- 1、所有减免税在最惠国待遇基础上适用.
- 2、最惠国待遇原则,权利穷竭原则等原则由于其自身适用范围的限制,不能作为国际知识产权法的基本原则。
- 3、Asa member of the World Trade Organization, our country is committed to granting the most-favored-nation treatment to all trading partners, ensuring fair and equal opportunities for global economic cooperation.
- 4、The concept of most-favored-nation treatment promotes a sense of inclusivity and equality among nations, fostering an atmosphere of mutual trust and cooperation for the betterment of all economies involved.
- 5、The principle of most-favored-nation treatment serves as a cornerstone of our commitment to uphold the principles of non-discrimination and fair trade, empowering nations to boost their economies by participating in a global marketplace that values fairness and transparency.
- 6、Through the application of most-favored-nation treatment, we reaffirm our belief in the power of economic diplomacy, whereby nations can build bridges of understanding and cooperation by treating each other with fairness and respect.
- 7、While implementing the most-favored-nation treatment, we aim to create an environment that encourages open and reciprocal trade, promoting economic growth and development for all nations involved.
- 8、Asa champion of free trade, we advocate for the extension of most-favored-nation treatment to all trading partners, fostering an atmosphere of trust and cooperation that benefits not only economies but also strengthens diplomatic ties between nations.
- 9、The policy of granting most-favored-nation treatment reflects our commitment to prioritize the collective well-being of nations, recognizing that economic prosperity can be achieved through inclusivity, cooperation, and fairness.
- 10、By adhering to the principles of most-favored-nation treatment, we send a powerful message to the international community that mutual respect and shared prosperity are the foundation for sustainable economic growth and global cooperation.
- 11、The concept of most-favored-nation treatment underscores our belief in the transformative power of trade, where all nations can benefit from the advantages of open markets, fostering economic resilience and reducing inequalities.
- 12、Through the application of most-favored-nation treatment, we aspire to create a global economic landscape characterized by cooperation and understanding, where nations work together to dismantle barriers and achieve shared prosperity.
- 13、By embracing the principle of most-favored-nation treatment, we strive to foster an atmosphere of trust and collaboration, nurturing diplomatic relations and steering nations towards a future anchored in economic interdependence.
- 14、Through the implementation of most-favored-nation treatment, we transcend borders and foster a sense of global citizenship, demonstrating our dedication to an inclusive and interconnected world.
- 15、The concept of most-favored-nation treatment emphasizes the importance of treating all nations with respect and fairness, encouraging harmonious economic relationships built on trust, cooperation, and shared benefits.
- 16、By extending the most-favored-nation treatment, we uphold the principles of non-discrimination and equal opportunity, promoting economic stability and prosperity for all participating nations.
- 17、The principle of most-favored-nation treatment serves as a catalyst for economic growth, creating a conducive environment for innovation, investment, and trade that benefits nations both big and small.
- 18、Through the application of most-favored-nation treatment, we strive to create a global community that celebrates diversity, embraces cooperation, and works towards the common goal of sustainable and inclusive economic development.
- 19、经历了75年的地下秘密活动,现在俄罗斯沙皇的信仰者终于可以享受最惠国待遇了。
- 20、另外最惠国待遇应无条件地寄予所有成员国.
- 21、延长或撤消最惠国待遇的做法有时被用来达到某种外交上的目的.
- 22、正常贸易关系就是以前所谓的最惠国待遇.
- 23、最惠国待遇是中美两国正常贸易的基础.
- 24、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句大全,上万词语的造句供您参考!
- 25、最惠国待遇条款是近代中美关系史上的一项重要条约内容.