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  • 1、坐手之小孩忽托言欲溺,入厕中,又呼曳车者入,遽欲**之,剔搦良久,二人咸狼藉满身。知之小工具
  • 2、将欲托言帝禅位,诱董入朝殿前行,朝门暗伏铁甲兵,趁便齐出丧贼命。
  • 3、When the moon reaches its zenith and casts its soft glow upon the earth, I often find solace in the power of nature, as if it were whispering sweetly to my soul and carrying my wishes to the universe.
  • 4、Asthe gentle breeze caresses my face and carries the scent of blooming flowers, I cannot help but be reminded of the fragility and beauty of life, and how it dances gracefully like a delicate thread weaving a tapestry of memories.
  • 5、Whenever I find myself standing by the ocean, mesmerized by the restless waves crashing against the shore, I am reminded of the eternal ebb and flow of time, and how it carries away both the joys and sorrows that life bestows upon us.
  • 6、Inthe quiet solitude of a misty forest, where sunlight peeks through the canopy and creates a kaleidoscope of colors, I often seek refuge from the chaos of the world, finding peace and clarity in the harmonious rhythm of nature.
  • 7、Asthe first drops of rain fall upon parched earth, I can almost hear the earth sigh with relief, as if it has been patiently waiting for this moment to quench its thirst and rejuvenate its weary soul.
  • 8、Inthe silence of a starlit night, as constellations paint the sky with twinkling light, I am reminded of the infinite possibilities and vastness of the universe, igniting a sense of wonder and curiosity within my soul.
  • 9、In the stillness of a snow-covered landscape, where everything seems to be held in a timeless embrace, I am reminded that even in the coldest of moments, there is a beauty and serenity that can warm the soul and bring a sense of peace.
  • 10、As the sun sets in a blaze of colors, painting the horizon with its fiery farewell, I am reminded of the importance of letting go, of releasing the past and embracing the promise of a new day, filled with endless possibilities.
  • 11、When I gaze into a field of wildflowers dancing in the gentle breeze, their vibrant colors intertwining like a symphony, I am reminded of the power and resilience of life, how even in the harshest conditions, beauty can still blossom.
  • 12、As the waves crash against the cliffs with a thunderous roar, I can almost feel the raw power and untamed energy reverberating through my veins, reminding me that within each of us lies a force waiting to be unleashed.
  • 13、When I stand beneath a star-filled sky, where the heavens seem to stretch out before me in an endless tapestry, I am reminded of the vastness of the cosmos, and how we are but tiny specks in an infinite universe.
  • 14、In the embrace of a loved one, as our hearts beat in synchrony and our souls entwine, I am reminded of the profound connection we share with others, and how love has the power to heal, uplift, and bring us closer to our true selves.
  • 15、When I witness a symphony of birdsong echoing through the forest, with each melody harmonizing seamlessly with the next, I am reminded of the importance of unity and collaboration, and how together, we can create something truly extraordinary.
  • 16、As I watch a butterfly emerge from its cocoon, spreading its delicate wings for the first time, I am reminded of the transformative power of growth and change, and how even the most extraordinary beauty can emerge from the most humble beginnings.
  • 17、In the warmth of a sunrise, as the golden light bathes the world in its gentle embrace, I am reminded of the promise of a new day, brimming with hope, and how each dawn brings with it the opportunity for renewal and growth.
  • 18、作者是以此托言寓意,甄英菊这个命名方式,就意味着曹雪芹是一度打算强调,后来被叫做香菱的这个角色,她具有照应全局的特性。
  • 19、如果邓成明更加具备现代政治文化,他不必离场,也不必托言“省里还有个会”而离场。
  • 20、察言观色,见王襄少年稳重,对答如流,不胜喜欢,于是托言有事入内,暗里指使夫人知会女儿。
  • 21、被匪三人窥破行径,知其孤弱可欺,竟驾舢板托言巡查,登舟检观,见有二女,诬以拐带劫去二女。
  • 22、杨凝式也觉失言,便从那天起,托言“心疾”,开始佯狂,从此得了个诨号“杨风子”。
  • 23、试看七十老囚,三木败类,居然节钺监军,渔色罔识君亲,托言六宫备选,二八红颜,变为桑间濮上。
  • 24、我们认为诸子百家普遍称引黄帝的事迹,甚至托言黄帝以自重,这正是黄帝在我国历史上曾产生过巨大影响的反映,说明黄帝传说确有真实的历史核心。
  • 25、一是古代统治者托言天命,捏造所谓“天书”是用丹笔所写,故称“丹书”,为百姓所忌用。
  • 26、文明冲突其实是托言“文明”的政治冲突,政治上和国家利益间的矛盾远甚于文明间矛盾。
  • 27、一天她说,夜里做了一个梦,梦中神托言,自己是九莲菩萨转生。
  • 28、另外两人的亲属也托言表示,不愿意在此悲伤时刻被更多打扰。
  • 29、此前他受清廷厚恩,直到现在还是“护帝太保”;而实则一力助袁,因而进退两难,只能托言因“国变忧愤”,力辞太保,离京闲居,暂避“一时之谤”。
  • 30、三年后,梁山伯要继续到余杭游学,祝员外不让英台外出,梁祝两人遂互赠信物,祝英台还自己做媒,托言嫁妹。
  • 31、嘉宾中还有一位司马相如,他派头颇大,托言不就,直到王吉亲自乘车前去迎接,这才姗姗而来。
  • 32、按惯例,师爷和县衙中的吏员是要搬入县衙旁的官舍居住的,李三思托言要回去收拾行李,向冯知县告了辞。
  • 33、自称有“烟草专卖证”的邓老板,以“专卖证不知放在哪里”为托言,始终未将专卖证出示。


托言 tuōyán

1.借口。 2.假称。
托言 托言是汉语词汇, 拼音tuō yán, 释义:1、借口。 2、假称。 出处《先拨志始》。
