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  • 1、只是,偶尔,或是发了脾气与发了神经,会在某日的清晨懒在床上与自己暗自赌气似的拒绝上班,不去公司,看上一天的书或是电影或是听上一天的音乐,貌似在挽救着某一个失去的自我。艾明雅
  • 2、这是一场分秒必争的赛跑,看医生是否能马上赶到失事的地点来挽救那个受伤的人.
  • 3、Inthe depths of despair, she desperately sought a lifeline, looking for a therapist who could help salvage her fragile sanity and guide her towards healing and hope.
  • 4、Asthe flames devoured the historic building, firefighters risked their lives to save precious artifacts and valuable documents, their determination unwavering as they battled the inferno and worked endlessly to salvage what could still be preserved.
  • 5、With the clock ticking and the patient's life hanging in the balance, the skilled medical team performed a series of complex surgeries, striving to salvage every ounce of hope and give the patient a chance to rebuild their shattered health.
  • 6、Inthe wake of a devastating hurricane, communities came together, setting aside differences to rebuild and salvage what was left of their once vibrant neighborhoods, determined to restore their homes and revive their sense of belonging.
  • 7、Asthe relationship crumbled under the weight of betrayal and mistrust, they sought counseling, desperate to salvage the love they had once cherished, willing to confront the painful truth and embark on a journey of healing and reconciliation.
  • 8、Swallowed by addiction, he reached rock bottom, his life hanging by a thread, until he found the strength to seek help and enter rehabilitation, determined to salvage his future and rewrite his story of redemption.
  • 9、The young inventor, faced with countless failures and setbacks, refused to give up on his dreams, tirelessly working to refine his prototypes and salvage his vision, fueled by an unwavering belief in his potential to change the world.
  • 10、The philanthropist poured their resources and efforts into salvage initiatives, providing aid and support to communities devastated by natural disasters, relentlessly working to restore hope and rebuild shattered lives.
  • 11、In the face of economic crisis, the government implemented emergency measures, striving to salvage the economy and prevent further damage, utilizing innovative strategies and enacting supportive policies to stimulate growth and stability.
  • 12、The dedicated teacher, committed to their students' success, went above and beyond to salvage the education of struggling students, offering extra lessons and personalized guidance, determined to unlock their full potential.
  • 13、Burdened by financial ruin, the entrepreneur fought tooth and nail to salvage their business, networking, seeking investors, and embracing new technologies to reinvent their brand and regain their once-prominent position in the market.
  • 14、With the marriage on the brink of collapse, the couple decided to attend marriage counseling, hoping to salvage their relationship, rediscover their love, and rebuild the trust that was eroded by years of miscommunication and neglect.
  • 15、The archaeologists excavated the ancient ruins, tirelessly working to salvage the fragments of a forgotten civilization, piecing together the past piece by piece to uncover the mysteries of a lost era.
  • 16、Paralyzed by fear and self-doubt, the aspiring artist sought guidance from a mentor, hoping to salvage their creative spark and reignite the passion that was dimmed by the harsh criticisms of others.
  • 17、The diplomat braved the escalating tensions between two nations, engaging in intense negotiations, determined to salvage the delicate peace agreements, striving to create an atmosphere of trust and cooperation.
  • 18、As the storm raged on, the brave rescuers embarked on perilous missions to salvage stranded survivors, battling treacherous conditions and risking their own lives to bring hope and safety to those in desperate need.
