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效率造句 首页

  • 1、我们在开发项目方面效率出众且卓有成效,同时也积极地为所投资的项目提供各种支持。
  • 2、当人们的空间被各种物质挤压的时候,也就失去了本质,我们要去掉一切虚假的、表面的、无用的东西,而剩下真实的、本质的、必不可少的东西,因而得到更多的空间、更多的舒适、更多的效率、更多的美……
  • 3、Through careful time management and prioritization, I was able to increase my efficiency at work, allowing me to complete tasks in a timely manner and achieve better results.
  • 4、Inorder to improve the efficiency of our production process, we implemented new technology and streamlined our operations, resulting in reduced costs and increased productivity.
  • 5、Byadopting innovative teaching methods and utilizing technology in the classroom, educators can enhance students' learning experience and improve the efficiency of knowledge retention.
  • 6、Inan era of rapid technological advancements, businesses must continuously adapt and innovate to remain competitive and maximize efficiency in their operations.
  • 7、Bybreaking down complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps, individuals can improve their efficiency and effectiveness in achieving their goals, leading to personal growth and success.
  • 8、The efficient use of renewable energy sources is essential in mitigating the effects of climate change and reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, thereby creating a more sustainable future.
  • 9、Effective communication and collaboration among team members are crucial for improving the overall efficiency and productivity of any organization or project.
  • 10、Time is a valuable resource, and by utilizing tools and techniques such as time management and task prioritization, individuals can optimize their efficiency and accomplish more in less time.
  • 11、In the healthcare industry, efficient patient care management not only enhances the quality of treatment but also reduces waiting times, enabling more people to receive timely medical attention.
  • 12、The development and implementation of efficient waste management strategies are essential in preserving the environment, reducing pollution, and promoting sustainability.
  • 13、With the advancements in technology, remote working has become a popular option for many professionals, offering flexibility and increased work efficiency.
  • 14、Effective time management skills enable individuals to strike a balance between their personal and professional lives, leading to improved overall efficiency and well-being.
  • 15、The adoption of lean principles and continuous improvement techniques enables organizations to identify and eliminate waste, leading to improved operational efficiency and cost savings.
