

  • 1、在北京中关村,扮演救急角色的计算机专业技术人员越来越多,数据修复也渐成一个新“饭碗”。
  • 2、然后就借用别人车辆的电瓶给自己的搭电,说两句好话,递两颗烟,一般人都不会拒绝的,江湖救急嘛。
  • 3、The young doctor skillfully performed emergency surgery on the accident victim, saving her life and bringing hope to her family.
  • 4、With a compassionate heart, the firefighter rushed into the burning building, risking his own life to rescue the trapped occupants.
  • 5、The dedicated nurse worked tirelessly through the night, providing immediate medical attention to the injured victims of a devastating earthquake.
  • 6、Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the lifeguard swiftly swam towards the drowning child, pulling him out of the water and giving him a second chance at life.
  • 7、The quick response of the paramedics allowed them to stabilize the critically injured patient, providing essential treatment until they reached the hospital.
  • 8、Witnessing a car accident, a kind-hearted passerby immediately called for an ambulance and comforted the injured until help arrived.
  • 9、The swift deployment of disaster relief teams brought much-needed aid to the flood-stricken community, providing food, water, and medical support to those in need.
  • 10、The selfless act of blood donation by a stranger gave a second chance at life to a patient in critical condition, reminding us of the importance of solidarity in times of emergency.
  • 11、The dedicated search and rescue team tirelessly combed through the debris after an earthquake, determined to find and save any survivors amidst the destruction.
  • 12、Agroup of volunteers organized an emergency shelter for the homeless during a severe winter storm, offering warmth, food, and support to those in need.
  • 13、The international community united in a joint effort to provide emergency aid to a war-torn region, bringing hope and relief to the displaced and vulnerable populations.
  • 14、The pilot's quick thinking and skillful landing prevented a potential disaster, safely guiding the plane to the ground during an in-flight emergency.
  • 15、Abrave bystander stepped in to perform CPR on a collapsed stranger, reviving them and giving them a chance to be reunited with their loved ones.
  • 16、The Red Cross swiftly responded to a natural disaster, setting up mobile clinics to provide medical care to the affected communities and prevent further loss of life.
  • 17、Agenerous donor contributed significant funds to an emergency relief organization, ensuring that they could respond swiftly to disasters around the world and save lives.
  • 18、The Coast Guard bravely battled treacherous waves and stormy weather to rescue the crew of a sinking ship, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to saving lives at sea.
  • 19、Agroup of brave volunteers risked their lives to rescue trapped miners from a collapsed mine, showcasing the incredible power of teamwork and determination in the face of adversity.
  • 20、百年已过半,秋至转饥寒。为问彭州牧,何时救急难。
  • 21、许多公司,为了培养员工对公司的信任,也会为许多员工提供急救训练,还会为他们颁发救急用的等级证书。
  • 22、一次偶然的机会,宋浩令医院的医生们见识到了中医针灸术在抢救急症险症上的神奇效果。
  • 23、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句应有尽有,几千词语的造句供您参考!
  • 24、况且手下有一班党羽,三个缝皮匠,比个诸葛亮,到了无可奈何的时候,穷思极想,毕竟也有一条救急的方法出来。
  • 25、库奇则是帕杜在卡洛尔离开后火线签下的救急前锋,34岁的库奇在离开德比郡后一直是自由身。但是他作为攻击组合阿梅奥比和洛克兰茨的替补好像也作用不大。
  • 26、这类女士的最大优势是年轻,学历和长相都有,且身家清白,但薪水却难以和这些城市飞涨的物价匹敌,她们愿意通过这种方式获得钱来救急
  • 27、届时安东尼奥。米兰特将会站在球门柱之间,青年队的维尼图奇将会上调上一线队救急
  • 28、目的建立救急行军散的薄层色谱鉴别项目.
  • 29、知之小工具原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 30、如热心帮助干活,给一些小礼物,借一些“救急”的钱,让一些群众得到实惠,让他们从心里感恩或碍于情面,被一步步拉下水。
  • 31、但现在看来,当时的“江湖救急”之举难以改变个人“飞得更高”的心。
  • 32、二手汽车零件可以救急,但买时必须注意仔细考虑一些因素.
  • 33、问题极具普遍性,答案通俗易懂,特别适合兄弟江湖救急,女神突击问话,老板临时发难。
  • 34、阿弥陀佛!上天有好生之德,出家人应以慈悲为怀,佛祖普渡众生,救急扶伤乃是佛门分内之事,我是尽力而为吧!
  • 35、遇到菜鸟司机,他就像119一样,随时江湖救急……
  • 36、**将优先使用停机坪作飞行服务队救急扶伤和警方紧急用途,但会开放给商用直升机使用。
  • 37救急不救穷!卫庄不能无原则无限制的支援周家村。
  • 38、昨日中午,第一批为春节“保姆荒”救急的28名崇明阿嫂抵达市区。
  • 39、当然,社会救助是保障困难群众基本生活的“最后一道防线”,重在“扶危济贫、救急救难”,不是构造一个“养懒汉”的制度。
  • 40、他检查过两只御兽的状态了,青王的小窟窿已经结痂了,除了救急暂时不打扰它,蓝皇就好多了,基本恢复了七八层,应该够了。
  • 41、别忘了一张救急的毯子,一把好刀和一个急救箱,一把手电,电池,零食和水。
  • 42、8月2号,开滦党委召开了第27次扩大会议,会议的决议第一就是抗震救灾,首要的问题是救急扶伤,安排人们的吃住;第二个是军队恢复生产。
  • 43、家训一厚伦理,二尊王法,三救急难,四和乡里,五勤本业,六莫非为,七周贫乏,八谨祭祀。
  • 44、摘要目的建立救急行军散的薄层色谱鉴别项目.
  • 45、明知高利贷是毒药,可是为了眼前救急,还是饮鸩止渴了。
  • 46、过后不久,由于急需用钱,陈先生寻思着暂时把手链抵押在典当铺一阵子,算作江湖救急
  • 47、老板拖欠编程的钱,还总是拉他去江湖救急
  • 48、现在还有一身骑行装备,好贵车子好贵衣服的,蹲天桥骗钱说“江湖救急”呢。
  • 49、不成救急不救穷,不能给这么多,只给一百斤,给多了就赖着不走了。
  • 50、这样吧,我手里还有些钱,三驴子的钱你们就不要动了,我先拿出两万块给村里救救急,等咱村什么时候有钱了再还给我好了。


救急 jiùjí

救急 救急,指解救危急;帮助解决突然发生的伤病或其他急难。




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