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  • 1、失败的团队没有成功者,成功的团队成就每一个人!凝聚团队,聚焦目标,为梦想创造无限可能!
  • 2、目标决定高度,远大的目标成就非凡的人生。
  • 3、Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, her unwavering determination and hard work led to the achievement of her lifelong dream of becoming a renowned neurosurgeon, saving countless lives in the process.
  • 4、From a small town with limited resources, he defied all odds and became a groundbreaking scientist, his groundbreaking discovery inspiring future generations and revolutionizing the field of medicine.
  • 5、With every stroke of the brush, she poured her heart and soul into her artwork, ultimately gaining international recognition and a gallery showcase for her artistic achievements.
  • 6、Despite growing up in poverty, she refused to let her circumstances define her, and as a result, she built a successful business empire, becoming a role model for aspiring entrepreneurs worldwide.
  • 7、Heovercame a lifelong struggle with addiction, transforming his life and becoming a mentor and advocate for others facing similar challenges, his journey serving as a testament to the power of resilience and self-belief.
  • 8、Through her groundbreaking research and innovative solutions, she revolutionized renewable energy technology, becoming a pioneer in sustainability and contributing significantly towards a greener future.
  • 9、Against all odds, she conquered Mount Everest, proving that with determination and the right mindset, any mountain, literal or metaphorical, can be climbed and conquered.
  • 10、Asa dedicated teacher, he inspired his students to believe in their abilities, nurturing and guiding them towards academic success, his impact extending far beyond the classroom.
  • 11、Through her tireless humanitarian efforts, she established schools and clinics in underprivileged communities, transforming countless lives and leaving a lasting legacy of compassion and empathy.
  • 12、Despite growing up in a war-torn country, he persevered and became an Olympic champion, demonstrating the power of resilience, discipline, and the human spirit.
  • 13、By challenging societal norms and advocating for gender equality, she became a trailblazer and role model for millions, her achievements inspiring a movement for change.
  • 14、Through his innovative inventions and groundbreaking discoveries, he revolutionized the world of technology, forever changing the way we live, work, and communicate.
  • 15、With unwavering commitment and dedication, he transformed his family-owned business into a global conglomerate, creating job opportunities and economic growth for numerous communities.
  • 16、Despite limited resources and support, he pursued his passion for music and became a world-renowned composer, his compositions touching the hearts of millions and transcending cultural boundaries.
  • 17、Through her groundbreaking research and advocacy, she raised awareness about climate change and its impact on our planet, inspiring global action and driving policy changes.
  • 18、成长是行走,一边得到一边失去;成长是负重,一边痛苦一边成就;成长是耕种,一边疲劳一边收获。
  • 19、时间是世界上一切成就的土壤。时间给空想者痛苦,给创造者幸福。
  • 20、只有经过长时间完成其发展的艰苦工作,并长期埋头沉浸于其中的任务,方可望有所成就。黑格尔
  • 21、影响我们人生的绝不仅仅是环境,其实是心态在控制个人的行动和思想。同时,心态也决定了一个人的视野、事业和成就,甚至一生。
  • 22、拼一分高一分,一分成就终生。
  • 23、创新之于青春,就像那无边无际的夜里,点亮一盏刺破黑暗的明灯。那千万盏明灯的光芒聚在一起,就能成就一个光明的世界。创新之于青春,就像那广袤的大地上奔腾的河流,千万条河流汇聚在一起,就会形成浩瀚的海洋。
  • 24、一切成就都缘于一个梦想和毫无根据的自信。
  • 25、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句大全,上万词语的造句供您参考!