  • 16、By establishing clear goals and objectives, individuals and organizations can focus their efforts and resources, resulting in improved efficiency and productivity.
  • 17、In the field of agriculture, the efficient use of resources such as water and fertilizer can lead to increased crop yields, ensuring food security and sustainability.
  • 18、Efficient supply chain management is crucial for businesses to ensure smooth operations, minimize costs, and meet customer demands in a timely manner.
  • 19、The ability to adapt quickly and efficiently to changing circumstances and market demands is essential for business success and resilience.
  • 20、妨碍我国教育募捐政策执行效率的高校因素表现为募捐意识不强,“守株待兔”思想严重;缺乏募捐规划;募捐物种类单一;募捐专业化程度较低、募捐资金使用不够规范等方面。
  • 21、而不是挖掘生产效率降低的根源,比方说,你可以研究几个按部就班的队员,他们做的事有什么不同?
  • 22、建党节了,身为党的儿女,你应在优化情绪提高效率降低失意保护健康的基础上,为实现快乐总值比上半年翻两番的目标而努力!
  • 23、每天醒来告诉自己:理由少一点,肚量大一点,嘴巴甜一点,脾气小一点,行动快一点,效率高一点,微笑露一点。朋友,早安!
  • 24、希望源于失望,奋起始于忧患,正如一位诗人所说:有饥饿感受的人一定消化好,有紧迫感受的人一定效率高,有危机感受的人一定进步快。
  • 25、重视课堂的学习效率
  • 26、美国的选人方法显得杂乱无章、效率低下。
  • 27、学习和工作应该有节奏,一张一弛,有劳有逸,这样才能提高效率
  • 28、一些双边资助机构也鹤立鸡群,但国家资助体系通常都支离破碎,效率低下,并且政治动机太强。
  • 29、行动快一点,说话轻一点,效率高一点,微笑露一点,脑筋活一点!
  • 30、时间多反而容易使人懒散,缺乏动力,效率低。
  • 31、像他这样有效率地做作业,既可以节省时间,又可以帮助学习。
  • 32、精简会议,裁减冗员,消除会海,这些都必须从中央做起,然后上行下效,才能提高行政效率
  • 33、好的学习习惯会提高学习效率,它还是成功的开始;好的学习习惯,能让我们在学习中游刃有余、事半功倍;好的学习习惯是学习过程中必不可少的过程。
  • 34、是你,让企业的秩序更加有条;是你,让公司的效率更加高效;是你,让部门的氛围更加友好。秘书很重要,有你效率高!秘书日快乐!
  • 35、对学习基础好的孩子,要重视打开他的思路,鼓励他进行创造思维,提高学习效率,增加课外兴趣。这是真正使孩子长期学习成绩好,并且在成*以后能够创造、有工作能力和学习能力的教育方式。
  • 36、单提珍惜时间就是廷长生命还不够,还应该说,讲究效率才是廷长生命的最好办法,也是赶超别人的最好方法。
  • 37、心理学研究表明,学生的学习效率,学习成绩,很大程度上也取决于所采用的学习方法是否科学,年级愈高就愈是如此。
  • 38、为了配合我对政治领导工作的专注,提高制度运作的效率,我授权政务司司长和财政司司长在政策统筹和协调上担当重要角色,确保**各项政策能够密切配合,公共资源能够更有效运用,避免政出多门或政策决而不行行而不果,更好地兑现**服务市民的承诺,和提升市民对**的信任。
  • 39、从长远的观点看,一个有效率感的人和一个没效率感的人,在事业上的差距是极大的,特别是在当前知识陈旧率增长迅速、知识爆炸的形势下,没有敏锐的效率感,是不可能搞好自学的。
  • 40、但是,无论是时间还是空间上的改变,本质上都极大地延展了财务管理的能力和质量,使财务管理达到原来不可企及的水平,极大地提高企业的工作效率和竞争力。
  • 41、争取时间就是争取成功,提高效率就是提高分数。
  • 42、当一个不幸降临了,最好的办法是让它过去,这样你才有更多的时间去做更有价值的事情,你才会活的更有效率,更有好心情。
  • 43、现代的典型,应该是高效率的典型,应该是与常人同呼吸,共命运,共同克服现实中的困难,共同经历现实中的生活,结果又能出色完成本职工作的人。
  • 44、效率是做好工作的灵魂。切斯特菲尔德
  • 45、企业家懂得如何降低成本、提高效率、解决问题,同时把有限的力量放在最有效的地方,所以企业家开展非营利的公益与慈善社会活动,天生具有优势。
  • 46、**主导的用大量土地投入和土地抵押支撑的城市化,就是摊大饼。这样建立起来的城市营运效率很低。
  • 47、有效率的做事是无可厚非的,但把这作为生活的唯一目标就糟糕了。
  • 48、讲课常用嗓,嗓子要保护,多食果蔬清热毒。教学工作忙,脑力易消耗,常吃鱼肉蛋黄与豆类,补充机能效率高。祝教师节快乐!
  • 49、而辩方有时为了保护自己的合法权益却不依不饶,这就常常导致案件久拖不判,既有违司法公正也不利于司法效率
  • 50、由更广泛的层面来看,即使如燃料电池的效率与洁净度,氢气所拥有的优点,也未必如想像般所向披靡。


效率 xiàolǜ

效率 效率(efficiency)是指有用功率对驱动功率的比值,同时也引申出了多种含义。效率也分为很多种,比如机械效率(mechanical efficiency)、热效率(thermal efficiency )等。效率与做功的快慢没有直接关系。 效率是指在给定投入和技术等条件下、最有效地使用资源以满足设定的愿望和需要的评价方式。
