- 1、月号,开滦党委召开了第27次扩大会议,会议的决议第一就是抗震救灾,首要的问题是救急扶伤,安排人们的吃住;第二个是军队恢复生产。
- 2、月22日,中国报协2011年度报协工作突出贡献奖在全国地方报协会长秘书长扩大会议上揭晓。
- 3、The expansion of the conference aims to bring together leaders from various industries to explore innovative solutions and foster collaboration for the betterment of our society.
- 4、Byenlarging the conference, we can create a larger platform for sharing knowledge and expertise, thereby accelerating the progress and development of our industry.
- 5、The decision to expand the conference reflects our commitment to inclusivity and diversity, as we believe that a more diverse range of perspectives will lead to more comprehensive and effective solutions to the challenges that we face.
- 6、Aswe expand the conference, we strive to create an environment that encourages open dialogue, fosters collaboration, and promotes the exchange of ideas, ultimately contributing to the advancement of our field.
- 7、Byexpanding the conference, we aim to create a platform where participants can engage in thought-provoking discussions, gain valuable insights, and inspire each other to push the boundaries of innovation.
- 8、The expansion of the conference signifies our commitment to continuously raising the bar and providing a platform that not only showcases cutting-edge research and trends but also promotes meaningful interactions and connections among attendees.
- 9、Byenlarging the conference, we aim to attract a wider range of participants, including influential thought leaders and industry disruptors, to create a space where groundbreaking ideas can thrive and transformative partnerships can be formed.
- 10、The decision to expand the conference is driven by our belief that by bringing together a more diverse group of individuals, we can spark new insights, challenge existing paradigms, and ultimately shape a brighter future.
- 11、Through the expansion of the conference, we aspire to foster a sense of community and camaraderie among attendees, providing an environment where meaningful connections can be made and long-lasting collaborations can be forged.
- 12、The decision to enlarge the conference is rooted in our commitment to staying at the forefront of our industry, providing a platform that reflects the latest advancements, trends, and opportunities in our rapidly evolving world.
- 13、By expanding the conference, we aim to reach a broader audience, extending the impact and influence of our discussions, presentations, and workshops to a wider range of individuals and organizations.
- 14、The expansion of the conference serves as a catalyst for innovation and progress, as it acts as a central hub for cross-pollination of ideas, knowledge sharing, and the formation of strategic partnerships.
- 15、By enlarging the conference, we aim to create a melting pot of diverse perspectives, experiences, and expertise that will inspire breakthroughs and revolutionize our industry.
- 16、The decision to expand the conference reflects our commitment to being at the forefront of change, embracing disruption, and providing a platform that encourages bold ideas and unconventional thinking.
- 17、Through the expansion of the conference, we seek to create a dynamic and immersive experience for participants, offering a wide range of engaging sessions, interactive workshops, and networking opportunities.
- 18、The decision to enlarge the conference is driven by our dedication to fostering continuous learning, professional growth, and the exchange of knowledge that leads to tangible transformations in our field.
- 19、27年11月9日,中央临时政治局扩大会议在上海召开,会议强调,中国革命形势是“不断高涨”,中国革命性质是“不断革命”。
- 20、应法国总统萨科齐邀请知之小工具,非洲17个国家的代表参加了此次八国集团峰会扩大会议。
- 21、就开中央政治局扩大会议,即遵义会议,才开始了***同志的领导。
- 22、在全总党组第一次扩大会议以后,随着层层批判“经济主义”、“工团主义”,工会与行政一鼻孔出气也就成了一种普遍现象。
- 23、据县委*记方新民介绍,本年度的科技之冬培训,主要围绕自治区农村工作会议上提出的加快农民增收这个核心和地委扩大会议提出的各项指标进行。
- 24、这次扩大会议,主要是讨论党和国家领导制度的改革以及一些有关问题。
- 25、月31日,第七届测绘学名词审定委员会第三次主任扩大会议在浙江宁波召开。
- 26、齐小英赵静12月22日,中国报协2011年度会长秘书长扩大会议在北京召开。
- 27、古城内国家级文物单位有商丘明清古城墙和*共中央中原局扩大会议旧址;省级文物保护单位有壮悔堂、文庙、穆氏四合院等12处景点。
- 28、理参加的董事局扩大会议上,“下野”9天的胡志标重作冯妇,被推举为董事长。
- 29、随着美国和俄罗斯相继列席东亚峰会扩大会议,该区域内的政治架构正变得越来越具有活力。
- 30、记者从中国文联网站上获悉,日前,中国文联召开党组扩大会议,传达全国宣传部长会议精神,同时宣布*共中央关于李屹同志李牧同志职务任免的决定。