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毁于蚁穴造句 首页

  • 1、谷主是我的师父,但更像父亲,像一个平常的父亲;在我很小的时候,他告诉我;千里之行,始于足下;千里之堤,毁于蚁穴
  • 2、蚂蚁真是名副其实的大力士啊!难怪人们常说:千里江堤毁于蚁穴。只要具备了蚂蚁们那种团结协作,不畏艰辛的精神,世上还有什么事情办不成呢?
  • 3、Inthe face of constant small setbacks and neglecting to address them, even the mightiest of empires can ultimately meet their demise, like a towering castle reduced to ruins by the relentless persistence of tiny ants.
  • 4、The story of a once-promising career that unraveled due to the relentless pressure and criticism from colleagues, unveiling the fragility that lies within, like a delicate sculpture crumbling in the face of a persistent army of ants.
  • 5、Love, once pure and unbreakable, can be fatally wounded by the incessant doubts and insecurities that creep in, consuming it bit by bit, like a beautiful garden devoured by an army of ants.
  • 6、The dream of a prosperous community, driven to ruins by the erosion of trust and unity, as discord and indifference infiltrate their hearts, like a thriving neighborhood succumbing to the ceaseless invasion of unrelenting ants.
  • 7、Aright and vibrant piece of art, slowly disintegrating due to the gradual decay of the materials used, much like the enigmatic allure of a painting being consumed by the persistent invasion of miniature ants.
  • 8、The serene tranquility once found in a peaceful mind, shattered into a million pieces by the relentless invasion of anxious thoughts, reminiscent of a tranquil pond disrupted by an unyielding swarm of ants.
  • 9、The intricate web of a well-designed plan, falling apart as each meticulously crafted detail is undermined and destroyed, akin to an elaborate structure undermined and destroyed by the relentless charge of countless tiny ants.
  • 10、The once lively streets of a bustling city, slowly deserted and left in ruins due to the gradual erosion of economic prosperity, just as a vibrant metropolis can crumble in the face of the relentless persistence of countless ants.
  • 11、Ance harmonious family, torn apart by the corrosive impact of unresolved conflicts and misunderstandings, like a strong bond severed by the persistent gnawing of insidious ants.
  • 12、Astoried reputation, built over years of hard work and dedication, undone by a single lapse in judgment, like a carefully constructed legacy obliterated by the relentless march of tiny, destructive ants.
  • 13、The invincible fortress of health, threatened by the chronic neglect and self-destructive habits that slowly erode its defenses, much like a formidable castle eroded by the incessant siege of tiny, relentless ants.
  • 14、The sanctity of a long-standing friendship, shattered by a series of betrayals and broken promises, like a sacred bond crumbling under the weight of countless ants chipping away at its foundation.
  • 15、The timeless beauty of a precious antique, fading away as the centuries pass by, like an irreplaceable artifact devastated by the relentless march of countless microscopic ants.
  • 16、The bustling energy and rapid growth of a once-thriving business, stifled by the complacency and resistance to change, akin to a vibrant marketplace silenced by the relentless march of countless ants.
  • 17、The radiant happiness of a joyful heart, tainted by the persistent onslaught of anxiety and worry, much like a pristine landscape tarnished by the ceaseless invasion of unwelcome ants.
  • 18、The profound wisdom and knowledge of a respected scholar, lost amidst the chaos and distractions of the modern age, like a valuable manuscript engulfed by an army of relentless ants.
  • 19、The profound impact of a significant scientific discovery, overshadowed and forgotten due to the relentless pursuit of newer, shinier breakthroughs, akin to a groundbreaking finding buried under an avalanche of tiny, unceasing ants.
  • 20、如果星曜再派出一支奇袭队伍北上,御天根本就是措手不及,千里之堤毁于蚁穴。但是宫里又有些不太平。
  • 21、沈军师此言差矣,有道是千里之堤,毁于蚁穴,小处不防,必成大患……
  • 22、那么问题就来啦,千里之堤毁于蚁穴,如果我们对此能拖则拖,甚至视而不见听而不闻,坐等上级指示精神,就会因为一个小伤口得了破伤风,最后会送掉性命。
  • 23、正所谓千里之行始于足下…额,不对,是千里之堤毁于蚁穴
  • 24、但是万丈高楼平地而起,千里之堤毁于蚁穴,没有微观的原子、分子又何来世界的绚丽多姿。
  • 25、牵一发而动全身,相应的,千里之堤毁于蚁穴,在多段星盟防线被凿穿,打垮后,更多的星盟防御点也被连带冲击下,宣布崩溃。
  • 26、正所谓千里之行始于足下…额,不对,是千里之堤毁于蚁穴。一张网被破开一个口子,就好像女人被要了第一次一样。
  • 27、张学良啊!真乃千里之堤毁于蚁穴!“你看看这些吧!”。
  • 28、天王过于轻描淡写了吧,千里之堤毁于蚁穴,佛道之争向来便有,决然不能任由唐僧沿途传教。
  • 29、你没听说过‘千里之堤,毁于蚁穴吗’?
  • 30、知之小工具尽量原创和收集高质量句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 31、但董昕主任并没有轻松下来,他知道千里之堤毁于蚁穴的道理,生怕自己稍有不慎遗忘了什么而功亏一篑。
  • 32、千里之堤毁于蚁穴,那些内力日积月累,轻则扰乱经脉,重则走火入魔。
