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斥退造句 首页

  • 1、见身着素衣,头戴黑色斗笠的高大男子,老者斥退下人,将男子迎进书房。
  • 2、说着将手电筒从许莫的脸上移开,五条恶犬却不斥退,还在盯着许莫。
  • 3、The company had to resort to the drastic measure of "斥退" several employees in order to cut down on costs and ensure its survival in the competitive market.
  • 4、Despite their years of dedication to the organization, the employees were shocked and devastated by the sudden decision to "斥退" them without any prior warning or explanation.
  • 5、The act of "斥退" not only shattered the employees' dreams and aspirations but also dealt a severe blow to their self-esteem and sense of worth.
  • 6、The unceremonious "斥退" of these talented individuals left a void in the company that was difficult to fill, impacting its overall productivity and performance.
  • 7、The heartlessness displayed by the management in their decision to "斥退" the employees was a clear indication of their disregard for loyalty and commitment.
  • 8、The employees who were "斥退" found themselves grappling with a sense of betrayal as they had invested their time, skills, and energy in the growth and success of the organization.
  • 9、The decision to "斥退" the employees not only affected their professional lives but also had a ripple effect on their personal lives, causing financial instability and emotional distress.
  • 10、The feeling of exclusion and abandonment that the employees experienced after being "斥退" was overwhelming, leaving them doubting their abilities and questioning their future prospects.
  • 11、The unjustified nature of their "斥退" sparked a wave of indignation and resentment among the employees, eroding the trust and goodwill they once held for the organization.
  • 12、The company's reputation took a significant hit as news of the "斥退" spread, leading to negative public perception and potential loss of valuable clients and business opportunities.
  • 13、The hasty and poorly executed decision to "斥退" the employees displayed a lack of empathy and consideration for their well-being, tarnishing the company's image as a responsible and ethical employer.
  • 14、The aftermath of the "斥退" was marked by a sense of despair and hopelessness, as the employees battled with the challenges of finding new employment in a fiercely competitive job market.
  • 15、The decision to "斥退" the employees without offering any severance or support further aggravated their already dire situation, leaving them feeling abandoned and discarded.
  • 16、The sheer number of employees who were "斥退" revealed a worrisome trend of cost-cutting measures taking precedence over valuing and nurturing talent within the organization.
  • 17、The lack of transparency and communication surrounding the decision to "斥退" the employees bred an atmosphere of fear and distrust, creating a toxic work environment for those who remained.
  • 18、The company's shortsightedness in its decision to "斥退" the employees denied them the opportunity for growth and development, hindering their potential and stifling innovation within the organization.
  • 19、The long-term consequences of the decision to "斥退" the employees began to manifest as the organization faced difficulties in attracting new talent and retaining existing staff due to its tarnished reputation.
  • 20、The impact of the "斥退" extended beyond the individuals directly affected, as it sent shockwaves throughout the industry, leading to industry-wide doubts about the company's stability and reliability.
  • 21、The emotional scars left by the experience of being "斥退" would take time to heal, as the employees struggled to regain their confidence and rebuild their careers after such a traumatic event.
  • 22、明珠罢相削权,索额图身死囹圄,徐乾学去官之后郁郁早逝,高士奇倍享尊荣却被斥退回藉。
  • 23、破而后立!一旦他能够直面自己的身世便可化身为龙,斥退三山五岳,站在世界的巅峰!
  • 24、赵灵儿斥退了小九,眼光对着亭内一瞥,之后将柯景玉从头到脚的一打量:“你叫什么名字?”。
  • 25、在康熙朝名臣辈出,“宦海”沉浮的年代,明珠罢相削权,索额图身死囹圄,徐乾学去官之后郁郁早逝,高士奇倍享尊荣却被斥退回藉。
  • 26、见到这一幕,陆羽没有丝毫的犹豫,蓝羽剑当即从剑鞘之中飞掠了出来,一阵黄色光芒涌现,那浩然正气一瞬间便是将所有的鬼魅尽数斥退
  • 27、文丑丑斥退下人,叫段浪跟好,径直向杂役处行去。
  • 28、索格的脸上绽开了个他自己都不知道的充满宠溺的笑容,挥手斥退了左右,踮着脚尖,蹑住形踪,绕到了那排树后。
  • 29、他斥退了一个为心脏基金募捐的人,而他的朋友则捐了一些零钱等等。
  • 30、好姑娘就要:卖得了萌,耍得了二;扮得了萝莉,演得了女王;晒得了下限,红得了脸蛋;玩得了小清新,咽得下重口味。斥退了死皮赖脸,躲得了不怀好意!
  • 31、兵主心态已非往昔,仅永乐殿前斥退蚩豹就可窥见一斑。
  • 32、韩何生斥退了围聚帮众,大多帮众眼里还是冒着怒火,小道士开口解释:是这人羞辱我,还想轻薄这月氏少女。
  • 33、习若简挥手将二人斥退,待二人有些连滚带爬的离开大厅后,目光才有些惊讶的落到了王庭身上。
  • 34、当天晚上,元英发动又一阵的冲击,北魏军矢箭如雨,射向粱营城上,韦睿坐在城头沉着指挥,他儿子韦黯请他下城避箭却被其严词斥退,粱营城垒安如磐石。
  • 35、突然下令斥退张诚,抄没家产,并把其弟侄张勋、张绍宁及亲信霍文炳、张桢等人的住房田地一并籍没入官。
  • 36、妲己被大王斥退,赶下朝堂,禁足东宫。
  • 37、幸好之后从复活点走出来的‘大刀无敌’等人,斥退了这些普通玩家,然后他们几人便趾高气昂,如同打了胜仗一般的拥戴者秦虹,从复活点来到了建邺城东门。


斥退 chìtuì

1、免官革退 2、屏退;挥之令退 
斥退 斥退 ,读音chì tuì,汉语词语,基本意思为喝令退出。
