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权重造句 首页

  • 1、新春新年好!我的祝福到!在此真诚地祝愿你:位高权重责任轻,事少钱多离家近,每天睡到自然醒,别人加班你加薪,领钱数得手抽筋,靓女爱你发神经。新春吉祥!
  • 2、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是更快地造出更优质的句子.
  • 3、Weightlifting requires not only physical strength but also mental endurance, as the weight of the barbell slowly adds up and tests the limits of one's determination.
  • 4、The weight of responsibility can sometimes be overwhelming, but it is necessary for personal growth and achieving success.
  • 5、Ina society that values appearance, it is important to remember that true worth lies within, and physical weight should not define one's self-esteem.
  • 6、The weight of past mistakes may linger, but it is important to learn from them and move forward with a lighter heart and a wiser mind.
  • 7、The weight of expectations from others can often feel suffocating, but it is important to remember that living authentically means staying true to oneself and not being defined by others' opinions.
  • 8、The weight of a secret can be a heavy burden to bear, but sometimes sharing it with a trusted confidant can relieve the mental and emotional strain.
  • 9、Love has the power to lift the weight of the world off one's shoulders, as it brings comfort and solace even in the darkest of times.
  • 10、The weight of financial stress can be overwhelming, but with careful planning and perseverance, one can find a way to lighten the burden and achieve financial stability.
  • 11、Sometimes, words carry the weight of their intent, and it becomes essential to choose them wisely to convey our thoughts and emotions accurately.
  • 12、The weight of loss can feel unbearable, but in time, it becomes a reminder of the depth of love and the beauty of shared memories.
  • 13、The weight of regret can be crippling, but every new day offers an opportunity to make amends and create a brighter future.
  • 14、The weight of silence can sometimes be just as powerful as words, as it allows for reflection and introspection.
  • 15、In a world filled with noise and distractions, the weight of solitude can bring clarity and a deep connection with one's inner self.
  • 16、The weight of a decision may seem daunting, but it is important to trust one's instincts and have the courage to follow through with what feels right.
  • 17、The weight of time can be both a reminder of the fleeting nature of life and a call to make every moment count in pursuit of one's dreams.
  • 18、The weight of a promise carries with it the strength of one's integrity and the commitment to stand by one's word, even in the face of challenges.
  • 19、The weight of history shapes our present and future, and it is our responsibility to learn from the lessons of the past and strive for a better tomorrow.
  • 20、根据所建立的测度模型,用回归、德尔菲法等数学统计方法对综合信息竞争力进行了权重计算.
  • 21、他刚获升迁,位高权重,但却想全权在握,得陇望蜀,真不知足!
  • 22、因此,这将作大匠叱干阿利现在权重一时。
  • 23、周二,两市缩量整理,权重股一日游后集体沉默。
  • 24、他之所以能成为权重望崇人物,与其不遗余力夸张地宣传***思想有关。
  • 25、施伯是鲁国正卿,位高权重、多智善谋,是鲁国举足轻重之人。
  • 26、高级优化设置:如果模型产生了不可行的方案,这个表单中你可以设定各种约束违反的权重
  • 27、再将德尔菲法和层次分析法相结合来分配各层次指标的权重.
  • 28、818,祝你发一发,愿你位高权重责任轻,钱多轻松离家近,每日睡到自然醒,数钱数到手抽筋,人家花钱你收礼,别人加班你加薪!祝你财气亨通,快乐开心。
  • 29、上海新兰德:期待新热点产生,权重股。
  • 30、冯陈二人位高权重,如他们联手异言,便可颠覆此前所为。
  • 31、人们喜从何来?一方面,位高权重的刘铁男被查处,彰显了中央反腐败的坚定决心。
  • 32、故此印权重威猛,为我道至宝,凡于人世为民行法,申奏天曹关蝶,中界下界鬼神之事,皆需此印。
  • 33、卷如螺纹,聪明豁达;长如解索,风流荣显;劲如张戟,位高权重;亮若银条,早登廊庙,皆宦途大器。
  • 34、在工作中,每个人都有自己的位置,不管是位高权重,还是平凡普通,尽忠职守、兢兢业业都是我们在工作上的追求。
  • 35、2008年1月14日13点47分,深综指在权重股的带动下率先创出历史新高,这也是自去年10月份调整以来,沪深两市股指首次突破历史纪录的指数。
  • 36、不求家财万贯,不求步步高升,不求位高权重,不求有求必应,只求温饱温暖,只求事业顺心,只求朋友遍地,只求万事如意。朋友,愿你幸福安康。
  • 37、而我自幼所受的醺陶,就是我没有富室大家的亲戚可依靠,也没有权重望崇的朋友可提携,万事多早须靠自己打拼。
  • 38、同样资质和同样起点的人,抵达了一个同样的层面后,大部分人停滞下来,敢于做主的人则继续往前走,获得更多的权重。韩松落
  • 39、蒋办事素来果断干练,当他意识到戴笠有权重震主之威时,立即毫不犹豫地采取抑制措施。
  • 40、探讨了生态农业综合评价的原则,并以德清县澉山乡生态农业建设为例,探讨了综合评价指标体系及各指标权重的确定方法。
  • 41、分身无术,刘希只能从众多请帖中挑些位高权重之人前去拜访,整日里繁忙的很,只希这种应酬能早点过去,先到兵部过上几天的安稳日子。
  • 42、生活辛苦多烦忧,没事乐乐精神斗,祝你:位高权重责任轻,事少钱多离家近,每天睡到自然醒,别人加班你加薪,领钱数到手抽筋!
  • 43、勤廉从政事事尽职不图权轻权重,清白做人处处守节无意患得患失。
  • 44、坚持平时考评与年终考评相结合,不断提高平时考评的权重,强化考评工作的日常动态管理;把考评工作和督查工作结合起来,把日常考评督查情况纳入年度考评。
  • 45、正所谓打狗看主人,不看小的,也要看老的,毕竟将军位高权重,万一眼前的少年出了什么事,倒时候他们六人谁也别想活着,见到明天的太阳。
  • 46、应用天气形势和气象要素订正后的预报,准确率更高,对新市区的预报准确率较权重法再次提高约6个百分点,对老城区的预报又提高了约两个百分点。
  • 47、对矩法、概率权重矩法、线性矩法、极大似然法和最小二乘法等多种参数估计方法进行了计算比较,给出各种估计方法的数值解。
  • 48、知之小工具原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 49、知道等到皇上百年以后,自己的外甥刘辩就可以顺利登基,到时候,自己作为娘舅,自然更是水涨船高,更加位高权重
  • 50、友情链接。可以选择一些权重比较高的网站、行业内的网站、同行业信誉度较好的店铺做友情链接。


权重 quánzhòng

权重 (汉语词语) 权重是指某一因素或指标相对于某一事物的重要程度,其不同于一般的比重,体现的不仅仅是某一因素或指标所占的百分比,强调的是因素或指标的相对重要程度,倾向于贡献度或重要性。通常,权重可通过划分多个层次指标进行判断和计算,常用的方法包括层次分析法、模糊法、模糊层次分析法和专家评价法等。
