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  • 1、当然,游客最感兴趣的还是老城区的圣墓教堂、圆顶的岩石和哭墙的神圣地标。
  • 2、卢瑟福后来形象的描述说:与整个原子相比,原子核就像教堂里面一只飞的苍蝇,正如科学家弗里曼.戴森所说,原子核的发现开启了原子物理的新时代,这改变了我们对原子的认识。
  • 3、Asthe sun set over the serene countryside, the ancient church stood tall, its weathered stone walls reverberating with centuries of prayers, offering solace to the weary souls seeking hope and redemption.
  • 4、With its majestic stained glass windows casting a kaleidoscope of colors onto the pews, the church became a sanctuary of light, where even the darkest of troubles could find solace and comfort.
  • 5、Ona frosty Christmas morning, the church bells chimed melodically, their joyful peals filling the air, heralding the arrival of a new day and reminding the faithful of the birth of Christ.
  • 6、Hand in hand, a newlywed couple walked down the aisle of the small village church, their hearts filled with love and the promise of a lifetime together, as the congregation watched in awe and celebration.
  • 7、The church graveyard, adorned with blooming wildflowers and peacefully shaded by tall oak trees, served as a poignant reminder of the frailty of life, a place for loved ones to find solace and a final resting place for the departed.
  • 8、Though ravaged by time and worn by winds, the humble church stood resilient, a testament to the unwavering faith of a community that had weathered countless storms together, finding solace within its sacred walls.
  • 9、The church bells rang out in jubilation, their resounding chimes echoing through the valley, a signal that a long-awaited peace had finally descended upon the war-torn land, offering hope and reconciliation.
  • 10、In the quiet solitude of the church, the wrinkled hands of an old man clutched a rosary, his lips moving in fervent prayer, carrying the weight of years of joys, sorrows, and hopes, seeking solace in the divine.
  • 11、As the children gathered for Sunday school, their laughter echoed through the church hallways, their young hearts eager to learn of a love greater than themselves, as the dedicated teachers guided them on their spiritual journey.
  • 12、The church spire reached for the heavens, its pointed peak piercing the sky, a visual reminder of mankind's aspirations, transcending earthly limitations and striving for a connection with the divine.
  • 13、The murmured whispers of the congregation reverberated throughout the silent church, intertwining with the flickering candlelight, as the faithful sought solace and guidance from their spiritual leader during times of despair.
  • 14、Asolitary figure knelt in the empty church, their tears falling silently onto the cold floor, seeking solace in the sacred space that had witnessed countless confessions, as they poured their heart out to a forgiving God.
  • 15、Through the intricate stained glass windows, the sun's rays painted a mosaic of colors on the church walls, symbolizing the beauty that can emerge from brokenness, reminding the faithful to embrace their imperfections.
  • 16、At the baptismal font, a newborn was embraced by the warm waters, symbolizing their entry into a community of believers, as prayers and blessings enveloped the child, ensuring their spiritual journey would be guided by the church's love.
  • 17、In the quiet stillness of the candlelit chapel, a weary traveler found respite from the chaos of the world, their burdens gently lifted as they surrendered their worries and fears to a higher power within the sacred space.
  • 18、The church courtyard became a gathering place for the community, where laughter and fellowship filled the air, reminding everyone that faith was not just found within the walls of the building, but in the relationships formed among its members.
  • 19、大约过了二十分钟之后,我们驾车驶到了一条碎石路,我看到了一个小教堂,在离教堂一侧远的地方,有一块手写的路牌:“水仙花园。”。
  • 20、在七月份一个阳光强烈的下午,一些社员在阴凉下四仰八叉的躺着,附近教堂前的晒台上,可可都晒干了八百年了,可他们还在午睡。
  • 21、虽然她正式离开了该教堂,但她仍然对教堂缴纳什一税.
  • 22、教堂造型独特,南长北短,东宽西狭,内圆外尖,内石外砖,采用无木无钉无钢无梁的四无结构,堪称不对称的典范。
  • 23、无论它那文艺复兴风格的宫廷,闻名遐迩的大教堂,还是著名的石桥,现在都面临五十年一遇的洪水威胁。
  • 24、目前唯一接受的合法婚姻,在美国是那些发生的,不一定是要在教堂中,但是,在两个异性人中。
  • 25、复活节也是向你所关怀的人关鲜花,盆景,胸花等地节日。许多去做礼拜的人这天也向教堂献上花束。
  • 26、耐特,我的兄弟兼伴郎,开车把我们从教堂送往举行婚宴的地方.
