
  • 3、Hearing about the renowned chef's culinary skills, I couldn't resist but come to this highly acclaimed restaurant in hopes of experiencing the explosion of flavors that everyone has been raving about.
  • 4、The captivating stories of this ancient temple have reached my ears, so I embarked on a journey to explore its sacred grounds and witness the breathtaking beauty that has enchanted travelers for centuries.
  • 5、Drawn by the mesmerizing melodies that I've heard so much about, I eagerly made my way to the concert hall to immerse myself in the enchanting music that has captivated audiences worldwide.
  • 6、Intrigued by the rumors of this hidden gem of an bookstore, I couldn't resist the opportunity to lose myself in the vast shelves and pages, knowing that the knowledge and stories within would leave an indelible mark on my soul.
  • 7、The allure of this scenic destination has prompted me to venture into the unknown, fueled by the enticing pictures and captivating descriptions that have garnered immense praise from fellow travelers.
  • 8、The reputation of this esteemed university precedes itself, beckoning me to pursue my dreams within its hallowed halls, for I believe that the knowledge and opportunities it offers will shape my future in unimaginable ways.
  • 9、Driven by the admiration I hold for this eminent author's literary genius, I made a pilgrimage to their book signing event, yearning to meet the wordsmith behind the stories that have touched my heart and ignited my imagination.
  • 10、Intrigued by the tales of resilience and triumph, I embarked on a journey to this village, where the indomitable spirit of its inhabitants is said to shine despite the adversities they have faced, leaving an indelible mark on all those who bear witness.
  • 11、Immersed in the account of this inspirational leader's transformative impact, I couldn't resist the opportunity to attend the conference they were speaking at, in hopes of gaining invaluable insights and motivation to bring about positive change in my own community.
  • 12、The whispers of this secluded retreat's serenity and tranquility have reached my ears, prompting me to seek solace amidst the embracing embrace of nature, where peace and harmony reign supreme.
  • 13、Impelled by an insatiable hunger for knowledge and growth, I have crossed miles to attend this renowned institute's educational program, knowing that the expertise and guidance offered within its walls will shape my future in immeasurable ways.
  • 14、Mesmerized by the breathtaking landscapes that have been captured through the lens of talented photographers, I couldn't resist the opportunity to witness the raw beauty firsthand, driving me to embark on an adventurous expedition to this remote location.
  • 15、The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the whispers of insightful conversations have lured me into this renowned cafe, where I hope to find inspiration and solace amidst the pages of treasured books and the souls of fellow intellectuals.
  • 16、The echoes of laughter and the warmth of genuine connections have brought me to this bustling night market, where I am eager to indulge in the rich tapestry of flavors and cultures that congregate in this vibrant hub of culinary delights.
  • 17、Fascinated by the tales of this legendary street artist's transformative graffiti, I embarked on a journey to witness their vibrant creations firsthand, in hopes of being moved by the powerful social messages embedded within every stroke.
  • 18、Enthralled by the spellbinding storytelling abilities of this acclaimed playwright, I couldn't resist attending the opening night of their latest work, knowing that the narratives woven on stage would leave an indelible impact on my perception of the human experience.
  • 19、The tantalizing aroma of this world-famous bakery's freshly baked pastries has lured me to its doorstep, where I can savor each delectable bite with the reassurance that the expertise and craftsmanship behind each creation lives up to its glowing reputation.
  • 20、芝罘区不断擦亮政策优势,为企业“供养造血”,许多动漫企业慕名而来
  • 21、陈智慧说,许多病人是慕名而来,但多为久治不愈的“烫手山芋”,就诊时摆脱不了前面就诊留下的阴影,怀疑心重。
  • 22、而闻名全国,吸引了不少邻乡近邻慕名而来的莘莘学子。
  • 23、他的戏剧作品相比,叶芝的诗歌吸引慕名而来的通知。
  • 24、作为智圣诸葛亮的故居与名胜古迹,自然有无数人慕名而来
  • 25、九十一岁高龄的祝丕业老先生听家人说有六十个名叫“国庆”的照片一起展出,慕名而来
  • 26、作为中科院院士,侯凡凡有大量的科研、教学工作和社会活动,但她始终坚守在临床一线,对全国各地慕名而来的病人从来不分亲疏贵贱,一视同仁地认真诊治。
  • 27、我千山万水慕名而来,只为这一场随遇而安的爱。长着翅膀的大灰狼
  • 28、也是四乡八镇的人从大老远的地方慕名而来的原因。
  • 29、走进山中,古木参天,云段桥飞,万壑争流,更有那仙鹤舞姿,灵猴嬉戏,无不引人入胜,当之无愧圣山仙境,每年慕名而来的游山玩水的游客数不胜数。
  • 30、上周五,中国香港甜品大王许留山的成都首家店在来福士广场迎客,不少吃货慕名而来,让许留山开业首日就客流爆棚。
  • 31、可令镇上的居民惊讶不已的事随即发生了,这家店在开了短短的一个月后,先不说生意好坏,竟还有人不远千里从外地慕名而来
  • 32、贞丰县双**景区以其独特景色及民族特色,吸引不少国内外游客慕名而来
  • 33、钱不缺来回走了好几遍,想找到这个法阵的阵心,但是却失败了,怪坡从发现到现在二十多年来有很多修行者慕名而来,但是都最终无果。
  • 34、当寒风迎面而来,枝头牵挂犹在;当雪花染白大地,坦荡荡的是情怀;当阳光笼罩四野,你的生活如此多彩;当我的问候慕名而来,乐见你的笑容淡淡盛开!
  • 35、少年武功高强,美名远扬,被慕名而来的县令大人征辟为巡防营大将,从九品陪戎副尉。
  • 36、海外客商主动慕名而来,络绎不绝的洽谈订货.
  • 37、该店眼镜,验光准、磨制精,众多顾客慕名而来.
  • 38、老厨家锅包肉是东北一绝,成菜色泽金黄,外酥里嫩,酸甜可口,加上吃多不油腻,每天慕名而来的人都挤破了门。
  • 39、因为老黄“问不倒”的口碑,其他街道甚至其他区的居民也在周二晚上慕名而来
  • 40、曾有公司慕名而来,请杨玉栋批量制作37个盔头脸谱,所谓“批量制作”,对杨玉栋来说,也只能是一个一个按部就班地画下来、刻下来、“点”下来。
  • 41、春回大地,延庆县东小河屯村的“八八席”,吸引了不少慕名而来的城里人。
  • 42、商业的繁荣将会吸引合格的工人从全州的所有地方慕名而来,这些工人将会利用全新的高速公路乘车来我市工作。
  • 43、本来他们是慕名而来的,据说鹿岗城虽小,但每日人来客往,车水马龙,相当繁华。
  • 44、去芦苇荡需要雇船,由于那里风景好,鸟多,一些游客慕名而来,为此,金墩村民马明宽买了快艇,专门迎送游客。
  • 45、惹得不少慕名而来的外行人都满腹狐疑。
  • 46、这桩“羊生狗”的奇事在陕西省传得街知巷闻,成千上万的好奇者慕名而来
  • 47、要知道春风笑点心铺远近驰名,每天都有各地慕名而来买点心品尝的人,所以要买他们的点心,非得排上好久的队。
  • 48、肥猪厨神精通厨艺,在草地上举行烧烤大会,招待慕名而来的动物客人们。
  • 49、慕名而来的摄影爱好者,将镜头对准了第七号楼旁的红色电话亭。
  • 50、就连许多外商也都慕名而来,吃后赞不绝口.


慕名而来 mù míng ér lái