  • 19、正在直播间里主持节目的梁滨阳心中不免一震,为了挽救这个濒临绝望的生命,她马上与电台中控室联系,让工作人员尽快通过电话号码找到这位妇女的住所。
  • 20、为了苟延残喘,敌师长杀鸡吓猴,枪毙了几个逃兵,结果仍挽救不了灭亡的命运。
  • 21、有人会问:信任和宽容会不会助长人性弱点的恶性发展,乃至毁坏爱的基础?我的回答是:凡是会被信任和宽容毁坏的,猜疑和苛求也决计挽救不了,那就让该毁掉的毁掉吧,这不是真正的爱。
  • 22、***同志力挽狂澜,挽救了中国革命。
  • 23、为了不让外资入侵,即使是一团泥块,也要将它从水中挽救起来,更何况是被土覆住的金块。
  • 24、世界上没有比当医生和教师更富有人道主义色彩的职业了。医生直到病人最后一分钟还要为挽救他的生命而拼搏,绝不会让患者感到自己病情严重,甚至毫无希望。这是起码的医德。我们教师应该在自己的集体中发展、深化我们的教育道德,应该确信教育中富有人情味的开头正是每个教师素养中最重要之点。
  • 25、一个团体的腐败如已到了病入膏肓的地步,任谁也无法挽救它了。
  • 26、此协议旨在布什卸任前挽救核裁军协议.
  • 27、没有任何脂粉可以挽救容颜的凋残。
  • 28、让一个女孩子盲目地决定自己的命运,走上这条道路,却袖手旁观,不设法挽救她,这实在太岂有此理了。
  • 29、他绝望的试图挽救自己的职业生命,乞求罗克为他设计最后一座建筑:被称为科特兰花苑的低收入者住宅项目。
  • 30、为了挽救危如累卵的国家,祖逖挺身报国。
  • 31、良多人以为这是他下认识的说出了自己的心声,这位首相确实以为他在经济危殆时挽救了世界。
  • 32、安妮?马尔卡希是个非常温和的人,但如果为了挽救施乐公司,不管要做多么艰难的决策,她都不会皱一下眉头,而这些过程往往是非常痛苦的。
  • 33、我看你是鬼迷心窍,不可挽救
  • 34、明智的人决不坐下来为失败而哀号,他们一定乐观地寻找办法来加以挽救。莎士比亚
  • 35、杜佑生活在唐代安史之乱前后,亲身经历了唐王朝由盛到衰的变化,想通过对历代典章制度的编纂,总结经验教训,以寻求治国安民之术,从而挽救唐王朝政治的危机。
  • 36、友谊蕴含无限好处,因而它比一切优越,它能用美好的希望照亮未来,能弥补心灵的创伤,也能挽救心灵的堕落。
  • 37、处分犯错误的干部,是对他的挽救
  • 38、**为了维持经济的稳定,决定挽救这家经营惨淡的银行。
  • 39、最后诉诸银行改革重获信心,挽救了经济,使其步入正轨.
  • 40、我们需要光明,创新者和创意分子来挽救能源危机。
  • 41、因此,进行垂直整合时,事前务必经过审慎周密的规划,尤其不要为了挽救目前的危急事业而仓促行事,殊不知有时急流勇退比愈陷愈深好。
  • 42、假如还有任何人可以挽救我,那也只有你了。现在一切都离我而去,剩下的只有你的善良。我不能再继续糟蹋你的生命。
  • 43、此时自作聪明的拿破仑三世把法国带入了空前孤立的死胡同,但是法国已无路可走,它只有孤军奋战才能挽救其在欧洲已丧失的优越地位。
  • 44、他的精湛医术挽救了不少垂危的病人。
  • 45、八阿哥:你换个思路去想,就因为你这个主意,避免了一场杀戮,你挽救了多少人的性命?又有多少人免于苦难。
  • 46、人生的痛苦是无穷的,它具有各种各样的形式,但其中最可怜的,最无可挽救的痛苦就是孤独,是永久没有一个伴侣。
  • 47、"五四运动"时期,许多爱国青年走上街头,大声疾呼:驱除列强,挽救祖国。
  • 48、二是大力开展禁吸戒毒战役,挽救吸*人员、遏制*品危害工作取得明显进步。
  • 49、悍马协议能帮助通用汽车挽救超过3,000个美国工作.
  • 50、开展劳动生产是教育挽救劳动教养人员的基本途径和重要手段,通过生产劳动的锻炼,使劳动教养人员逐步养成劳动习惯,洗刷好逸恶劳,不劳而获的思想污垢,学会自立和就业谋生的本领。


挽救 wǎnjiù

挽救 (汉语词语) 汉语词语,汉语词汇。 释义:从危险或不利中救回来。