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  • 1、趋利避害是人类的共性,可大家都追求这样一个过程,最终就会挤在低处,像蛆一样熙熙攘攘…王小波
  • 2、叶落如歌,落叶一点点地走完自己的旅程,但它最终还是要化为泥土、夜深风竹敲秋韵,万叶千声皆是恨。
  • 3、After years of hard work and dedication, she finally won the Olympic gold medal, which was the ultimate achievement in her athletic career, bringing her immense joy and fulfillment.
  • 4、Asthe sun set behind the horizon, casting a warm golden glow across the sky, their wedding ceremony reached its final moment, marking the beginning of a beautiful journey together.
  • 5、Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, he never gave up on his dreams and kept pushing forward, knowing that ultimately, his perseverance would lead him to success.
  • 6、The suspenseful plot and unexpected twists kept the audience on the edge of their seats until the final scene, leaving them longing for more and applauding the brilliance of the storytelling.
  • 7、Asthe melodies of the orchestra swelled, the conductor's movements became more animated, guiding the musicians to reach their highest level of artistry, resulting in a breathtaking symphony that left the audience in awe, on their feet, and demanding an encore.
  • 8、Over the years, their friendship had weathered countless storms and challenges, and as they sat together, reminiscing about their shared memories, they realized that their bond had grown stronger and deeper than ever, ultimately becoming an unbreakable bond of love and trust.
  • 9、As the darkness of the night gradually gave way to the soft hues of dawn, she took her first steps on the long and challenging journey towards self-discovery and personal growth, finding solace and strength in the belief that, in the end, she would emerge as a stronger version of herself.
  • 10、Despite the initial setbacks and skepticism, the ambitious startup persevered, developing innovative ideas and groundbreaking technologies that ultimately disrupted the market, reshaping entire industries and establishing itself as a leader in its field.
  • 11、Through years of dedication and unwavering commitment to their craft, the band embarked on a musical journey that led them to sold-out stadiums, passionate fans, and music that resonated deeply with listeners' hearts, ultimately cementing their status as legends in the industry.
  • 12、After years of tireless fundraising and relentless advocacy, the dream of building a state-of-the-art hospital for the underprivileged community finally became a reality, providing a lifeline of hope and quality healthcare to those who once had nowhere else to turn.
  • 13、The team's unwavering belief in their abilities and relentless pursuit of excellence led them to overcome all obstacles and clinch victory in the nail-biting final moments of the championship match, a testament to their sheer determination and teamwork.
  • 14、As the final pages of the book turned, she closed the cover with a bittersweet smile, feeling a profound sense of loss for leaving the characters behind, but also a deep appreciation for the journey they had taken her on, ultimately widening her perspective and enriching her soul.
  • 15、这个歹徒机关算尽,最终还是逃不脱法律的制裁。
  • 16、“疾风知劲草”,文天祥面对强敌,威武不屈,最终以身殉国,充分显示了英雄本色。
  • 17、观点最终是由情绪,而不是由理智来决定的。斯宾塞
  • 18、忍耐之草是苦的,但最终会结出甘甜而柔软的果实。
  • 19、许多的麻烦、祸害最终鲜少会兑现.而烦恼就是你白白预付给它的贷款利息.
