- 1、微波疗法并不能清除良性前列腺增生,但可有效缓解尿频、尿急、排尿费力以及尿流断续,它也不能完全治愈膀胱排光不完整的问题。
- 2、4尿道结石:排尿痛,尿流慢,呈点滴状,甚至尿潴留.
- 3、During the long, uncomfortable car ride, I couldn't help but constantly think about finding a restroom to relieve myself and alleviate my growing need to urinate.
- 4、The oppressive heat sweltering around me only intensified my desire to find a secluded spot, hidden from prying eyes, where I could discreetly urinate and release the tension building inside me.
- 5、Despite my best efforts to control my body's demands, the relentless urge to urinate became overpowering, leaving me in a desperate search for the nearest available restroom.
- 6、AsI fidgeted uncomfortably in my seat, my mind drifted away from the meeting's agenda, focusing solely on the immediate need to relieve myself and find solace in a bathroom stall.
- 7、The uncomfortable silence in the crowded movie theater accentuated my need to stealthily exit and hastily find a private corner where I could urinate in peace.
- 8、Hiking through the picturesque wilderness, I couldn't ignore the increasingly urgent call from my bladder, urging me to find a hidden spot beneath the trees to relieve myself among nature's embrace.
- 9、The rhythmic sound of raindrops hitting the roof amplified my need to urinate, prompting a frantic search for shelter where I could find relief from the pressure building inside me.
- 10、The relentless laughter that filled the room only intensified my need to find an escape and retreat to the bathroom, where I could finally release the mounting discomfort.
- 11、The distinct aroma of coffee brewing in the morning awakened not only my senses but also my bladder's insistent plea to find a bathroom and relieve the pressure within.
- 12、Despite the picturesque scenery surrounding us on the camping trip, my mind became preoccupied with finding a discreet location in the woods where I could finally empty my bladder.
- 13、The constant sound of water flowing in the nearby river seemed to mock me, reminding me of the relief it could provide if only I could find a suitable spot to urinate.
- 14、The unexpected sound of thunder shook me out of my deep sleep, instantly reminding me of the urgent need to urinate that had been haunting me all evening.
- 15、The once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see my favorite band perform live became a race against time as I desperately searched for a bathroom in the crowded concert venue to relieve myself.
- 16、说明肉苁蓉有益于膀胱尿液的排空,改善排尿功能。
- 17、结论力奥来素可促进脊髓不全损伤排尿障碍患者膀胱功能的恢复。
- 18、排尿困难:尿道结石常阻塞尿道引起排尿困难,尿线变粗,滴沥、甚至急性尿潴留。
- 19、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
- 20、程晓霞说,保证充足的水分,多喝水、多排尿,可以减少药物对肾脏带来的损伤。
- 21、病牛频频企图排尿,坐骨弓上的尿道发生搏动.
- 22、早晨慢养生:慢起床、慢排尿;上午动养生:多运动、多动脑;下午润养生:喝够水、扭扭腰;傍晚热养生:喝小酒、泡手脚;夜间松养生:想乐事、松身体。
- 23、损害肾脏功能:由于阴经发炎,可以引起尿道口或前尿道狭窄,造成排尿困难。
- 24、目的探讨骶神经调节治疗慢性排尿功能障碍的疗效与安全性。
- 25、另据了解,洁利安还是自动排尿仪的著名研发厂商。
- 26、尿道炎是男性常见的一种泌尿疾病,尿频、尿急、尿痛、排尿困难是常见的尿道炎症状。
- 27、结论:低位直肠癌根治术中实施PANP,可以改善患者的排尿功能和性功能,提高患者的术后生活质量。
- 28、结果电针可降低L多巴引起的膀胱机能亢进大鼠的排尿频率和膀胱内压;降低蓝斑处DA含量。
- 29、就算有摄护腺问题,有些人也没有症状,排尿也很顺畅。
- 30、在产妇分娩后3个月、6个月及12个月时,分别评价两组产妇的排尿情况、盆底肌肉收缩能力和尿垫试验阳性结果。
- 31、疲劳倦怠,下肢痛,腰痛,老眼昏花,排尿困难,尿频.
- 32、前列腺痛:指合并有排尿症状和骨盆区疼痛的前列腺疾病,前列腺检查正常,前列腺液或前列腺按摩后排出的尿液缺乏炎症的征兆。
- 33、方法:对25例反射亢进型神经源性尿失禁患儿行膀胱扩大术,术后2周进行排尿训练。
- 34、方法:用水负荷大鼠探讨利尿胶囊对其排尿作用的影响。
- 35、我是来自汉口的江先生,昨天麻将桌上火气特别好,想上厕所又怕“泄火”,结果硬是憋出“内伤”,腹胀腹痛,排尿困难,到医院求救,发现是急性尿潴留。
- 36、发生在尿道口的炎症,愈合后可引起尿道口狭小,造成排尿困难。
- 37、患者均有不同程度的排尿困难、尿线变细,12例呈滴沥状排尿,5例发生急性尿潴留。
- 38、主诉有尿急、尿频、尿流变细、尿滴沥、排尿困难等下尿路症状。
- 39、结论:骶神经电刺激能有效地治疗顽固性排尿功能障碍。
- 40、结果观察组患者较对照组恢复自主排尿时间早,残余尿量少,每日自排尿量多,泌尿系感染发生率低,差异均有统计学意义。
- 41、结论建立新的人工反射弧能恢复SCI患者排尿功能,实现自控性排尿。
- 42、少喝饮料、多喝水、多排尿就是预防尿结石的最直接办法。
- 43、多尿症,新陈代谢失调症,以排尿过多和持续的口渴为特征,尤指糖尿病的两种类型。
- 44、结论建立新的人工反射弧能恢复sci患者排尿功能,实现自控性排尿.
- 45、结果,每次排尿时为了克服阻力,膀胱代偿性肥大,膀胱表面形成小梁.
- 46、手术之前及之后,病患也被问到有关性功能及排尿功能障碍的症状,*交疼痛,以及肠道功能障碍。
- 47、此外,白菜煮汁的保健作用还有很多,如可消除耳鸣、解除排尿困难、治疗前列腺肥大、排除尿酸、治疗痛风、祛痰治久咳等等。
- 48、古代中医典籍中无“前列腺痛”的记载,根据其临床疼痛部位及排尿异常为特征,其应属“痛证”、“淋证”、“癃证”等范畴。
- 49、含有石硷酸,能加快肠胃的消化,减少便秘,加快排尿,祛除心脏或肾脏病所引起的浮肿。
- 50、此外,排尿偶感困难,口腔有点疼痛,无其他症状。