- 1、作者认为应用于比较教育研究中的“比较”是一种思维的过程、思维的方式,而不是一种具体的研究方法。
- 2、本文主要探讨了比较教育研究国际视野和民族立场的关系问题。
- 3、Compared to traditional teaching methods, comparative education emphasizes the development of critical thinking skills, fostering independent and creative learners.
- 4、One of the key advantages of comparative education lies in its ability to expose students to a diverse range of cultures, beliefs, and perspectives, promoting a global mindset.
- 5、The beauty of comparative education lies in its ability to challenge our preconceived notions about what constitutes effective teaching and learning, encouraging us to think outside the box.
- 6、Ina rapidly changing global landscape, comparative education helps equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate and thrive in an interconnected world.
- 7、Comparative education serves as a driving force for educational innovation, as it inspires educators to explore new approaches and adapt proven strategies from diverse contexts.
- 8、Through comparative education, students gain a deeper awareness and appreciation for the cultural diversity that exists within and beyond their own educational environment.
- 9、Comparative education empowers students to become active global citizens, equipped with the knowledge and skills to contribute meaningfully to the world around them.
- 10、Comparative education challenges us to move away from a one-size-fits-all approach to education, recognizing that different contexts require tailored solutions.
- 11、The exploration of comparative education encourages us to move beyond the narrow focus on test scores, to prioritize holistic development and the cultivation of lifelong learners.
- 12、Comparative education provides a platform for dialogue and mutual understanding among nations, fostering peaceful coexistence and cultural exchange.
- 13、Comparative education promotes a growth mindset, encouraging students to embrace challenges, embrace failure as a learning opportunity, and persevere towards their goals.
- 14、The field of comparative education offers valuable insights into the role of education in addressing societal issues such as inequality, poverty, and social unrest, stimulating discussions on effective interventions.
- 15、质的研究方法在国外的比较教育研究中应用很多,而在我国的应用尚不普遍。
- 16、比较教育学科理论问题仍是一个颇具挑战性的论题。
- 17、因素分析法是比较教育学的研究方法之一。
- 18、文章在分析问题解决法的理论基础、内涵的基础上,阐述了对问题解决法的一些思考及这一研究方法对我国比较教育研究的启示。
- 19、文章对比较教育的发展趋向进行了分析和思考。
- 20、在比较教育学科身份及其身份认同的热烈探讨中,学科特征是还其本性的关键。
- 21、霍尔姆斯是当代著名的比较教育专家知之小工具整理,他提出的“问题解决法”在比较教育发展过程中占据重要的位置。
- 22、全球化时代对教育进而对比较教育提出了时代性要求,比较教育对此必须做出反应。
- 23、经合组织的比萨测试显示,从全国的比较教育程度而言,智利的学校体系属全拉美最不错的。
- 24、我国比较教育学科的发展时期主要是改革开放以来的30年。
- 25、从哈伯玛斯的批判诠释学观点,评析比较教育研究中实徵主义取向。
- 26、对比较教育的话语生产来说,权力场与比较教育话语场的位置关系是所有社会空间关系中最为重要的。