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  • 1、应用这些经验公式可以预测不饱和链烃的沸点
  • 2、将羊毛加热至沸点,接着将温度急降至82度。
  • 3、Asthe tension between the two rival gangs reached its boiling point, the streets became a battleground, with chaos and violence erupting at every turn.
  • 4、The overwhelming pressure and demands from my boss finally pushed me to my boiling point, and I decided to quit my job and pursue my dreams instead.
  • 5、The passionate debate over the controversial issue ignited tempers and brought emotions to the boiling point, leaving little room for rational discussion or compromise.
  • 6、The toxic relationship between the couple had been simmering for years, but it finally reached its boiling point when trust was shattered and forgiveness seemed impossible.
  • 7、Inthe intense competition of the Olympic swimming finals, the athletes pushed themselves to their physical and mental boiling points, striving for victory and personal bests.
  • 8、The political climate in the country has been steadily rising in temperature, with public dissatisfaction and anger reaching the boiling point, calling for drastic change and reforms.
  • 9、As the world continues to grapple with the devastating effects of climate change, the urgency to address the crisis has reached its boiling point, demanding immediate action from governments and individuals alike.
  • 10、The pressure cooker in the kitchen hissed and steamed, as the ingredients inside gradually reached their boiling point, transforming into a delicious and flavorful meal.
  • 11、In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, innovation and adaptability are essential to survival, as markets and consumer demands constantly reach boiling points and evolve.
  • 12、The strained relationship between the neighboring countries finally reached its boiling point, leading to a declaration of war and months of bloodshed and destruction.
  • 13、The boiling point of human endurance was tested by the tragic events that unfolded, leaving us questioning the resilience of the human spirit and searching for hope amidst the despair.
  • 14、The thrilling climax of the movie reached its boiling point, as the protagonists faced their biggest challenge and fought against all odds for a triumphant resolution.
  • 15、The boiling point of personal growth and self-discovery often occurs when we are faced with adversity, forcing us to confront our fears, weaknesses, and ultimately emerge stronger.
  • 16、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
  • 17、高沸点之酮类、芳香族类、脂类之混合物.
  • 18、这种元素囤聚形成的火种,沸点不高,杂质也最多,也是最容易吞噬的火种。
  • 19、但是处在高海拔地区的厨师知道,那简单的摄氏温度并不是一成不变的,海拔越高,水的沸点越低。
  • 20、水的沸点是梦想的起点,水的密度是思想的角度,水的凝固点是我此刻的祝福。世界水日,愿你人生如水奔流不息,生活如水健康美丽。
  • 21、沸点网络电视后续倪震周慧敏分手之后发展.
  • 22、暴沸当液体中缺少气泡或杂质时,即使温度超过沸点也不会沸腾,形成了过热液体。
  • 23、在存在共沸点的条件下,利用活度系数关联式,通过泡点计算求出共沸条件。
  • 24、只要谈一下醋酸的不寻常的高沸点就行.
  • 25、在真沸点蒸馏过程中,对规定温度范围内所收集的馏分可加以回收。
  • 26、对于低沸点的碳氢化合物液体,差压变送器在浮筒液位计之前被首选。
  • 27、简要介绍采用高绝缘低沸点介质替代水内冷介质,用于汽轮发电机定子绕组内部冷却的原理。
  • 28、式中只有一个仅与分子大小有关的特性参数,该参数与正常沸点下液体摩尔体积有很好的线性关系。
  • 29、应用张克武气体氩模型理论微分方程,导出液体粘度理论方程和“正烷烃沸点下的粘度值相同”的定理。
  • 30、我们每个人都有不同的沸点
  • 31、有慈善人士也说,对于整个慈善行业,真相并不是一个郭美美就能揭开的,她只是99度高温下的沸点,而她对于整个慈善行业也许功大于过,因为她是一把手术刀。
  • 32、物理:有支点,我会撬动地球;数学:有小数点,我会改变世界;化学:有沸点,我会改变物质;语文:有时间点,我会祝大家教师节快乐!
  • 33、在这个火热季节,问候前来“煽”风“点”火。愿你工作的热情达到沸点,烦恼的侵袭降到冰点,快乐的感觉升到极点,问候点到为止,愿你幸福不止一点点!
  • 34、小寒到达钟点,温度将至冰点,你是我牵挂的重点,祝福达到沸点。愿你衣服多穿一点,营养滋补一点,心情开心一点,笑容甜美一点,幸福更要多一点!
  • 35、他早期在江苏昆山和苏州一带经商,后进入上海,于2000年11月16日注册上海沸点投资发展有限公司,并于2002年2月成立福禧投资控股有限公司。
  • 36、如果达到对应于热储温度的沸点压力,就会形成蒸气.
  • 37、用微波炉加热水时,热是从四面八方聚集而来,所以即便是达到沸点,我们也看不到水翻滚,这种现象被称为过热液体状态。
  • 38、用微波炉加热水,水温达到沸点,由于用微波炉加热的水中,缺少沸腾所需要的气化核,可能产生超过沸点却不沸腾的过热液体。
  • 39、低沸点易燃部分和高沸点之残渣油均须弃置用.
  • 40、他被问到水的沸点是华氏多少度。
  • 41、不可燃、无毒性、无腐蚀性以及低沸点,使氟利昂用作冷冻剂。
  • 42、高沸点长链脂肪酸腐蚀产物在实际原油加工过程中也是油溶性的。
  • 43、根据拟静态法原理,采用斜式沸点计建立了一套适用于多组分体系饱和蒸气压测定的装置。
  • 44、真空油泵是一种比较精密的设备,它的工作介质是特制的高沸点、低挥发的泵油,它的效能取决于油泵的机械结构和泵油的质量。
  • 45、北风起了,却吹不散炽热的情怀;气温降了,却降不下情谊的沸点;霜雪现了,却封不住联络的门槛;霜降到了,却挡不住火热的问候。朋友,愿你保重,时刻安好!健康幸福,一切顺意!
  • 46、固体电解质,含导电性高分子和聚阴离子以及其盐,以及沸点在150度以上的离子化合物。
  • 47、不管是白酒、黄酒,加温后饮用:一是芳香适口;二是可挥发掉一些沸点低的醛类有害物质,减少有害成分。
  • 48、在己内酰胺生产过程中,环己酮蒸馏塔的作用是利用环己酮与环己醇沸点差异,将二者分离。
  • 49、定义一些参考点,例如摄氏温标定义水的沸点,是100摄氏度,冰点是0摄氏度。
  • 50、用一份甜蜜甜点,一份浪漫糕点,一份幸福面点;将温馨升至沸点,惬意化至极点,舒爽浓至顶点;做成玫瑰情人节大餐,送给朋友你,愿你和你的爱人,两情相悦,两情归一,祝你5.14玫瑰情人节,幸福美满!