  • 27、不过,从教堂上空俯瞰,它的外观就像是一根巨大的男性**。
  • 28、马丁。路德在教堂的门上张贴95条反对赎罪券的标语。正是这次革命,开始了冲击了西方基督教的旅程。
  • 29、把你的劳累剪切,向我臂膀上粘贴;把我的快乐复制,向你生活中粘贴;把我们的回忆收藏,幸福播放,披上婚纱,走上神圣的教堂
  • 30、他们说他们要挑一些“男式晚礼服”来出席教堂婚礼。
  • 31、真的,钟声响了,人们成群结队走进富丽堂皇的教堂
  • 32、要想考察犹太人与非犹太人之间的关系,没有比位于比罗比詹市郊外,面积极小的的第二犹太教堂更好的地方了。这座天花板低矮,屋顶破旧的建筑只有不到四十步长。
  • 33、现在我又懂了,心在宁静无声的一个境界里,如凯撒在营帐,如海伦通过一条毁坏的大街,如米开兰基罗在大教堂的穹窿里,心依然是积极地跳动的,如一只长脚水蚊在急流上飞。杨牧
  • 34、他们把死去的羊倌葬在教堂墓地.
  • 35、它的楼梯宽得像宫殿里的楼梯,高得像是要通到一个教堂的塔里面去。
  • 36、好榜样就像把许多人召集到教堂去的钟声一样。
  • 37、很少去教堂,就是很少会产生抑郁情绪…真见鬼,忘了抑郁吧,可能现在咖啡会抑制人的宗教信仰!
  • 38、教堂的原型是天国,庙的原型是地府。天国有音乐、烛光和不露形迹的上帝,地府有咒语、香火和面目狰狞的塑像。西方人向往灵魂的不朽,中国人渴求肉身的长存。
  • 39、人们徜徉街头,随处可见到一座座古老的大教堂、各式各样的博物馆和巍然挺立的连云高楼。
  • 40、我既然到了教堂,总不能白跑一趟,于是,我就混进人群,参加了一场婚礼。
  • 41、我们意外地发现卡洛斯五世宫殿的一扇玻璃窗上可以看到对面教堂的影像,看上去就像是挂在墙上的一幅像框,非常漂亮!
  • 42、车内一片寂静,有如教堂里的默祷.
  • 43、14日,玛格丽特二世身着黑色大衣、戴粉色围巾,与两个妹妹一道向位于罗斯基勒大教堂的双亲墓碑敬献花圈。
  • 44、母亲和儿子进到了教堂坟园里,他们在古钟前站定。
  • 45、要知道她对我并不比一只母鸡对教堂更关心呵。
  • 46、法罗周六到访了戈纳伊夫一所充满泥浆的教堂,数以百计的风暴受难者从九月初就住进那里。
  • 47、它是亚瑟王的双手剑,并且被描绘在了学员教堂的大门上。
  • 48、就乡村文化生活而言,则以乡村中的中小学或宗祠、社庙、寺院、教堂等宗教和文化活动场所为载体。
  • 49、前大教堂在乌得勒支是其中一个第一个哥特式教会在荷兰,1254年建筑它开始。
  • 50、显著的古老的中世风格建筑,街道上的鹅卵石与坚硬的教堂建筑,街道两旁现代化的建筑,例如刚获得荣誉奖的购物中心。


教堂 jiàotáng

教堂 (基督教教会建筑物) 基督宗教是欧洲人生活中的一个重要的部分。因此,作为宗教活动传播的主要场所,教堂大多历史久远,并且遍布城乡各地,成为城、镇的重要组成部分。 教堂是基督教三大流派(天主教,基督新教,东正教)举行弥撒礼拜等宗教事宜的地方,按照级别分类有主教坐堂,大教堂(大殿),教堂,礼拜堂等。世界现今前三大教堂是天主教的:圣彼得大教堂,米兰大教堂,塞维利亚大教堂,全世界共有1,520座宗座圣殿,其中大部分分布在欧洲,特别是在意大利。 欧洲的教堂主要分为四种建筑风格:罗马风格、哥特风格、巴洛克风格和现代主义教堂,也有少数其他风格的教堂。