  • 20、做父母的若对孩子百依百顺,最终会害了他。
  • 21、那些屡教不改,至死不悟的犯罪分子,最终难逃法网。
  • 22、他忍无可忍,最终破口大骂起来。
  • 23、任何决定都不是最终的,从决定中还可以衍化出别的决定。
  • 24、在封建社会里,许多为统治阶级效力的人,最终落了兔死狗烹的下场。
  • 25、人的各种欲念,时时在头脑中争先恐后地显示着自己,最终强战胜弱。势均力敌时,则由意志来裁决。也有时坚强的意志出来抑强扶弱。
  • 26、凡是把胜利理想化、简单化、最终将被抛在胜利的半道上。
  • 27、教师工作的最终目的,无非是培养学生具有各种良好的习惯。
  • 28、一个人的生活完全是可以由态度来改变的。一个人先天的性格、后天的机遇、固有的价值观,最终会决定自己的命运。
  • 29、“知道了呀,记住了,我的好姐妹。”吴零玉肯定地说,脸上也露出了认真的表情,而且还连连点头呢!在吴零玉的连连点头下,我们才最终相信了她。
  • 30、理想是什么?它不是口上说的计划,也不是敷衍的借口,它是自己的心,理想的最终汇集地,是幸福,为了自己有了理想,为了恋人有了理想,为了家人有了理想,有了理想才有梦,梦想与理想,一字之差千里之遥。
  • 31、这冬青难道不正象征着人生吗?那积雪不正象征这人生的磨难吗?冬青在积雪的压迫下没有屈服,因为它心中有着太阳,它坚信太阳终会出现,所以它在痛苦中坚持着,它磨练了自己,最终获得了成功。
  • 32、学习犹如登山,有的人则注重最终目标,有的人则注重前进的过程,不论哪种,都有其各自丰富的内涵,无孰优劣孰之分,只要你觉得适合即可。
  • 33、他的这一观点是以子之矛,攻子之盾,最终站不住脚的。
  • 34、那些愚蠢地骑在老虎背上追求权力的人,最终被老虎吞进肚子里。
  • 35、窗外的那棵树,是一棵饱经风沙的树;窗外的那棵树,是一棵不显眼的树;窗外的那棵树,是一棵努力汲取营养的书;窗外的那棵树,是一棵为希望而成长的树;窗外的那棵树,最终成为一棵生机勃勃,枝繁叶茂的树!
  • 36、社会的发展如湍急流水,任何平庸与狭隘的理想都无法溅起成功的波澜。如响誉十九世纪的美国雷诺公司,只局限兴盛时期的丰衣足食,因没有深远的理想和目标而停滞不前,最终无法逃脱被吞噬的厄运。
  • 37、让一部分人先富起来,再消灭富不起来的,最终实现共同富裕。
  • 38、你装作对什么都毫无感觉的样子,最终,你会真的对什么都毫无感觉了。
  • 39、齿轮总有卡住的地方,如果勉强让它动起来,最终是要让一切都化为泡影,还是要从头来过,恢复正常,努力追回落后的部分,你只是害怕,害怕从头来过!
  • 40、起先他们忽略你,然后他们嘲笑你,反对你,最终,是你获得了胜利。
  • 41、秋风簌簌地吹过,卷起一片片落叶。飘扬,飞舞……最后的一片黄叶终于定格于我眼角深处,渐渐散去,慢慢变小,最终消逝了。眼前又浮现昔日的那一幕幕。
  • 42、我们都来自缘分,最终还要回归忘记,既然世事空幻,为何还要执著在无名产生的烦恼里。用烦恼的心看世界,你会无路可逃;用轻松的眼看世界,你会发现这个世界处处都是突然的美好。
  • 43、平等公正的对待你和他的爱情,脚踩很多船最终会翻掉。
  • 44、商业竞争的胜负,最终决定在经营者本身的修养上。
  • 45、让我们挥起沉重的铁锤吧!每一下都砸在最稚嫩的部位,当青春逝去,那些部位将生出厚晒太阳的茧,最终成为坚实的石,支撑起我们不再年轻但一定美丽的生命。
  • 46、一旦你产生了一个简单的坚定的想法,只要你不停地重复它,终会使之成为现实。提练、坚持、重复,这是你成功的法宝;持之以恒,最终会达到临界值。
  • 47、很想置身事外,但最终会发现,其实早已泥足深陷。
  • 48、有的人表面是风光无限,但是谁知道他们背后背负着怎样的艰辛呢?有的人穷尽一生的富贵到头来无不是什么都没有?有的人不辞艰辛,通过无限的努力最终达到了自己所想要的境界,这不是个很好的例子吗?这些无不代表着抉择所带来的影响。
  • 49、他丑陋的本来面目最终被同事揭露出来了。
  • 50、正是因为这份责任,22名红军突击队员义无反顾地冒着枪林弹雨在只剩下13根铁索的泸定桥上英勇奋战;正是因为这份责任,老班长宁愿自己吞下难以下咽的鱼骨头也要让伤病员喝上热腾腾的鱼汤;正是因为这份责任,他们最终征服了二万五千里的艰难险阻。


最终 zuìzhōng

最终 最终,指最后;末了。表明结果的产生,下定义,做结论。

