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成本计划造句 首页

  • 1、第四频道应当继续我们开始于两年前的节约成本计划
  • 2、匹兹堡地区大医院UPMC本周说,作为其继续削减成本计划的一部分,将裁员500人。这次裁员基本都是在非临床人员中间进行,涉及医院网络的所有分支。
  • 3、The cost plan for our new product launch includes detailed projections for manufacturing expenses, marketing budgets, and distribution costs, ensuring a comprehensive approach to managing our resources.
  • 4、With a carefully crafted cost plan, we can identify potential areas of savings, allocate resources efficiently, and ultimately improve our bottom line.
  • 5、Inorder to stay competitive in the market, the development of a cost plan is crucial as it allows us to identify and control all the expenses associated with our projects.
  • 6、The success of our business heavily depends on accurate cost forecasting and a solid cost plan that accounts for variables such as inflation, market trends, and fluctuating exchange rates.
  • 7、Implementing a cost plan not only helps us meet our financial goals but also provides us with the ability to optimize our operations and deliver better value to our customers.
  • 8、Asa responsible company, we are committed to developing a sustainable cost plan that takes into account environmental impact, social responsibility, and ethical considerations.
  • 9、Our cost plan serves as a guideline for managing project expenses and ensures that we allocate adequate resources to each phase, from research and development to production and distribution.
  • 10、With a well-defined cost plan, we can proactively identify potential cost overruns, adjust our strategies accordingly, and maintain profitability in the long run.
  • 11、Acomprehensive cost plan is essential for businesses to remain agile and adaptable in a dynamic market environment, enabling us to respond effectively to unforeseen challenges.
  • 12、Our cost plan takes into account the needs and expectations of our stakeholders, ensuring a balanced and ethical approach towards cost management.
  • 13、By establishing a cost plan, we create a culture of cost consciousness within our organization, encouraging employees to identify cost-saving opportunities and contribute to our financial success.
  • 14、The development of a cost plan involves collaborating with various departments and stakeholders, fostering a sense of teamwork and shared accountability for financial outcomes.
  • 15、With a well-executed cost plan, we can confidently approach investors and lenders, showcasing our financial prudence and strategic approach to resource management.
  • 16、Our cost plan allows us to identify areas of inefficiency, eliminate wasteful spending, and optimize our processes to achieve higher levels of productivity and profitability.
  • 17、By maintaining a consistent and disciplined approach to cost planning, we can adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing business landscape, ensuring our long-term success.
  • 18、研究了施工项目成本计划的制定过程,包括成本计划的内容和表达方式等。
  • 19、同时,初步成本计划完全可以不考虑生产、供应和其他相关因素。
  • 20、考虑附加的成本:您可能需要考虑开发或购买转换的成本,但是谨慎的成本计划可以确保长期内的成本降低。
  • 21、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句应有尽有,几千词语的造句供您参考!
  • 22、第四章分析了战略成本计划与控制。
  • 23、尽管他的理念令很多学生神往,但也有一些人仍然质疑他的时间或者耗费人力的低成本计划是否对于所有人来说都具备可行性。
  • 24、根据施工项目的成本计划,运用成本计划评审法和时间成本优化法对项目成本进行控制。
  • 25、微软则表示,这项政策改变是削减成本计划的一部分。
  • 26、成本计划与控制是现代企业管理的重要内容。
  • 27、而成本计划,作为成本管理的重要组成部分,其重要性也就日益突显出来。
  • 28、戴姆勒公司同时表示将继续实行削减成本计划.
  • 29、事前成本控制主要包括成本预测、成本决策和成本计划三项内容。
  • 30、一旦降低成本计划失去了活力,它最终就会消声匿迹。
  • 31、对于这个计划,其主要的成本控制途径和长期税收来源是基于高成本计划的税收。