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梦语造句 首页

  • 1、春风如剪刀,剪不去缕缕思念;飞花似梦语,梦不完暖暖画面。清明景依依,祭祖烟细细,诉情悲别离,敬香哀难替,惟愿生者安,诚把逝者忆。
  • 2、我常听你说,仿佛梦语呢喃,在大理石中埋头工作,在石中发现他自己灵魂之状的人,比耕地者更加高贵。
  • 3、Inmy dream, I soared through the starry sky, embraced by the gentle breeze, and whispered my deepest desires to the universe.
  • 4、The language of dreams is ethereal and mysterious, weaving together fragments of memories, hopes, and fears, and guiding us through the labyrinth of our subconscious minds.
  • 5、Wrapped in the soft embrace of twilight, I stepped into the realm of dreams, where reality blurred and imagination danced, painting vibrant scenes of joy and adventure.
  • 6、Inthe realm of dreams, I found solace for my wounded soul, where shadows caressed my fear and whispered hope into the depths of my being.
  • 7、Dreams are the poetry of the soul, the canvas upon which we project our deepest longings, fears, and aspirations, forming a tapestry of emotions that color our waking lives.
  • 8、Inthe realm of dreams, I found myself lost in a never-ending maze, where the walls whispered secrets and the corridors twisted with the echoes of forgotten desires.
  • 9、Dreams are the lanterns that guide us through the darkest nights, lighting the way to a brighter future, where the impossible becomes a flickering possibility.
  • 10、With closed eyes, I let my dreams shuffle through the corridors of my mind, unlocking doors to hidden worlds, where adventure awaited me at every turn.
  • 11、As I wandered through the realms of sleep, my dreams whispered promises of love, inspiring me to surrender to the enchanting dance of passion and desire.
  • 12、Dreams are the dwelling place of fantasy and reality, where the boundaries between the two blur, inviting us to question our perception and embrace the infinite possibilities that lie within.
  • 13、In my dreams, I found a sanctuary where time stood still, a place where wounds healed, hearts mended, and the weight of the world slipped away, leaving only peace and serenity in its wake.
  • 14、The language of dreams transcends the limitations of spoken words, painting vivid pictures and orchestrating symphonies of emotions that dance upon the stage of our slumbering minds.
  • 15、In the realm of dreams, I became the architect of my own destiny, constructing a world where hopes blossomed like flowers and dreams turned into the sweetest reality.
  • 16、The whispers of dreams carry with them the untold stories of our souls, unlocking doors to hidden truths and reminding us of the infinite potential that resides within us all.
  • 17、In the depths of slumber, my dreams wove together the threads of past, present, and future, creating a tapestry of memories and possibilities that danced in harmony with my sleeping heart.
  • 18、Dreams are the kaleidoscope through which we catch glimpses of our true selves, reflecting the beauty, strength, and vulnerabilities that make us who we are.
  • 19、In the quiet realm of dreams, I found the courage to face my fears head-on, to confront the shadows that haunted my waking hours, and to emerge stronger, braver, and unbreakable.
  • 20、Dreams are the lullabies that sing us to sleep, guiding us into a realm where imagination and reality merge, where boundaries cease to exist, and where our spirits roam free.
  • 21、第12个象形文字在梦语里面是“人类”,第13个象形文字是“人行天桥”。
  • 22、“梦言梦语”成了近期人们的口头禅。
  • 23、你是我难以割舍省略号,我省略不掉的小圆点,那是我们共同编织的玛瑙项链挂在你的胸前,犹如深秋串串成熟的果实沉沉甸甸,赐度久常,谒梦语喃……
  • 24、序列和周期在梦语和神圣几何学上容易被描绘成螺旋型。
  • 25、序列和周期在梦语和神圣几何学上容易被描绘螺旋型.
  • 26、梦语是宇宙关系中的一个极大的太阳历法,就像它们与行星和生命形式有关一样。
  • 27、吃饭时,你是粘在我嘴角的饭粒;梦语时,你是我神经细胞末梢的刺激;下雨时,你是我发迹垂落的雨滴;每一刻,你都是我鼻翼间自由的呼吸,不能没有你!


梦语 mèngyǔ

梦语 (台湾著名当代作家) 梦语,台湾著名当代作家,国家一级作家、编辑,中国作家协会副主席,中国文联副主席,天津文联副主席,原天津今晚报总主编、上海时尚周刊总主编。 出生于台湾一个贵族家庭,从小受到了很好的教育。后来随父母来到大陆,定居上海,后又移居天津。 1975—1979年就读于南开大学中文系,后留学英国,法国学习欧洲文学。回国后,担任天津日报总编辑,两年后,辞职,从此开始了他浪漫的、悠闲的自由作家的生涯。