  • 26、是谁成就谁没有什么意义。我们两个人都是创业者,所以我们做好自己能够做的事情是最重要的。我能够把雅虎做得好,那就是我的成功;他能够把软银做得好,那就是他的成功。
  • 27、没有自信,刘邦也不可能成就大业,建立汉朝。没有自信,刘邦可能只是一位小小的亭长,而不会是后来的汉高祖。
  • 28、现实中大凡取得显赫成就的人,对梦想的追逐更是坚持不懈,永不言弃。尽管在追梦的路上他们历尽千辛万苦,却依然无怨无悔,甘愿为梦想鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。他们的生命也因此升华到让人仰望的高度。
  • 29、人生最大的收获是满足:每个人都希望自己有所得,有所成就,有所收获。什么是最大的收获呢?要能满足,你不满足,就是睡在天堂也如地狱;假如你满足,地狱也如天堂,所以满足是最大的收获。
  • 30、天分高的人如果懒惰成性,亦即不自努力以发展他的才能,则其成就也不会很大,有时反会不如天分比他低些的人。茅盾
  • 31、在这个世界上取得成就的人,都努力去寻找他们想要的机会,如果找不到机会,他们便自己创造机会。
  • 32、我的母亲是我见过的最漂亮的女人。我所有的一切都归功于我的母亲。我一生中所有的成就都归功于我从她那儿得到的德、智、体的教育。
  • 33、一个有使命感的企业家,应该努力坚持走一条正途,这样我相信大家一定可以得到不同程度的成就
  • 34、面对残风暴雨,冰冷大雪,腊梅选择坚持,终赌枝怒放;面对苍茫天穹,无垠大海海鸥选择坚持,终成海上靓丽的风景。因为坚持,它们才能成就最精彩的一幕。
  • 35、一个不注意小事情的人,永远不会成就大事业。卡耐基
  • 36、大成就只是不断累积的小成就
  • 37、小三成就寂寞的虚空,结婚成就爱情的墓冢。
  • 38、世界上有大成就的人,对人类有特殊贡献的人,几乎都是爱读书的人。读书,使人思维活跃,聪颖智慧;读书,使人胸襟开阔,豁达晓畅;读书,使人目光远大,志存高远;读书,使入思想插上翅膀,感情绽开花蕾。
  • 39、你能把忍功夫做到多大,你将来的事业就能成就多大。
  • 40、跑得越快,遇到风的阻力越大。阻力与成就相伴随。
  • 41、学习是快乐的来源,即使你不在意自己将来有没有成就,单以目前的生活来说,学习也一定使你觉得满足。
  • 42、事业无须惊天地,有成就行;金钱无须取不尽,够花就行;朋友无须形不离,想着就行;儿女无须多与少,孝顺就行;寿命无须过百岁,健康就行!
  • 43、我始终认为,任何天生的或后生的天才,若不与坚忍不拔、谦虚踏实和埋头若干的品质相结合,就不可能有所成就
  • 44、风雨夏秋冬,十年磨一剑。用我们自己的智慧成就梦想。
  • 45、发莫引人发笑。倘若你想在一生中有所成就,你就必须庄重些,要像个正人君子。所有巍峨的纪念碑都是建筑在庄重这个基础之上的。托马斯·科温
  • 46、没有侥幸这回事,最微不足道的成就也是来自你的努力。
  • 47、是誰的不解风情,成就了我的一地苍凉.
  • 48、世人并不会在乎你的自尊。他们指望你取得一定的成就,然后才会让你好受。
  • 49、成功的意义不在于你取得多大的成就,也不在于你有多么的伟大。因为,成功总会与努力过的人握手,只要享受了努力的过程,我们就不是失败者。
  • 50、人生的奋斗可以分五个阶段:1、为了生存下来,立足社会。2、改善生活,提高品质。3、有点成就,需要炫耀,让更多人知道自己的成功。4、阅历多了,开始追求感觉的东西。5、归朴还真,上升到精神的境界。


成就 chéngjiù

业绩,事业上优良的成效1、完成;成功 2、造就;成全 
成就 (汉语词语) 成就(chéng jiù) ①成绩;业绩:成就非凡|取得成就。 ②完成:仓卒之间,确难成就|非一朝一夕所能成就。 ③成全:成就别人|条件所限,实难成就。