- 1、最大值在离开此中心向南3公里处的400百帕左右高度上。
- 2、在大多数情况下会有一个最小值和一个最大值;如果是这样,要确认数据在合法范围之内。
- 3、Asparents, our love for our children is boundless. We want to provide them with the best opportunities in life, so we strive to be their biggest supporters and help them achieve their maximum potential in every aspect.
- 4、Love is a feeling that can reach its highest point when we find our soulmate. It is in the arms of our loved ones that we discover the immense joy and happiness that can only be reached when two hearts beat as one.
- 5、The power of determination and hard work is immeasurable. When we set our minds to achieving a goal and give it our maximum effort, we can surprise ourselves with what we are capable of accomplishing.
- 6、Art has the power to evoke the strongest emotions and create a deep connection with the audience. Whether it is through a painting, a song, or a dance, artists have the ability to touch people's hearts and bring out their maximum range of feelings.
- 7、Education is a gift that has the power to transform lives. By providing equal access to education for all individuals, we can unlock their maximum potential, nurturing their talents, and opening doors to endless opportunities.
- 8、Life's biggest achievements often lie outside our comfort zone. When we take risks and challenge ourselves, we create the greatest potential for personal growth and reveal our maximum capabilities.
- 9、The human spirit is remarkable, and in times of adversity, we often witness acts of bravery and selflessness that defy our expectations. These moments remind us of the incredible strength of the human will and the maximum heights it can reach.
- 10、Time is our most precious resource, and how we choose to use it determines the maximum impact we can have on the world. Being mindful of how we spend our time allows us to make a difference and leave a lasting legacy.
- 11、History is filled with stories of individuals who have defied odds and achieved greatness. Their stories inspire and remind us that with dedication and perseverance, we all have the potential to reach our maximum potential and accomplish extraordinary things.
- 12、The sunrise symbolizes the dawning of hope and new beginnings. As the sun reaches its maximum height in the sky, it reminds us that every day is an opportunity to start anew and strive for our highest aspirations.
- 13、Music has the ability to transport us to another world. Whether it's the power of a symphony or the simplicity of a single melody, it can evoke a range of emotions and bring us to our maximum level of joy or melancholy.
- 14、Asmile has the power to brighten someone's day and create a ripple effect of happiness. With its maximum simplicity, it spreads warmth and positivity, creating a sense of connection and unity among people.
- 15、The journey of self-discovery is an ongoing process, and it requires the maximum level of introspection and self-reflection. By delving deep into our innermost thoughts and emotions, we can unlock our true potential and find fulfillment.
- 16、在一个固定的层里,它会从左往右变化,在最右边时达到最大值。
- 17、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
- 18、倾斜式回流冷凝器中溢流速度随倾斜角度而变化,当倾斜角在30至50之间时,液泛速度达到最大值。
- 19、本文通过对开区间内连续可导函数的详细分析讨论,给出了一种求开区间上连续可导函数最大值和最小值的普遍方法。
- 20、注意,我已经把声音的旋纽调到最大值了,声音也就是这样大。
- 21、随土层深度增加,若以棉花主茎垂直向下比喻为弓弦,则单作棉根干重的空间变化呈弓背形分布,而套作棉各土层根干重最大值出现的位点逐渐远离棉株。
- 22、在一定的稳定性条件下,由最大值原理得出最优收敛结果。
- 23、因此,测试假定用户将以某种“随机”或“有用”的方式工作,检查程序在“一般”情况下或者在某些最大值下如何工作。
- 24、结论:在掷标枪最后用力阶段,髓关节、肩关节、肘关节、腕关节的速度都达到了最大值。
- 25、也就是说,如果你可以解出来或者去除掉这些变量的点,就是临界点,当你有这样的问题要解决的时候,我们找到临界点了,它们一定是最大值点或者最小值点吗?
- 26、愿天下考研人:忧愁是可微的,快乐是可积的,在未来趋于正无穷的日子里,幸福是连续的,对你的祝福是可导的且大于零知之小工具,祝你每天快乐的复合函数总是最大值。
- 27、本文根据语音的准周期性,提出了基于自相关函数最大值的语音活性检测算法。
- 28、当坡度较大时,最小值出现在距凹角约为0.5倍步长处,最大值出现在凸角附近,且凸角压强没有明显降低。
- 29、今年3月,一项衡量欧洲出口订单数的关键指标达到10年来最大值。
- 30、万源县前日18时至昨日8时累计降雨量就达232毫米,为有历史记录最大值。
- 31、作为部分可观测信息的特例,我们给出了完全可观测的风险敏感最优控制问题的一般最大值原理。
- 32、比例因子可以用图轴的高度除以数据的最大值来获得。
- 33、它从零值开始,并在稍后于波阵面处增长到最大值.
- 34、旱稻总根长和总根重的最大值均出现在拔节至抽穗阶段。
- 35、数据的长备储藏在那里到30天的最大值。
- 36、当然,同理也有局部最大值,我没画出来,不过也很容易画,这样就是一个局部最大值。
- 37、气化工作面扩展速率在供风点附近出现最大值,变化平稳,瘦煤地下气化具有较高的稳定性。
- 38、如果旋转的话,那么斜率会变大,变大,变大,当和梯度方向一致时,它达到最大值。
- 39、实践,让知识增值;进取,让事业增值;创新,让成就增值。理解,让爱情增值;诚信,让友情增值;勤奋,让人生获得最大值。
- 40、忧愁是可微分的,快乐是可积分的,在未来趋近于正无穷的日子里,对你的祝福是可导并大于零的,愿给你的幸福复合函数永远取最大值。
- 41、当两侧连接体面积不等时,应力最大值发生在面积较小的一侧,且出现应力集中现象。
- 42、求解连续函数最大值的优化算法已有多种,但都不同程度地存在一定的局限性。
- 43、晚婚、少育,哺乳期不宜过长,尽可能保存体内钙质,丰富钙库,将骨峰值提高到最大值是预防骨质疏松症的最佳措施。
- 44、计算表明:正常使用下作用效应的持久组合工况下靠陆侧桩身有最大值弯矩;施工作用效应的短暂组合工况下靠陆侧桩身弯矩是从桩顶至桩头逐渐衰减的。
- 45、采购员谨防:输出摆幅达到最大值之前,线性就已经开始下降.
- 46、在2012年12月21日,随着一个“千禧年”式时刻的到来,它将展示一连串的“0”,就像汽车上转过了最大值的里程表。
- 47、作为最大值原理的应用,我们研究了一类部分可观测的递归线性二次最优控制问题。
- 48、如果宇宙是封闭的,宇宙的熵和混乱度将逐渐增大,终将达到最大值,宇宙将会走向热寂,所有的生命都将走向消亡。
- 49、类似地,一个多元函数,具体点,比如二元函数,它的最小值和最大值,可以在临界点处取到。
- 50、利用矩阵条件数对方程求解的稳定性进行了讨论,推导出理论上的折射角和小角散射宽度的最大值。