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教育背景造句 首页

  • 1、有关儿童早教,“优思城堡”曾经在杭州具有一定知名度,根据其自身宣传,它有加拿大国际教育背景,鼎盛时,在杭州设有两个学习点,分别在文二路和新塘路。
  • 2、我觉得那个职位非常符合我的教育背景,而且那个公司会为我提供一套住房,我没有自己的房子知之小工具,必须租房子住。
  • 3、Despite growing up in a small, rural town with limited educational opportunities, her strong determination and thirst for knowledge led her to pursue a higher education at a prestigious university.
  • 4、Growing up in a household where education was highly valued, she was instilled with a deep appreciation for learning from a young age.
  • 5、His challenging upbringing in a low-income neighborhood did not deter him from achieving academic success; his educational background is a testament to his resilience and perseverance.
  • 6、The diverse range of subjects she studied during her undergraduate years equipped her with a well-rounded education that would prove essential in her future career.
  • 7、Coming from a family of educators, he understood the transformative power of education and was driven to make a positive impact in the field.
  • 8、His early exposure to a multicultural educational environment broadened his horizons and cultivated a deep appreciation for diversity and inclusivity.
  • 9、The interdisciplinary nature of her doctoral program allowed her to develop a unique perspective and approach to problem-solving that would set her apart in her field.
  • 10、Completing a rigorous exchange program at a prestigious overseas institution not only expanded her knowledge but also enriched her understanding of different cultures and societies.
  • 11、Despite facing financial hardships throughout his educational journey, his unwavering determination and resourcefulness enabled him to overcome obstacles and pursue his dreams.
  • 12、The compassionate and dedicated teachers she encountered during her schooling years left a lasting impression on her, inspiring her to embark on a career in education herself.
  • 13、Undertaking a specialized research project during his postgraduate studies gave him the opportunity to delve deep into a specific area of interest and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field.
  • 14、The support and guidance she received from her mentors and professors during her undergraduate years played a crucial role in shaping her educational path and future endeavors.
  • 15、Growing up in a community where educational opportunities were scarce, she made it her mission to advocate for equal access to quality education for all children.
  • 16、The innovative teaching methods she was exposed to during her professional development workshops inspired her to approach education from a fresh and dynamic perspective.
  • 17、Being part of a tight-knit academic community during her time at university provided her with a supportive network of like-minded individuals who shared her passion for learning and personal growth.
  • 18、The transformative power of education became evident to him when he witnessed firsthand the profound impact it had on empowering individuals and communities to overcome adversity.
  • 19、Her unique educational background, which included studying abroad in multiple countries, cultivated a global mindset that was invaluable in today's interconnected world.
  • 20、他们大多数是被精心挑选出的各个领域的顶尖学者,据不完全统计,主讲人中80%以上具有海外留学或长时间做访问学者的海外教育背景
  • 21、然而。儿童画教学是小学美术教育中的重点,在素质教育背景下,更应该得到充分的发挥与利用。
  • 22、教育背景:1986年毕业于华东政法学院法律系本科。
  • 23、我们所能猜到的是,金钱能拉平男性的地位,但尼恩能够想到好的教育背景也能让女性在游戏场中拉平地位吗?
  • 24、今年25岁的周某毕业于同济大学日语系,有着不错的教育背景,但因爱慕虚荣误入歧途。
  • 25、华人诺奖获得者的教育背景耐人寻味。
  • 26、广东省开平县父母职业:父亲为远洋船长,母亲是报社记者教育背景:1983年中山大学物理系本科毕业;1986年南开大学社会学系研究生毕业。
  • 27、与中国互联网多数“海归派”“技术派”的风云人物不同,马云的教育背景相当一般。
  • 28、令人叹息的是,今年25岁的小周毕业于同济大学日语系,本有着不错的教育背景,却因爱慕虚荣误入歧途。
  • 29、如此具有法学教育背景的政治人物,厚颜做这样宣示,实在是举世罕见。
  • 30、教育背景:毕业于西南政法大学,民法硕士。
  • 31、在教育背景和技能的一栏中,可以包括正式的和职业培训,但是内容要简短扼要。
  • 32、大部分媒体报道的杨江华信息,约等同于这份两句话构成的再简单不过的“简历”,甚至连他的出生年月、教育背景等都难以查询。
  • 33、教育背景:1951年毕业于东吴大学法律系。
  • 34、具有良好的社会科学及理工科教育背景.
  • 35、从教育背景和从业经历来看,这些党政一把手绝大多数拥有“研究生”以上学历以及教授、博导头衔,集中体现出“高知化”趋势。
  • 36、多拥有高学历教育背景2014年02月27日14:56。
  • 37、中青舆情监测室统计全国31个省份的62名高院院长、省检检察长发现,多数院长和检察长有法学专业教育背景
  • 38、哈尔滨,教育背景:硕士,主要公司:黑龙江翔鹰集团,首次证券市场融资未上市,主要行业建筑、装饰、水利、筑路。
  • 39、我们身上的中庸性,妨碍了我们对于自由,对于生命的极端享受。我们驯化的教育背景,我们生命意志的软弱已经注定了,我们只能在对"在路上"的憧憬中度过青春时光。许知远
  • 40、在北工大众多学院中,都柏林学院引起家长和考生们的关注,咨询现场人头攒动,家长们纷纷咨询爱尔兰教育背景及都柏林大学情况。
  • 41、曾是上海复旦大学医学院附属医院副教授的她有着中西医教育背景,20多年前随丈夫定居泰国,在华侨中医院找到了事业的“第二春”。
  • 42、一些有着相似教育背景的**部们,经过了不同的工作历练,机缘巧合地在工作岗位上遇见了校友。
  • 43、在大众化教育背景下,强化班是培养优秀大学本科生的一种较好模式。
  • 44、卡梅伦教育背景引热伊顿公学:走出20名**首脑。
  • 45、我觉得那个职位非常吻合我的教育背景,而且那个公司会为我提供一套住房,我没有自己的屋子,必须租房子住。
  • 46、从1978年,著名流体力学家、理论物理学家、教育家和社会活动家周培源出任北大校长开始,历任校长几乎都是理工科的教育背景,且院士极多。
  • 47、2000年1月,没有任何专业音乐教育背景的柴永柏调入四川音乐学院,任副院长,职称为讲师,分管学校的基建工作。
  • 48、清军军官没有任何关于近代陆军指挥、作战的教育背景,仅仅靠内战中自学摸索、积累一些实战经验。
  • 49、与大多业界人士不同的是,他拥有工程学教育背景,这为他对“生物维修厂”进行研究提供了理想条件。
  • 50、她说,家庭背景雄厚的竞争对手与自己在教育背景以及学业能力上的差距并不是天壤之别。