- 1、历史上的六月二十八日至七月四日的一周内,日极端最高气温达三十八摄氏度以上的极端天气有一九二零年、一九二七年、一九三零年和一九四二年。
- 2、年平均最高气温和冬季平均最高气温增加显著.
- 3、Asthe mercury soared to its peak, the highest temperature of the year, people sought refuge in air-conditioned havens to escape the blistering heat.
- 4、Under the blistering summer sun, the highest temperature scorched the landscape, creating a mirage of shimmering heat waves that distorted the horizon.
- 5、The relentlessly rising mercury recorded the highest temperature in history, leaving us in awe of the incredible power of nature.
- 6、The highest temperature ever recorded this summer was like a fiery furnace, melting pavements and turning the city into a hotbed of discomfort.
- 7、The blazing sun unleashed its fury, driving the highest temperature to levels that left us drenched in sweat within seconds of stepping outside.
- 8、Basking in the sweltering heat, the highest temperature turned the city into a sauna, as people sought refuge in the shade, longing for the cool embrace of evening.
- 9、The soaring temperature rose to unprecedented heights, leaving us gasping for breath and yearning for the cool respite of a shaded oasis.
- 10、The sun beat down mercilessly, pushing the highest temperature to uncharted territories, reminding us of the urgent need to address climate change.
- 11、The peak of summer arrived with a vengeance, as the highest temperature soared, igniting a wave of frustration and discomfort among the population.
- 12、The heatwave reached its crescendo, with the highest temperature scorching the asphalt, transforming the streets into a desolate desert devoid of any signs of life.
- 13、The thermometer hit its peak, registering the highest temperature in years, leaving us questioning whether we could persevere through this never-ending inferno.
- 14、The oppressive heatwave swept over the city, with the highest temperature bearing down on us, as if nature itself was conspiring to suffocate us in its fiery embrace.
- 15、The blazing sun cast its burning gaze upon us, as the highest temperature scorched the earth, reminding us of the fragility of life in the face of relentless heat.
- 16、With the mercury reaching new heights, the highest temperature of the season brought with it a sense of urgency to find solace in shaded retreats and cool waters.
- 17、The sweltering summer heat turned unbearable as the highest temperature climbed to unprecedented levels, testing the limits of human endurance.
- 18、The scorching sun unleashed its wrath, as the highest temperature enveloped us, leaving no escape from the oppressive heat that permeated our every breath.
- 19、The peak of summer arrived with a fury, as the highest temperature soared to unbearable heights, prompting us to seek solace in the comfort of air-conditioned sanctuaries.
- 20、8月1日至11日,平壤市、平城市、沙里院市和海州市的白天最高气温在31至36摄氏度之间,较常年高出3至6度。
- 21、青岛市区及近海23日多云间阴,东南风三、四级转四、五级,最低气温11摄氏度,最高气温14摄氏度。
- 22、中新社西安三月九日电冽玮忽而春寒料峭、忽而热如初夏,古城西安这几天的天气像是玩起了翘翘板,最高气温可达摄氏二十度,最低则降至零度。
- 23、中新网5月26日电据日媒报道,日本全国当地时间26日受高气压覆盖,各地气温均有上升,东京市中心今年首次迎来最高气温达到30摄氏度以上的“盛夏日”。
- 24、要注意的是,今天控制北京的大气团“降温”,白天最高气温15。
- 25、尤其是2月23日以来,全市最高气温均突破历史同期极值,气温的异常偏高,加剧了跑墒,旱情在进一步加剧,形势十分严峻。
- 26、结果表明,中国年最高气温和最低气温年际变化分别可划为12和11个不同类型的区域。
- 27、这里夏季的最高气温可达摄氏45度。然而密布的灌渠和牛拉水泵,让尼罗河的水流得以经年不断,滋养周围的土地。
- 28、云南省气象台预测,今天昆明的最高气温将继续回升,但太阳依旧害羞,不时地躲在浓云背后。
- 29、这是个破纪录的气温,是广东有气象记录以来,在1月1日到4月6日时间段内录得的最高气温。
- 30、周日算是稍微有点“缓劲儿”,白天最高气温升至2。
- 31、中秋节当日,鄱阳艳阳高照,最高气温25度,早晚气温比白天小,温差较大,微风偏东北风。
- 32、不过,车夫确实很辛苦,我们的记者去采访的那一天,北京最高气温在40度上下,已经58岁的李永福还是要在日头下,一边蹬车一边为客人讲解。
- 33、北京今天的最高气温较昨日下降了1摄氏度,较上周下降了至少6摄氏度。
- 34、本周天气前热后凉,最高气温。
- 35、近来,临河地区最低气温在零下20多度,最高气温达零上9度。