- 1、三生为中年生角,重唱工,多扮演慷慨激昂、忠诚耿直的正面人物,如《文昭关》中的伍子胥、《辕门斩子》中的杨延昭、《法门寺》中的赵廉等。
- 2、这个作品充满了正能量,既有触目惊心腐败的现象,又有激动人心的正面人物热血沸腾的英雄形象,分寸把握得很好。
- 3、With a heart full of compassion and a smile that could light up any room, Sarah, a nurse at the local hospital, tirelessly cares for her patients, bringing hope and comfort to their lives.
- 4、Asan inspirational teacher, Mr. Johnson ignites a passion for learning in his students, guiding them towards success and empowering them to achieve their dreams.
- 5、Sophie, a dedicated volunteer at the animal shelter, selflessly devotes her time and energy to rescuing and caring for stray animals, providing them with a chance at a better life.
- 6、Coach Thompson, a true leader and mentor, instills values of teamwork, perseverance, and discipline in his players, molding them not only into skilled athletes but also into responsible and respectful individuals.
- 7、Captain Roberts, a courageous firefighter, fearlessly rushes into burning buildings, risking his own life to save others, epitomizing the true definition of heroism.
- 8、Through his tireless efforts in conservation and environmental advocacy, David, a passionate environmentalist, actively works towards preserving our planet, ensuring a brighter future for generations to come.
- 9、Known for his generosity and philanthropy, Mark, a successful businessman, utilizes his wealth to create positive change in society, supporting various charities and initiatives aimed at uplifting others.
- 10、Jane, a talented artist, expresses her innermost emotions through her beautiful paintings, touching the hearts of those who view her artwork and leaving a lasting impact on the world.
- 11、With her unwavering determination and entrepreneurial spirit, Melissa, a small business owner, not only achieves her own success but also empowers others to pursue their dreams and achieve financial independence.
- 12、Inspired by her own personal journey, Rachel, a motivational speaker, empowers individuals to overcome adversity and find their inner strength, spreading a message of hope and resilience.
- 13、John, a devoted father, lovingly supports his children's dreams, encouraging them to reach for the stars and providing unwavering guidance throughout their journey.
- 14、Through his remarkable acts of kindness and compassion, Mr. Thompson, a philanthropist, positively impacts the lives of countless individuals, transforming communities and leaving a lasting legacy of love and generosity.
- 15、Susan, a dedicated scientist, tirelessly seeks solutions to some of the world's biggest challenges, using her expertise to make advancements in medicine and improve the lives of many.
- 16、With his brilliant mind and innovative ideas, Robert, an entrepreneurial visionary, revolutionizes industries and drives economic growth, creating countless job opportunities for others.
- 17、Emily, a passionate advocate for education reform, tirelessly works towards providing quality education for all children, ensuring equal opportunities and a brighter future for generations to come.
- 18、二人转这种民间艺术形式是否适合于表现正面典型?民间二人转团体是真的想宣传模范还是在炒作自己?“二人转”能表现正面人物吗?二人转演出火爆开场。
- 19、如果我不回答你的问题,根据现有的这些事实报道见报,我相信,本来的正面人物专访,很可能变成一篇拷问道德的深度报道。
- 20、他们的共同特点就是否定中国历史上、特别是近代史上的一切进步事物和正面人物,把历史统统颠倒过来。
- 21、看来自己要是由着性子来,就做不了正面人物,谢三样苦恼地想!“等等!帮我!”。
- 22、唉,真得感叹这个世界,狡猾的人你就是吃人不吐骨头,在人家眼里你也是个英雄,就算不是英雄吧,好歹也是个正面人物。
- 23、对此,向来饰演“正面人物”的著名演员廖京生自然成为出演该角色的不二人选。
- 24、我跟王林便也没有见过面,但有人为了他来找过我,说王林的表演很神奇,在当地很有名望,所以我的评价涉及到王林这样一个正面人物时,希望我慎重。
- 25、要是演成正面人物,这电影就完蛋了。
- 26、我知道有人说我是另类、刺头、偏执,我就是得了59分,差1分就是正面人物,我不在乎这个啊,我现在就是一个武术家反补课。
- 27、有的戏,正面人物大家没怎么记住,但是反面角色我们却印象很深,起到了反面的效果。
- 28、正面人物与反面人物之间界限分明。
- 29、人物所属派别正面人物或者反面人物,人物性格和特征,人物名字。
- 30、***摆出的姿态,除了说正面人物王蒙没写好,总的来说是“力挺”。
- 31、嗯……虽然并不是正面人物,但也相当悲惨啊,不过,身为FFF的一员还是为这个设定点一个赞吧,要是他们没被抓获,或许以后都会不一样了呢。
- 32、这就是《平原游击队》的故事梗概,老艺术家郭振清饰演的李向阳,除了正面人物的“高大全”,还多了一分脱胎于中国传统演义小说里草莽英雄的率真可爱。
- 33、里根饰演的大都是善良的正面人物,而绰号“终结者”的施瓦辛格则是靠“硬汉”形象赢得观众。
- 34、在这样的语境中,不肖说塑造一个“正面人物”群像,就是塑造一个“正面人物”,也是对当下文学写作“审丑”成风的一个有力反驳。