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  • 1、一个特种通信排,主要包括一个旗语班,一个灯语班、一个鸟语班。
  • 2、它好象是在粒子物理学家眼前挥动的旗语信号.
  • 3、With the fluttering flag, we proudly declare our unity and determination to overcome any obstacles in our path towards success and prosperity.
  • 4、Asthe golden flag dances in the wind, it symbolizes our unwavering patriotism and devotion to our beloved country.
  • 5、Inspired by the vibrant colors of the flag, we are motivated to embrace diversity, celebrate differences, and build a harmonious society.
  • 6、With every wave of the flag, we are reminded of the power of unity, as we stand hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, facing any challenges that come our way.
  • 7、The flag symbolizes our resilience, as it remains undeterred by storms, representing our ability to overcome hardships and emerge stronger than ever.
  • 8、Standing beneath the fluttering flag, we find solace in its embrace, knowing that it stands as a symbol of hope and a beacon of light in the darkest of times.
  • 9、With the flag as our guide, we navigate through the storms of life, knowing that it will always lead us towards a brighter future, filled with limitless possibilities.
  • 10、The flag inspires us to be the best version of ourselves, encouraging us to strive for excellence in all our endeavors, leaving a lasting legacy for generations to come.
  • 11、Under the protective shadow of the flag, we find strength and courage, knowing that it represents the unity and indomitable spirit of our people.
  • 12、The flag waving gracefully in the wind signifies the beauty and resilience of our culture, and serves as a reminder to preserve and cherish our rich heritage.
  • 13、The flag serves as a reminder that our identity transcends borders, emphasizing our interconnectedness as global citizens, and the importance of building bridges between nations.
  • 14、With the flag as our shield, we courageously face the future, knowing that together, we can overcome any obstacles and achieve greatness.
  • 15、As the flag flutters high above the land, it serves as a reminder that we are all connected, and that by working together, we can build a better world for everyone.
  • 16、10领先时,八一队一个扣球明显出界,甚至都没有压到边线上,但当地体育局委派的一名女司线员却毫不犹豫地做出了界内球的旗语
  • 17、他们打旗语让一辆火车停下来.
  • 18、有一天傍晚,父亲又带一个打旗语的水兵,上旗台去了.
  • 19、打旗语发信号,用灯光发信号通过摇摆举起的手臂、旗子或灯来传达。
  • 20、此外,还有一个头缠革命头巾,身穿全套海军制服的人无规律地打着信号,看着好像是在打旗语,不过翻译出来的东西却是乱七八糟。
  • 21、它抛了锚,收了所有的帆,甲板上是茄马特船长在那儿发号施令,而佩尼隆正在向莫雷尔先生打旗语
  • 22、据史书载,他“终日料理船事,刻不自暇自逸”,甚至在如厕时“犹命打旗语传令”。
  • 23、并且唯一比他慢的完赛车手是威廉姆斯的中岛一贵,他因为左后胎的爆胎,并且在旗语之前进站换胎。


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