- 1、杂志封面上的超人身披红色斗篷,正猛摔一辆绿色汽车,把围观人群吓得魂飞魄散。
- 2、最终,唐九阳长吁短叹地划着船,跟着斗篷男离开了洞穴。
- 3、The black velvet cloak draped over her shoulders, transforming her into a mysterious enchantress, ready to cast spells and captivate everyone's attention.
- 4、The nobleman's scarlet cape billowed in the wind as he rode through the village, leaving an air of elegance and authority in his wake.
- 5、Wrapped in a warm woolen cloak, she ventured out into the snow-covered forest, her heart eager for adventure and discovery.
- 6、Asthe stage curtains lifted, the prima ballerina emerged, her flowing cape revealing her graceful movements and capturing the audience's hearts.
- 7、Aense of melancholy swept over him as he buttoned up his threadbare cape, a constant reminder of the hardships he had endured throughout his life.
- 8、The magician beckoned the audience closer, his midnight blue cloak concealing his secrets, eliciting a sense of wonder and anticipation in the crowd.
- 9、With every flicker of candlelight, the dark, hooded cloak seemed to cast an ominous shadow, leaving everyone in the room with a sense of foreboding.
- 10、Wrapped tightly in his grandmother's patchwork cloak, the young boy felt a warm sense of security and love, even in the midst of the storm.
- 11、The medieval knight marched onto the battlefield, his steel armor gleaming beneath his noble family crest emblazoned on his scarlet cloak.
- 12、The theater director instructed the actors to don their theatrical capes, instantly transforming them into characters from a bygone era and transporting the audience back in time.
- 13、The vampire's black cloak billowed as he swooped down from the sky, his piercing gaze sending shivers down the spines of all who witnessed his arrival.
- 14、The witch's emerald-green cloak swirled around her as she cackled mischievously, her spellbinding powers captivating the curious onlookers.
- 15、The cloakroom attendant carefully hung each guest's coat on the hooks, their cloaks representing the individuality and status of the evening's attendees.
- 16、The mountaineer tightly tied his protective cloak around his body, shielding him from the biting cold as he scaled the treacherous mountain peak.
- 17、The elderly woman lovingly draped her late husband's cloak over the armchair, a poignant reminder of the warmth and companionship they had shared throughout their long life together.
- 18、杰尼索夫骑在一匹精瘦、两肋下陷的良种马上,雨水从他戴的羊皮帽和披的毡斗篷上流淌下来。
- 19、勒荣立刻被叫喊声惊醒,贝拉也一跃而起,把斗篷扔在身后。几个人类的反应稍慢,但相差不多。
- 20、三个最高的圆台容纳了约400个身披喇叭形斗篷的佛陀.
- 21、我个人非常爱的一款风衣,非常有设计感的一个款,有点假两件小斗篷的feel,双排扣又充满了学院风的味道,藏青色简约大方又时尚。
- 22、高矗云霄的博格达峰上,长年累月戴着白雪的“头巾”,披着白雪的“斗篷”,不论春夏秋冬,它总是一身皎白。
- 23、这是超人首次在漫画书中。杂志封面上的超人身披红色斗篷,正猛摔一辆绿色汽车,把围观人群吓得魂飞魄散。
- 24、正在黑斗篷一步一步走向霍天佑的时候,峡谷中的湖面上突然射出一道璀璨的光华,瞬间即逝,速度之快,黑斗篷甚至没有反应过来。
- 25、英国的骑兵警卫队举行仪式用的斗篷和白色的帽章头盔骑在他们的马上,骑兵警卫着伦敦中心的建筑物。
- 26、从上世纪90年代中期开始,以金色面罩、Valkyrie胸衣、金色假发、红靴红斗篷示人的护花使者用一身异装引开男人的注意力,阻止他们引诱醉酒的女人。
- 27、青钿捧着一件翠纹织锦羽缎斗篷为上官敏愉披上,道:“奴婢们不敢规劝娘娘,只是林子里虽然有人打扫。
- 28、他忙着在斗篷口袋里翻寻,好像在找什么东西。
- 29、德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院的研究人员托尔加?埃尔金说:“目前,这种隐形斗篷只是光学领域一个‘惊艳’的开始,让人们知道转换光学可以做些什么。”。
- 30、华扬不言不语,双腿发力,身躯如离铉的箭,双臂用力挥动九斤哥的木枪砸向黑斗篷。
- 31、复仇与洗清冤屈的渴望,仿佛一件沉重的斗篷,压在肩头。Ezio
- 32、斗篷内的莫佳越微微点了点头,面纱一阵晃动,风光旖旎。
- 33、表哥望睹一群穿戴斗篷的妇夫在胖白汤里浸泡笨魂。
- 34、左右首两个太太穿着黑呢斗篷,翻领下露出一根沉重的金链条,双行横牵过去扣住领口。
- 35、骄傲可能会潜藏在穿旧的斗篷下。但丁
- 36、换句话说,就像斗牛士的斗篷一样,血凝素的头部将免疫攻击的目标从病毒相对更脆弱的地方转移开。
- 37、从远处看,水仙花就像一个穿着绿衣服披着绿斗篷脸儿白白的仙女,发丝上还扎着几朵黄色的蝴蝶结,在碧波荡漾的湖面上跳舞,怪不得被称为“凌波仙子”呢!
- 38、图片中,Cindy穿着粉色小斗篷和格子裙,甜笑着望着镜头。
- 39、穿上黑斗篷,额头画闪电,手执黑魔杖,跨骑木扫帚。你兴致昂扬大喊哈利驾到,一人却说万圣角色真稀奇,竟然有人扮清洁工!你千万别沮丧,清洁工有何不好,烦恼忧愁一扫而光!祝你万。
- 40、自黑斗篷人群之中,突然有着一道苍老的声音缓缓而出,其声像是即将断流的河水,没有一丝生气,听着像梦话一般,让人想到了死亡。
- 41、黑蜘蛛、小女巫、南瓜灯、海盗服、小斗篷、巫婆帽、假发等装饰品,则为小朋友们打造“最惊吓造型”。
- 42、受到梦的驱动,我侧身起进斗篷群体中,为的是看清让他们如此心潮澎湃的东西或人。
- 43、“他看上去简直就是一个天使。”一群孤儿院的孩子说,他们身穿鲜亮的大红斗篷,系着洁白的围嘴,正从大教堂往外走。
- 44、身披深红色*斗篷头戴狮首形半盔的兰尼斯特枪兵站在王座室的西墙边,穿着绿色斗篷弟滇利尔护卫则面对着他们站在对面的墙下。
- 45、如果天气状况难测,你就会想加带雨具:一件斗篷或尼龙夹克。
- 46、那天籁般的音乐,是人类最伟大的旋律之一——她最喜欢的,就是那个魔王。每次看到那个穿着绿色斗篷的充满野性的精灵旋风般裹来时,她就感到莫名其妙地兴奋。她甚至认为,人种之所以退化,正是因为人类消解了那种魔王般的野性力量。雪漠
- 47、若是站在后山上看下去,晴天里一片头巾、花帕、草帽,雨天里一片斗篷、纸伞、布伞。
- 48、层搭的最高境界就是小衬衫外套小马甲,小马甲外套小开衫,小开衫外套小披肩,知之小工具小披肩外套小斗篷……
- 49、都匀市东驰毛尖茶厂成立于2004年,茶厂位于都匀市杨柳街镇斗篷山村。
- 50、于是,他招展着他的绣花红斗篷和漂亮的羽毛,闪耀着全身的珠光宝气,到恭候他的随从那儿去了。