- 1、到底纪凌萱还是个圣人,洞察秋毫,暗中已帮方痕消除隐害,只是当时没说出而已。
- 2、风来雨往,花开花落,春去秋临,松树不曾企图摆脱自己心中的羁绊。它站得高,能洞察一切。它已看透了色彩缤纷的虚伪的幻影。于是,它快意自己心中的珍藏,心中宽阔的远方。
- 3、Looking into her eyes, he had a deep insight into her inner struggles and understood the pain she had been hiding for so long.
- 4、With his unparalleled insight, the detective was able to decipher the criminal's motives and anticipate his every move.
- 5、The writer's insightful observations about human nature and society brought a new level of understanding to the readers, leaving them contemplating life's complexities.
- 6、Through attentive listening and keen observation, the therapist gained valuable insights into her patient's unresolved traumas, helping them on their path to healing.
- 7、The photographer's ability to capture the raw emotions in his subjects' faces revealed his profound insight into the human condition.
- 8、The scientist's groundbreaking research provided a deep insight into the mysteries of the universe, expanding our understanding of the cosmos.
- 9、The artist's vibrant painting captured the essence of a city with such insight and detail that it felt like stepping into a dream.
- 10、Her heartfelt lyrics and soulful melodies conveyed an insightful message about the power of love and the resilience of the human spirit.
- 11、The teacher's insightful lecture challenged the students' preconceived notions and encouraged them to think critically about the world around them.
- 12、As she delved into the historical archives, the historian gained profound insights into the lives of those who came before us and the lessons we can learn from their experiences.
- 13、The motivational speaker's powerful words resonated with the audience, leaving them with a newfound sense of purpose and insightful reflections on their own lives.
- 14、The philosopher's profound insights into the nature of existence challenged conventional wisdom and sparked intellectual debates that continue to this day.
- 15、As the therapist guided her through the process of self-reflection, the young woman gained deep insights into the root causes of her anxiety and found the strength to overcome it.
- 16、The researcher's groundbreaking study provided insightful data on the effects of climate change, compelling governments and individuals to take action to protect the environment.
- 17、The author's insightful commentary on social issues prompted meaningful conversations and inspired readers to strive for a more just and equitable society.
- 18、洞察、预测销售渠道危机,汇总市场信息,知之小工具提报产品改善或产品开发建议。
- 19、阿星打断了叶寒的话,没想到阿星大彻大悟涅槃成佛之后,连洞察力和思维力都超乎常人。
- 20、叶团长一定对现今时局洞察秋毫,不会死守成规吧。
- 21、觞洞察秋毫,看出了张浩的心思。
- 22、居于上位的人能洞察下情,为臣的人能忠诚尽力,使用人不求完备,检讨自己若感到不如别人。
- 23、一个人置身于现场,按准当地政治生活的脉搏,而又不钻牛角尖,迷失方向,这样的人的洞察力是什么都不能代替的。
- 24、大宗师复返先天,心境神而明之,能够洞察万物。
- 25、冒险者们需要的,不仅是强横的武力,还有洞察秋毫的心机。
- 26、为他作传的作家和他的评论家认为他的伟大不仅仅在于他渊博的医学知识和深邃的洞察力,而且源于他广博的百科知识,因为他是个颇俱文化修养的人。
- 27、如果他是好人,他就是世上最能洞察心扉关心倍至的好人。
- 28、我的科学老师,长着一张如花似玉的脸,眼睛炯炯有神,能洞察同学们的一举一动。她身上时常穿着一件蚕丝上衣,分外引人注目。
- 29、只有心灵才能洞察一切,用眼睛是看不见事物的本质的。
- 30、艺术家以直观的洞察力和深度的历史情感,提炼出了历史名人与历史风貌的艺术特质。
- 31、他的武功绝不在狄梦庭和薛野禅之下,观战半天,对两人的武学路数洞察清楚,因此出手便即奏功,用软鞭在剑上缠了七八圈,猛力向外急拉。
- 32、报纸任何其他栏目都难以提供如此风趣的白章,或提供对人性的内涵如此深刻的洞察。
- 33、时间是最公平的。往往它都能间接性的帮我们做很多决定。然而。大部分都是我们所不喜欢的。我开始痛恨上天赋予给我能够洞察先机的思想。它总使的我不知所措。左右迷惘。
- 34、当他遇到一个物理学问题时,他从不拘泥于经典原理,却可以洞察一切可想象的可能性。
- 35、世上的事情能洞察了解,人情世故能熟悉通晓,这就是学问。意谓书本之外也有学问,人要善于从生活中学习。
- 36、与别人打交道时,你会很有洞察力。
- 37、米赛斯对选择争取自由的战斗方法的洞察上有分支,这也表示了健全理论教育群众的极端重要性。
- 38、一个裁判员必须公正无私而且具有敏锐的洞察力。
- 39、当你开始看到它的荒谬的一刻,当你内在的洞察力升起而它自行脱落的时候,在那个非常的了悟中,你自由了。
- 40、他觉得那光斑就是一条通向未知时空的隧道,而赤焰尊者肩头的火焰胎记,则真的有照彻古今、洞察秋毫的作用。
- 41、如果你真的有意识,那么就有洞察力,而没有思考,那么你就由洞察力来行动。当你看到一件真实的东西,那个看就会变成你的行动。奥修
- 42、我渴望有一双善听的耳朵,聆听人间的天籁;我渴望有一对善良的明眸,洞察世间百态;我渴望有一对圣洁的翅膀,翱翔于广袤的宙宇。
- 43、惩罚应该,但也需要奖励,父汗英明神武,想必早洞察一切,恕儿臣多言了!
- 44、发财与否,在于机遇。财神日,授你“机”宜。愿你洞察天机,把握时机,抢占先机,开动心机,充实动机,运筹胜机,敛财商机,人生从此生机勃发。
- 45、很快的那位白衣老者到了决斗场的最高点,那是一个特殊的位置,站上去便可以洞察一切。
- 46、可这一切已经让洞察一切的杜允唐全都听到了。
- 47、运气是一个因素,然而我想最重要的因素还是我们的远见和高度的洞察力。我从来都是戴着望远镜看这个世界的。
- 48、申豪放能从她的眼神洞察出蛛丝马迹来,但却怎么也说不清一个因为所以然来。
- 49、愿他以缄默的忖度来表现同情:愿他能够先知道他的朋友是否真的想要同情。也许他的朋友所喜爱的是他那洞察的眼神的不变的馀光。
- 50、金瞳之中滑过睿智的光芒,那双幽深的眸子,仿佛可以透过现象洞察一切本质。