- 1、从一个男人的品性便大致可以推断出他的朋友圈子如何,人以群分,志不同道不合的人是走不到一块的。
- 2、最后,推断了多变量非线性幂级数网络的综合可化成多个线性直积网络联接。
- 3、Upon seeing the raindrops pelting against the windowpane, she inferred that the storm outside matched the turmoil in her heart, a torrent of emotions that threatened to engulf her completely.
- 4、The delicate folds in the petals of the withered flower led her to deduce that it had once been cherished and adored, a symbol of love that now lay forgotten.
- 5、Watching her mother's worried expression, she inferred that something was amiss and her intuition whispered that the news to follow would bring upheaval to their peaceful lives.
- 6、Asshe observed the drooping shoulders and weary eyes of the stranger, she surmised that he had borne the weight of the world on his shoulders, carrying burdens that no one else could fathom.
- 7、With every passing day, she observed the growing distance between them, and with a heavy heart, deduced that their once unbreakable bond was slowly crumbling away.
- 8、The scent of freshly baked bread wafting through the neighborhood led her to infer that the local bakery had opened its doors once again, a sign that normalcy was returning after the long months of closure.
- 9、Upon catching a glimpse of the handwritten note on his desk, she drew conclusions about his deepest desires and aspirations, realizing that he yearned for something more than the monotonous routine of everyday life.
- 10、The haunting melody played by the street musician moved her to infer that it mirrored the hidden pain and longing within his soul, his music becoming a channel for his unspoken emotions.
- 11、The graffiti adorned walls of the city prompted her to infer that beneath the rough exterior lay a vibrant community yearning to express themselves, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.
- 12、With each passing year, she noted the subtle lines etched upon her grandmother's face, nurturing the realization that behind the wrinkles lay a lifetime of wisdom and resilience, a testament to the power of endurance.
- 13、The somber atmosphere and black garbs worn by the mourners led her to deduce that a solemn occasion was unfolding, an opportunity to pay respects to a life lost and reflect on the fleeting nature of existence.
- 14、The faded photographs discovered in the attic allowed her to make inferences about a time long past, a glimpse into the lives of those who had come before her, their stories whispering through the sepia-tinted images.
- 15、The tall, swaying trees and the melodic chirping of birds led her to infer that she had stumbled upon a hidden oasis within the concrete jungle, a place where nature still held its ground amidst the chaos of city life.
- 16、The intricate brushstrokes and vivid colors of the painting evoked a sense of joy and serenity within her, allowing her to infer that the artist had poured their heart and soul into each stroke, a visual representation of their inner world.
- 17、如果把资金视为推动行情变化的能量之一,可以推断,郑棉正在酝酿一波大行情。
- 18、即使你不能从具体的事例,例如1936年的奥运,知道国际运动竞赛能使仇恨蔓延,你也能从常理推断这点。
- 19、根据患者共同食用的食物暴露餐次,推断可疑食物为蛋炒饭。
- 20、永远不要为已发生的和未发生的事忧虑。已经发生既成事实忧虑也于事无补,未发生的凭主观臆测,无法推断事情的走向,徒增烦恼而已。
- 21、自己只有理解自已,能力去打听旁人,只有真实明白自已的英才会对事情做出正确的推断,不然只能挨次做出差错的决择,我想山羊的故事会对我们有所启示.
- 22、为了推断中子慢化剂液氢中气化氢气泡的上升速度及影响因素,选取合适的工质进行了含气率的模拟实验。
- 23、这一推断与阴极极化曲线的测量结果是一致的。
- 24、电子邮件、远程登录和超级用户特权都需要密码,这些密码最好各不相同而且难以通过自动化攻击猜测或推断出来。
- 25、吴生贵说,根据这些情况推断,有些派遣到西域屯田戍卫的官吏,可能死后暂厝于死亡之地,后来将衣冠葬于朝廷为他们设置在塞内的墓穴中。
- 26、推断爆炸前的原生矿物是含水的镁硅酸盐和镁铝硅酸盐矿物。
- 27、此外,还首次发现了10多件世界上体貌最为完整的直角石动物化石,从而结束了该动物化石其头部仅有假想图的推断,还了其本来面目。
- 28、目的探讨在不同环境温度下,人离体肝组织中有机胺类产生量随死亡时间变化的规律,为某些碎尸案的死亡时间推断提供参考资料。
- 29、综合细胞学研究、原位杂交结果以及同工酶研究的结果可以推断,四倍体棉种陆地棉和海岛棉的A亚基因组供体是草棉。
- 30、根据努比亚人和他们的敌人们刻在石板上的记录,可以推断出这些统治者们的足迹遍布非洲大部分地区。
- 31、这个世上有圣人么?先假设有,那么,圣人需要不需要吃饭穿衣服?这些需要不需要花钱?需要找媳妇么?需要男欢女乐么?……如果说需要,那么,他不是圣人!因为他有所求!所以,由此推断,这世上是没有圣人的!风凌天下
- 32、我推断他对辨别差别谈判中的报价淡然置之。
- 33、人世间祸福难以预知,如果单凭眼前推断,正譬如以管窥天,焉有定準?
- 34、他们曾推断,地壳构造冲撞力在北川地区成长,正准备以地震能力爆发之形式突然出现。
- 35、和前一句可以推断出美国现有大约四千七百万份流感疫苗库存,由此可推断出美国至少还有四千七百多万有资格注射疫苗的人无法得到注射。
- 36、从这些诗歌中可以推断:弘历少年时代形成的佛教观具有理想主义倾向,知之小工具这无疑影响了他即位后施行的佛教管理政策。
- 37、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句大全,几千词语的造句供您参考哦!
- 38、经济衰退,他们推断,肯定是对过去大肆挥霍的赎罪.
- 39、死亡原因?北京大学考古文博院教授、考古学家吕遵谔说,通常而言,从尸骨骨盆的形状可以基本推断出性别、是否结过婚、生育过等个人基本信息。
- 40、我当初确实希望她无动于中,可是我敢说,我虽然主观上有我的希望,有我的顾虑,可是我的观察和我的推断并不会受到主观上的影响。
- 41、这说明书法练习对儿童的情绪、智力产生了影响,周斌博士推断,儿童在练习活动中对自身情绪的元认知促进了情绪智力的发展。
- 42、吕大夫,上次你推断李楼主的病情有根有据,入情入理。
- 43、最终还是回到了原点,李元智深有感触,第一案的时候,录音机里的老人诉说自己被杀全过程,按推断来说他住的就是这间屋子,因为整个城北墓地仅此一间。
- 44、如果保险总额的花费上涨,从国家预算局乐观的推断出这些花费是易控制的是怎样的?
- 45、在植被覆盖的条件下,该模型在此类金矿勘查中起到先导作用,可用于推断硅化蚀变带的规模和指导勘探工程的布设。
- 46、在分析这些错误时推断出搭配错误的主要原因,如母语的干扰、目标词的错误选择,以及教师、字典、教学材料等的错误引导。
- 47、利用已有的有效积温的经验数据,结合气象数据资料,就可以推断番茄的生长期、产期等一系列有用的目标值。
- 48、新增的证据提示人最初几个月对肥胖的发展是很重要的,这个推断引发了许多迫切的研究。
- 49、他的推断倾注在许多秘而不宣的超自然研究计划中,这些军事计划全用了怪诞的代号,它们得到秘密资助已有几十年之久了。
- 50、以常理推断,“我不想说”,大抵是理亏心虚之下,担心言多必失。