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比较语言学造句 首页

  • 1、高田教授是国际汉语言史学术界颇有劲力的中年学者,在东方比较语言学方面有很深的造诣。
  • 2、翻译比较语言学在大学里是一门十分有趣的课程。
  • 3、Inthe realm of comparative linguistics, we explore the vast tapestry of human communication, unraveling the intricate threads that connect cultures and shape our understanding of the world.
  • 4、Comparative linguistics reveals the kaleidoscope of sounds, rhythms, and melodies that form the symphony of human languages, demonstrating the infinite creativity of our species.
  • 5、Through comparative linguistics, we delve into the diverse grammatical structures of languages, marveling at how these linguistic blueprints shape the way we perceive and articulate thoughts.
  • 6、The intricate dance between phonetics and phonology unraveled through comparative linguistics showcases the delicate balance between the sounds we produce and the patterns in which we organize them.
  • 7、Comparative linguistics allows us to decipher the secret codes embedded within ancient texts, breathing life into forgotten languages and civilizations long gone.
  • 8、Like a linguistic detective, comparative linguistics unravels the mysterious origins of words, tracing their evolutionary journey across time and space.
  • 9、Through the lens of comparative linguistics, we gain a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of dialects and accents that color our everyday conversations, uniting us in our shared humanity.
  • 10、Comparative linguistics holds the key to unlocking the door to effective language learning, as it unveils the underlying patterns and similarities that connect languages across the globe.
  • 11、Bycomparing the nuances and quirks of different languages, we gain a profound understanding of the power of linguistic diversity, celebrating the multitude of ways in which we can express ourselves as human beings.
  • 12、Comparative linguistics unveils the interconnectedness of languages, showing us that while words may differ, the underlying concepts and emotions they convey often remain universal.
  • 13、Through the prism of comparative linguistics, we witness the vibrant tapestry of language revitalization efforts, as communities strive to preserve and reclaim their linguistic heritage.
  • 14、Comparative linguistics opens a gateway to cultural empathy, as we learn to appreciate the nuances and idiosyncrasies of languages different from our own, fostering mutual understanding and respect.
  • 15、The study of language universals through comparative linguistics unveils the underlying principles that govern human communication, reminding us of our shared evolutionary journey.
  • 16、Comparative linguistics acts as a bridge across cultures, exposing us to unfamiliar tongues and guiding us towards a deeper appreciation of the vast linguistic tapestry that spans our planet.
  • 17、By comparing the grammatical structures of different languages, we gain insights into the complex web of thought patterns and conceptual frameworks that shape how we understand and navigate the world.
  • 18、Comparative linguistics offers a unique window into the evolution of human consciousness, revealing how language has shaped our ability to think, reason, and conceptualize the world around us.
  • 19、Through the lens of comparative linguistics, we discover the intricate dance between syntax and semantics, unraveling the ways in which language structures our perception and interpretation of reality.
  • 20、Comparative linguistics sparks the flames of curiosity, inviting us to explore the hidden depths of human communication and uncover the myriad ways in which language shapes our shared existence.
  • 21、In the vast mosaic of languages that encompass our world, comparative linguistics helps us decipher the subtle threads that bind us together, reminding us of our inherent connectedness as a global community.
  • 22、本课题的研究为汉藏比较语言学提供了不少很有价值的语料,同时,对汉语词汇史、汉藏比较语言学的研究方法,也作了一定的探索。
  • 23、本文从比较语言学角度分析了英语习语特征,着重对英汉习语各自的特点进行了归纳。
  • 24、什么是历史比较语言学
  • 25、从历史的意义看,历史比较语言学研究具体语言的历史发展。
  • 26、比较语言学常常是在两种语言中做比较研究。
  • 27、对外来词汉化的研究不仅可以丰富比较语言学的内容,而且对于汉英翻译具有重要的指导作用。
  • 28、从语义学角度探讨了英语标点法的基本特征,用比较语言学的方法分析了英、汉两种语言标点法的区别。
  • 29、传统理论和方法是结构主义语言学和历史比较语言学
  • 30、边缘性范式扩展了历史比较语言学的研究领域,主流范式提出并实践了历史比较法的主要原理。
  • 31、王教授是比较语言学方面的最权威人士。
  • 32、他将主修比较语言学
  • 33、对外来词汉化的研究不仅可以丰富比较语言学的内容,而且对于正确理解词义,进行汉外语互译具有重要的指导作用。


比较语言学 bǐjiàoyǔyánxué

比较语言学 比较语言学,把有关各种语言放在一起加以共时比较或把同一种语言的历史发展的各个不同阶段进行历时比较,以找出它们之间在语音、符号、词汇、语法上的异同与对应关系的一门学科。 利用这门学科一方面可以研究相关语言之间结构上的亲缘关系,找出它们的共同母语,或者明白各种语言自身的特点和优劣。