- 1、对于那些读者来说他们可能喜欢更严格的证据,仅仅考虑基于团队规模的可能有的沟通渠道的数量。
- 2、在线论坛是一个很好的沟通渠道,是一个不错的和用户联系替代方案。
- 3、Inthe age of technology, social media has become a popular and effective communication channel, allowing people to connect and share their thoughts and experiences with others across the globe.
- 4、During these challenging times, maintaining open and honest communication channels between employers and employees is crucial for fostering a harmonious and productive work environment.
- 5、Asparents, it is important to establish a reliable and secure communication channel with our children, where they can freely express themselves and seek guidance and support when needed.
- 6、The power of art transcends language barriers, providing a unique and universal communication channel that allows individuals from diverse backgrounds to connect and understand each other.
- 7、People with hearing impairments rely on sign language as their primary communication channel, highlighting the importance of inclusivity and accessibility in our society.
- 8、Environmental conservation organizations utilize various communication channels, such as documentaries and educational campaigns, to raise awareness and mobilize action toward protecting our planet.
- 9、Diplomacy is the key to resolving conflicts peacefully, and establishing open and transparent communication channels between nations paves the way for mutual understanding and cooperation.
- 10、Effective communication channels between law enforcement agencies and the community are vital in building trust, ensuring safety, and combating crime.
- 11、In the digital era, online forums and discussion boards provide individuals with a platform to engage in meaningful conversations and expand their knowledge through diverse communication channels.
- 12、The success of a project heavily relies on establishing efficient communication channels between team members, enabling them to exchange ideas, address challenges, and collaborate effectively.
- 13、Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) utilize social media platforms as an advocacy tool, utilizing them as communication channels to raise awareness, mobilize support, and drive positive change.
- 14、In the field of education, incorporating technology-driven communication channels, such as online learning platforms and virtual classrooms, allows for more interactive and engaging learning experiences.
- 15、Well-maintained communication channels between the government and its citizens foster a sense of transparency, trust, and accountability, leading to a stronger and more resilient society.
- 16、Effective communication channels between sports coaches and athletes are crucial for conveying instructions, providing feedback, and nurturing a strong coach-athlete relationship, leading to improved performance.
- 17、As travelers, having reliable communication channels while exploring new destinations helps us navigate unfamiliar territories, seek assistance, and immerse ourselves in diverse cultures.
- 18、The entertainment industry utilizes various communication channels, such as films, music, and social media platforms, to entertain and connect with audiences, evoking emotions and starting meaningful conversations.
- 19、团队规模的大小不仅仅影响到沟通渠道的数量,它还影响团队过程的各个部分。
- 20、当你的团队规模增长,你需要通过决定捕获什么信息以及如何捕获,从而找到沟通渠道公式的方法。
- 21、下面便是你需要做的:规划调整好你和你的心灵之间的沟通渠道,并紧跟着感觉走。
- 22、我想公司可以得到改进,因为他们具备这些客户沟通渠道。
- 23、下面的例子就是,销售代表小张和客户王老板沟通渠道奖励的事情。
- 24、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天向上!
- 25、USBD所描述的开发的另一方面是如何通过简洁,而完全的形式化文档集支持生产者和消费者之间的沟通渠道。
- 26、难以理解的电子邮件会让职员不能专心于重要的工作,模糊了沟通渠道,还常常产生额外工作。
- 27、当沟通渠道不畅通时,由我和一个IBM成员组成的指导委员会就会直接参与解决,这一点非常重要,他表示。
- 28、随着短信、账单等会员沟通渠道的快速拓展,苏宁电器凭借多年会员营销经验翻陈出新,屡创佳绩。
- 29、对最小化服务中断来说,建立明确的升级程序、将有效的沟通渠道并入企业的最终用户支持过程都是至关重要的。
- 30、莱克斯认为,这将有助于我与这些牧师们开展一次非正式的会谈,这样我至少将在福音教会中有一些沟通渠道。
- 31、那河,蜿蜒在山林间,它是小镇的命脉,是小镇人与外界惟一的沟通渠道。那船,沧桑中透着古朴,它是小镇惟一的交通工具。正因为有了那间、那船,才有那摆渡人感人的故事。
- 32、当科学家在冷战时期保持美国和苏联的沟通渠道畅通的时候,他们已经证明了他们的价值。
- 33、沟通渠道,组织必须设立提倡信息共享的正式和非正式两种沟通渠道。
- 34、因此科学吸引了热衷于打开与其他国家的沟通渠道的政界人士的兴趣,这并不令人惊讶。