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旅游观光造句 首页

  • 1、大批内地旅客经拱北口岸出境赴澳旅游观光,出境大厅前再度出现人龙,入境大厅则有大批赋归旅客赶返内地。
  • 2、暑假期间,爸爸带我到深圳旅游观光
  • 3、The breathtaking scenic beauty of the countryside made the tourist's trip a memorable one, as they explored the enchanting charm of nature during their leisurely tourism sightseeing.
  • 4、The picturesque coastal landscapes, with their sparkling blue waters and golden sandy beaches, provided a serene and idyllic atmosphere that enchanted the tourist during their relaxing sightseeing getaway.
  • 5、Roaming through the bustling streets of the vibrant metropolis, the tourist felt the vibrant energy and rhythm of the city's heartbeat, as they immersed themselves in its colorful culture and lively nightlife during their sightseeing expedition.
  • 6、The diverse and mouthwatering culinary delights delighted the tourist's taste buds, as they indulged in the local delicacies while enjoying the scenic views of the picturesque countryside during their gastronomic sightseeing journey.
  • 7、The captivating cultural festivals and traditional performances showcased the city's vibrant traditions and customs, leaving the tourist entranced and eager to immerse themselves in the local culture during their sightseeing exploration.
  • 8、The tourist marveled at the intricate craftsmanship and artistic splendor of the ancient temples and palaces, as they explored the architectural wonders that stood as a testament to the city's rich history and cultural heritage during their sightseeing adventure.
  • 9、The vibrant markets and bustling shopping districts provided the tourist with a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the local lifestyle and indulge in some retail therapy, as they explored the hidden gems and unique souvenirs offered during their sightseeing excursion.
  • 10、The peaceful and serene countryside offered the tourist a much-needed respite from the busy city life, as they embarked on a sightseeing retreat to rejuvenate their mind and soul, surrounded by the soothing sounds of nature and picturesque landscapes.
  • 11、The tourist marveled at the ancient ruins and archaeological sites, as they unearthed the mysteries and stories of civilizations long gone, immersing themselves in the rich historical tapestry of the region during their educational sightseeing expedition.
  • 12、The tourist couldn't help but be amazed by the vibrant street art and graffiti that adorned the city's walls and alleyways, as they explored the eclectic and artistic side of the destination during their sightseeing exploration.
  • 13、The luxurious resorts and spa retreats provided the tourist with a pampering and indulgent escape, as they rejuvenated their body and mind while basking in the serenity and natural beauty of the surrounding landscape during their wellness-focused sightseeing getaway.
  • 14、The tourist joined a cultural immersion program, living with a host family and actively participating in traditional activities and ceremonies, gaining a deeper understanding and appreciation for the local customs and way of life during their immersive sightseeing journey.
  • 15、The tourist was captivated by the ethereal beauty of the starlit sky during a night sky observation tour, where they witnessed the awe-inspiring celestial wonders, creating a sense of wonder and amazement during their unique sightseeing adventure.
  • 16、和其他北非国家不同,阿尔及利亚已经把他们的灵魂献给了旅游观光事业。
  • 17、内容以反映中国人的日常生活,风俗民情,购物指南,旅游观光,探亲访友,待人接物为主.
  • 18、欢迎您来麻阳长寿乡知之小工具,麻阳长寿公园养生旅游观光
  • 19、陕西阳光雨露现代农业旅游观光科技示范园。
  • 20、每逢夏季,在包裹阿穆尔河的坚冰消融之后,许多俄罗斯人会乘坐发出飕飕声响的水翼艇,从风景宜人的哈巴罗夫斯克市出发,赶赴中国旅游观光
  • 21、这里山川秀丽,是旅游观光的好地方。
  • 22、鲁班路1号出入口每天要迎接数万旅游观光客入园。
  • 23、大理季如春,景色宜人,是旅游观光的好地方。
  • 24、锣鼓喧天,笑容连连,是“欢庆”的味道;灯笼高挂,红绸飘飘,是“喜庆”的讯号;节日盛装,旅游观光,是“吉庆”的美好;祝福问候,浓浓深情,是因“国庆”来到!祝国庆节快乐逍遥。
  • 25、宁夏康辉国际旅行社有限公司董事长、总经理安亚平也热情洋溢地表示,“宁夏地小物博,山河壮美,希望*弯业者能够多带客人到宁夏去旅游观光!”。
  • 26、旅游观光创造工作是不可争议的事实。
  • 27、但对法国人来说,英国提供了较低的税收并能感受到城市的金融脉搏,相对而言,它很少能吸引旅游观光者。
  • 28、不远的将来,世业洲将成为长江一流的大桥景观区和华东地区一流的生态旅游观光区。
  • 29、另些城堡则被用作旅游观光胜地和博物馆。
  • 30、海上世界是深圳蛇口工业区一处以“明华轮”为中心的旅游观光景点,位于深圳市蛇口客运码头的北面。
  • 31、些蓬勃高速发展的新兴经济体为全球旅游观光业带来了巨大希望。
  • 32、朋友,当你在假日里携同亲朋好友来三亚旅游观光的时候。
  • 33、山东金银花产业链延伸至加工和业和旅游观光业。
  • 34、如今,雪屋也成为旅游观光景点:包括挪威和芬兰在内的许多国家,在冬天时会建造雪屋饭店。
  • 35、它之所以重要是因为它们是最北的西方低地大猩猩的栖居地,还因为它很容易到达喀麦隆首都雅温得,所以它有可能成为未来的旅游观光地。
  • 36、尽管潮白河公园是一个著名的旅游观光地,但它没有公共厕所:汽车俱乐部不得不用四辆车围起来设置一个临时厕所。
  • 37、游人们到了那里,吃住在渔家,和渔民们一起张网捕鱼,在旅游观光的同时体验绚丽多彩的渔家民俗风情。
  • 38、在此,我们真诚的欢迎您和您的团队,莅临永济交流汇演,旅游观光,永济人民欢迎您!
  • 39、话说这一日暖风和煦,百花盛开,正是旅游观光的大好时节,只见久无人烟的官道上马蹄声急,一匹骏马疾驰而过。
  • 40、鑫泰酒店地处文柏路中段,交通便利,服务一流,是国内外宾客旅游观光、商务洽谈的理想下榻之地。
  • 41、月29日,赤水市旅游观光车建设项目部召开会议,安排旅游观光车项目建设一期工程的征地拆迁工作,力争11月20日前破土动工。
  • 42、该项目位于土右旗萨拉齐镇西北方向10公里处的水涧沟明月湾,是一座以防洪为主,兼顾下游工业用水、农业灌溉、旅游观光及地下水补给为一体的综合型水库。
  • 43、具有当地特色的樱桃节、农家宴、民俗村、农家宾馆、生态旅游观光等民俗旅游项目,都对游客有不小的吸引力。
  • 44、对于标准的旅游观光胜地,不知怎的我总是政治错误地抗拒。欧阳应霁
  • 45、黄金周期间,上饶市铜拔山、五府山、葛仙山等一批新景区、新景点成了人们旅游观光的新看点、新热点。
  • 46、韩国旅游发展局说,这是有史以来规模最大的以韩国为目的地的旅游观光团。
  • 47、每年慕名到印度南部著名的科瓦拉姆海滩旅游观光客人可达25万。
  • 48、是社会各界进行公务、商务考察,举办各类会议培训、旅游观光、企业员工福利疗养、奖励度假的最佳选择。
  • 49、艾提尕尔寺是自治区重点文物保护单位。它不仅是喀什重要的宗教活动场所,还是一个重要旅游观光点。