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接近造句 首页

  • 1、在学问上每前进一步,就更接近这真理一步。
  • 2、本书就是一个小阶梯,我每爬一级,就更前进一步,更接近美好的生活。
  • 3、Despite the distance that separates us physically, the love between us brings us closer every day, filling my heart with joy and a sense of belonging.
  • 4、The smell of freshly baked bread and the sound of laughter from the kitchen drew me closer to the warm embrace of my loving family, creating a haven of serenity and happiness.
  • 5、AsI watched the sun slowly sink behind the horizon, the peaceful solitude of the beach made me feel as if I was getting closer to the true essence of life itself, sparking a sense of awe and wonder within me.
  • 6、The soothing melodies and soulful lyrics of the music whispered to my heart, drawing me closer to the emotions and stories hidden within, allowing me to escape into a world of raw passion and vulnerability.
  • 7、The scent of freshly bloomed flowers carried by the gentle breeze guided me through the enchanting garden, bringing me closer to the delights and wonders of nature's beauty, filling me with a sense of tranquility and serenity.
  • 8、The shared laughter, tears, and memories we created together as friends formed an unbreakable bond, drawing us closer and reminding me of the importance of genuine connections in life.
  • 9、The challenges and obstacles that life throws at us are not meant to tear us apart but to bring us closer, shaping us into stronger individuals who can conquer anything that stands in our way.
  • 10、Standing at the mountaintop, surrounded by awe-inspiring beauty, I felt a sense of unity with the world around me, as if nature's grandeur was urging me to embrace and protect it, bringing humanity closer to harmony with the earth.
  • 11、The powerful words of the inspirational speaker resonated deep within my soul, igniting a fire of motivation and determination that brought me closer to realizing my dreams, pushing me beyond my limits.
  • 12、The delicate brushstrokes and vivid colors of the painting captivated my senses, drawing me closer to the artist's emotions and vision, allowing me to experience their creativity and talent firsthand.
  • 13、The smell of rain hitting the dry earth filled the air, bringing a sense of freshness and renewal that seemed to bridge the gap between heaven and earth, bringing me closer to a deeper understanding of life's cycles.
  • 14、The innocence and curiosity in a child's eyes reminded me of the importance of embracing our inner child, bringing us closer to the pure joy and wonderment that lies within us all.
  • 15、The shared experiences and common goals in a community bring people together, fostering a sense of unity and support that brings everyone closer to achieving a common purpose.
  • 16、The flavors and aromas of the exotic cuisine transported me to a distant land, immersing me in a rich tapestry of cultures and traditions, bringing me closer to the diverse and fascinating world we live in.
  • 17、The sound of waves crashing against the shore and the salty breeze against my skin drew me closer to the vastness and power of the ocean, reminding me of the endless possibilities and mysteries that lie beyond our reach.
  • 18、The open and honest conversation we had bridged the gap of misunderstanding and miscommunication, bringing us closer as a team, and enabling us to achieve remarkable results together.
  • 19、试验越接近尾声,越要谨慎小心,任何一个小小的误差,都会功败垂成。
  • 20、个人如果把从别人那里学来的东西算作自己的发现,这也很接近于虚骄。黑格尔
  • 21、小张这个人,我避之若浼,因为与他接近,有害无益。
  • 22、真理只能和永久的服役甚至与有力的牺牲相接近。屠格涅夫
  • 23、上帝所做的、胜过一切想象中的幸福行为,莫过于纯粹的思考,而人的行为中最接近这种幸福的东西,也许是与思考最密切的活动。亚里士多德
  • 24、只举一个具体例子,许多地面筑巢的鸟类,当捕食动物,如狐狸等接近时,会上演一出"调虎离山计"。
  • 25、如果你正在做的事不是让你接近自己的目标,那么它就是在让你更远离自己的目标。
  • 26、越接近考试,往往越要在坚实上下功夫。
  • 27、对于那些实际上影响我们一生的前途和我们的最后归宿的事件,我们甚至也只能知道其中的一部分。还有数不清的大事假如称之为大事的话差点儿发生在我们身上。然而却在我们身边掠过,没有产生什么实际效果。甚至也没有反向任何亮光或阴影到我们的心上,使我们察觉到它们的接近。霍桑
  • 28、张老师对同学和蔼可亲,大家都爱接近他。
  • 29、目标越接近,困难越增加。歌德
  • 30、知之小工具尽量原创和收集高质量句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 31、关爱他人,首先是一种自我情趣,修养的提高;其次是接近他人,拉近距离,心心相通的必要条件;再次,关爱他人,更是一个人成就事业必不可少的条件。
  • 32、个人如果把从别人那里学来的东西算作自我的发现,这也很接近于虚骄。
  • 33、这个接近中国的小岛,将成为新世纪的潜在中心,星罗棋布的基地把美国力量圈从欧洲转向亚洲。
  • 34、马车款款向前,使我有充裕的时间来思考。我很高兴终于接近了旅程的终点,身子靠在虽不精致却很舒适的马车上,一时浮想联翩。
  • 35、意见和感情的相同,比之身体接触更能把两个人结合在一起。这样,两个人尽管相隔得很远,却也很接近
  • 36、国际上人都在追逐爱情,可是爱情就跟北极熊相同,隔着镜头觉得它很心爱,实践接近它被它狠狠踩过一脚,就晓得什么叫做痛到想死。
  • 37、应这样来指挥作战行动:使军队从不同方向,经过最后的短距离行军,同时接近敌正面和翼侧。尔后,战略就达到了其所能达到的最佳效果,结局必然是取得巨大胜利。
  • 38、群众对你望而生畏,你怎么能接近他们呢?
  • 39、股价涨幅日渐缩小,成交量又每况愈下,是股价接近顶部的明显征兆。
  • 40、张老师和蔼可亲,同学们都愿意接近她。
  • 41、在你的闲暇时间,努力接近乐观的人,观察他们的行。通过观察,你能培养起乐观的态度,乐观的火种会慢慢地在你内心点燃。
  • 42、我们的需要越少,我们接近似上帝。
  • 43、在人的一生中,再也没有像青年时期那样强烈地渴望被理解的时期了。没有任何人会像青年那样沉陷于孤独之中,渴望被人接近与理解;没有任何人会像青年那样站在遥远的地方呼唤。
  • 44、人们都追求幸福。和平,只有她是这个地球上最接近幸福的捷径,并且是谁都能得到手。希尔
  • 45、目标越接近,困难越增加。但愿每一个人都像星星一样安详而从容地不断沿着既定的目标走完自己的路程。歌德
  • 46、接近客户一定不可千篇一律公式化,必须事先有充分准备,针对各类型的客户,采取最适合的接近方式及开场白。
  • 47、行百里者半九十,虽然这项工程已接近完工了,但决不能松劲。
  • 48、隨著春節假期接近,旅遊業者無不厉兵秣馬,准備搶食這塊旅遊大餅。
  • 49、人生,总会有不期而遇的温暖,和生生不息的希望。不管前方的路有多苦,只要走的方向正确,不管多么崎岖不平,都比站在原地更接近幸福。
  • 50、这个市的领导干部到基层视察总是轻车简从,以便多接近群众。


接近 jiējìn

接近 (汉语词语) 接近(jiē jìn)汉语词语,意思为:离得近;靠近,相距不远,例:~群众ㄧ时间已~半夜ㄧ这项技术已~世界先进水平ㄧ大家的意见已经很~,没有多大分歧了。