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攻击造句 首页

  • 1、你的攻击实在不留余地!刚才真是苦战。
  • 2、当这些特殊事件被大书特书时,可追溯至1999年的ddos攻击也导致了"为阿桑奇复仇行动"。
  • 3、The relentless waves of criticism and accusations launched against her by the media felt like a personal attack on her character, leaving her feeling defenseless and vulnerable.
  • 4、The sheer magnitude of the cyber attack completely crippled the company's online infrastructure, causing severe financial losses and reputation damage that would be difficult to recover from.
  • 5、The piercing words of his ex-partner's verbal assault hit him like a dagger to the heart, shattering his self-esteem and leaving him questioning his own worth.
  • 6、Asthe protestors descended upon the peaceful gathering, their violent actions and aggressive chanting created an atmosphere of fear and chaos, transforming the event into a scene of senseless aggression.
  • 7、The sniper's precision and calculated shots overwhelmed the enemy's defense, infiltrating their ranks and destabilizing their entire operation with a series of devastating attacks.
  • 8、The malicious gossip spread throughout the community like wildfire, igniting tension and hostility among neighbors who had once lived in harmony, deeply dividing and weakening their once strong bonds.
  • 9、Within seconds of the boxer's swift and calculated attack, his opponent collapsed to the ground, unable to defend himself against the barrage of powerful punches that seemed to come from every direction.
  • 10、The relentless barrage of negative comments and personal insults on social media was an emotional assault that chipped away at her self-confidence, leaving her feeling isolated and emotionally drained.
  • 11、The explosive eruption of anger and frustration in the boardroom meeting culminated in a vicious verbal attack against the CEO, questioning his leadership capabilities and undermining his authority.
  • 12、The bombings that ravaged the city were a horrifying attack on innocent civilians, leaving behind a trail of destruction and unimaginable pain that would forever scar the lives of those affected.
  • 13、The relentless bullying and intimidation tactics used by the group of students created a hostile and unsafe environment at the school, leaving the victims feeling helpless and desperate for relief.
  • 14、The venomous words spewed by the politician during his campaign speech were a direct attack on his opponent's character, aiming to discredit and undermine their credibility in front of the audience.
  • 15、The wild bear's sudden attack on the unsuspecting hiker sent shockwaves through the camping ground, reminding everyone of the untamed wilderness that surrounded them and the need for caution.
