- 1、你是如何对不同的听众来调整你的报告的?请给我一个具体的例子。你是如何改变方式来满足听众的需要的?
- 2、最好的改变方式,是我们跟内在力量沟通,然后它会改变我们。
- 3、Tocreate a more sustainable future, it is crucial for individuals to change their consumption patterns by adopting a more mindful and minimalist approach, prioritizing quality over quantity and reducing waste.
- 4、Inorder to improve workplace productivity and employee satisfaction, companies should consider changing their management style from strict and hierarchical to more collaborative and empowering, fostering a positive and innovative work environment.
- 5、Inorder to promote gender equality and eliminate discrimination, societies need to change their mindset and challenge traditional gender roles, allowing individuals to pursue their passions and careers regardless of their gender.
- 6、Tocreate a more inclusive society, it is imperative for communities to change their attitude towards people with disabilities, breaking down barriers and providing equal access to education, employment, and social activities.
- 7、To promote cultural diversity, societies need to change their perception of immigrants and refugees, embracing their unique backgrounds and contributions, while creating inclusive policies that facilitate their integration and ensure equal opportunities.
- 8、To address the pervasive issue of food waste, individuals and businesses should change their habits by implementing strategies such as meal planning, composting, and supporting initiatives that redistribute surplus food to those in need.
- 9、To create a more inclusive and accepting society, it is essential for individuals to change their perspective on diversity and actively challenge their own biases, fostering empathy, understanding, and respect for all individuals, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or background.
- 10、In order to foster creativity and innovation, educational institutions must change their curriculum by emphasizing critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and encouraging independent and interdisciplinary learning approaches.
- 11、To address the issue of income inequality, governments need to change their economic policies by implementing progressive taxation, providing social safety nets, and investing in education and job training programs to ensure equal opportunities for all.
- 12、In the face of increasing automation, individuals should change their mindset towards lifelong learning, actively seeking new skills and knowledge to adapt to the changing job market and remain competitive in their careers.
- 13、年年扫黄,天天扫黄,仍然是生意兴隆,红灯高照,我看对待这个问题也要实事求是,不要掩耳盗铃,还是改变方式管理为上策。
- 14、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句大全,几千词语的造句供您参考!
- 15、我们必须改变方式,以免由于滥用资源而无可挽回地咎由自取。
- 16、如果每个人都这么做,那么零售商很快就会强制生产商改变方式。
- 17、因为开发团队被授权制定决策,所以他们能够改变方式,接受全新的优先级,以获得成功。
- 18、不管情形如何,这个修饰句翻译过来就是“你不烦啊!”因此要改变方式。
- 19、之前的章节已尝试介绍了大量的,涉及到机器人对社会价值观中私人关系的改变方式的内容。
- 20、追你追到了处暑,决定改变方式:借长江之水不停地思念你,用湖畔凉风轻轻地吹拂你,把圣殿的祥云偷来布满你的周围,让夜莺的歌声响亮在有你的每个夜晚。这个处暑,你可以不动心,但。
- 21、最好的改变方式,就是我们跟里面上帝的力量沟通;然后让上帝的力量改变我们。
- 22、一个强大和使用简单,发射计划将改变方式您使用您的计算机!
- 23、我相信只要我们改变方式,就能找寻到这些机会。
- 24、如果我想要过上令人振奋的吸引人的生活,摆脱每天朝九晚五的日子,我知道我就必须自己做决定并改变方式。
- 25、这是一个预演,如何改变方式,你的电脑显示器的时间。
- 26、每个人都需要不断的改变,那就从改变你的房间开始吧,这将会是完美的改变方式。
- 27、也许只要改变方式就足够了。
- 28、为了创造一种更加美好,丰富,优裕的生活,两种改变方式可选:递增变化和激进变化。
- 29、Solomon博士倾向于前者,理由是平流层和海洋表面温度两者关系的改变方式。
- 30、背景微卫星不稳是一种重要的基因改变方式,在肿瘤的发生中起重要作用,其发生是由于错配修复基因发生缺陷所致。