  • 16、The media's relentless pursuit of scandal and controversy felt like a calculated attack on the privacy and personal lives of public figures, breaching ethical boundaries and invading their personal sanctuaries.
  • 17、The venomous serpent's swift strike caught its prey off guard, injecting lethal venom that incapacitated its victim within seconds, highlighting nature's relentless cycle of predator and prey.
  • 18、The bitter feud between the rival gangs escalated into a violent street battle, as each side launched a vicious attack against the other, tearing apart the community's sense of safety and peace.
  • 19、解放军的攻击锐不可当,如开了闸的洪水,如凶猛的野兽,阻遏着敌人,让敌人溃不成军。
  • 20、她用带刺的话攻击她的对手,一句句从她的嘴里进发出来,就像一下又一下的鞭打似的。
  • 21、只要提着正义之剑攻击,再柔弱的手臂也会力大无穷。韦伯斯特
  • 22、他对对手实施了明枪暗箭的攻击
  • 23、机械化部队应集中兵力兵器攻击敌人翼侧或后方,力求达成突然性。
  • 24、真理就是具备这样的力量,你越是想要攻击它,你的攻击就愈加充实了和证明了它。伽利略
  • 25、面对敌人一轮猛似一轮的炮火,王排长当机立断,让同志们集中火力攻击一个薄弱的点,好让伤员先冲出去。
  • 26、这突如其来的攻击,使他摸不着头脑。
  • 27、创造型天才,想象力与盘带能力让这名攻击型中场在巴西年轻球员中名列前茅。
  • 28、我军已向敌军攻击,拿下敌占区,是指日可待的事。
  • 29、畏惧敌人徒然沮丧了自己的勇气,也就是削弱自己的力量,增加敌人的声势,等于让自己的愚蠢攻击自己。畏惧并不能免于一死,战争的结果大不了也不过一死。奋战而死,是以死亡摧毁死亡,畏怯而死,却做了死亡的奴隶。
  • 30、一个实行瑜珈练习的身体就像是保持防御力的堡垒,让疾病的攻击势力无法进入身体。
  • 31、他喜欢攻击的对象是"面色苍白脾气暴躁的"酒吧间里的煽动分子,此等人处心积虑,非把约翰牛的老家或彼得施托伊弗桑特的纽约闹个天翻地覆不可。
  • 32、畏惧敌人徙然沮丧了自己的勇气,也就是削弱自己的力量,增加敌人的声势,等于让自己的愚蠢攻击自己。畏惧并不能免于一死,战争的结果大不了也不过一死。奋战而死,是以死亡催毁死亡,畏怯而死,却做了死亡的奴隶。莎士比亚
  • 33、所有对“个人主义”和“象牙塔”的攻击,所有信誓旦旦的诸如“只有在跟集体融为一体的时候才会有真正的个性”之类的陈腐谰言,都不能越过这样一个事实,即被收买的头脑,必定是个被糟践的头脑。如果没有自发性,文学创作就是不可能的,就连语言本身也会跟现在的完全不同。
  • 34、敌人一出现,我们就发起了攻击
  • 35、真理就具备这样的力量。你越是想要攻击它。你的攻击就愈加充实和证明了它。
  • 36、畏惧敌人徒然沮丧了自己的勇气,也就是削弱自己的力量,增加敌人的声势,等于让自己的愚蠢攻击自己。畏惧并不能免于一死,战争的结果大不了也不过一死。奋战而死,是以死亡摧毁。
  • 37、生理是心理的镜子。每个人都是他自己的朋友和杀手。许多人的疾病其实是自身心理攻击生理造成的。毕淑敏
  • 38、有时,即使我们说话的出发点是良善的、是好意的,但如果讲话的口气太强势、太不注意到对方的感受,则对方听起来,就会像是一种攻击一样,很不舒服。所以,有时候我们的心中会有一种慨叹。
  • 39、在我国遭到攻击三年后,美国人民仍然坚强不屈,坚定不移,对正义的事业有耐心,对未来的胜利有信心。
  • 40、运动战的实行方面,问题是很多的,例如侦察、判断、决心、战斗部署、指挥、荫蔽、集中、开进、展开、攻击、追击、袭击、阵地攻击、阵地防御、遭遇战、退却、夜战、特种战斗、避强打弱、围城打援、佯攻、防空、处在几个敌人之间、超越敌人作战、连续作战、无后方作战、养精蓄锐之必要等等。
  • 41、永不要正面攻击一个可以迂回的阵地。
  • 42、外出看电影、吃饭被人认出来,我看到他们的反应是比较震惊,但是还没有人上来攻击和谩骂。我特别不想被别人认出来,就想赶紧走掉。赶紧跑掉。
  • 43、股票市场是最严格的老师,总强迫我们去思考、去面对,考验我们的能力,并且不断攻击我们性格上的弱点。
  • 44、于是以色列众人彼此连合如同一人、聚集攻击那城.
  • 45、当我们严阵以待,保卫我们的民主不受外国的攻击时,我们也要关注在国内赋予全体国民越来越多的公平与自由。
  • 46、我想我们并不经常快乐。生活从来对我都不是轻松的。但是我总以为,无论怎样受伤害都要去爱,无论怎样被背叛都要相信,不管怎样被攻击都要真诚。
  • 47、他又含沙射影地把乡长攻击了一番。
  • 48、正面突击是最原始的一种方法。如同相扑搏门者那样,与对手进行面对面的冲撞,显不出有多大的军事才能和想像力。正面攻击好似一具铁砧,侧翼进攻这把铁锤,可从敌人最薄弱的方向把它放在上面锤打。
  • 49、笑话可以纯粹是笑话,不带任何攻击的色彩。你可以内心企图想要攻击别人却面带微笑,这种微笑就变成是罪恶;任何事情如果内心深处其实是有暴力的企图时,那它就变成罪恶,而如果你的意图是想要让生命有更多的喜悦和欢笑的话,那任何作为都将是美德。
  • 50、积极防御的真正作用,就像我们所谈到的那样,在于这种防御能够有助于遏止敌人的攻击


攻击 gōngjī

1、发起或发动进攻 2、对…发动军事进攻 3、激烈指责;中伤 
攻击 (计算机术语) 因其他个体或事物反对自己而采取的敌对性、破坏性的冲动行为或个体受到挫折后,引起愤怒的情绪,对构成挫折的人或物进行直接攻击的行为称为攻击。 攻击 (汉语词语) 攻击,指发起或发动进攻。语出《史记·秦始皇本纪》:“周文武所封子弟同姓甚众,然后属疏远,相攻击如仇讎。”