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活力造句 首页

  • 1、百花争艳的春天是充满活力的季节,烈日曝晒的夏天是富有热情的季节,瓜果飘香的秋天是极具魅力的季节,白雪飘飘的冬天是最富遐想的季节。
  • 2、误会是一种心灵的隔阂,它与默契分道扬镳。心灵的隔阂由误会产生,它使心灵之间无法自由连通。误会割断了默契的脉搏,使人们之间的微妙关系,不再散发出生机勃勃的活力
  • 3、The vibrant colors and energetic music of the carnival filled the streets with a contagious liveliness, inspiring everyone to join in the celebration.
  • 4、Asthe sun rose over the picturesque mountains, the hikers felt a surge of vitality and a deep appreciation for the beauty of nature surrounding them.
  • 5、The young entrepreneur's ambitious spirit and boundless energy propelled her to start her own successful company, serving as an inspiration to others.
  • 6、The lively conversations and laughter of the family gathering infused the air with a sense of vitality and happiness that made everyone feel deeply connected.
  • 7、With a confident smile and a determined stride, the athlete stepped onto the field, ready to unleash her unstoppable energy and take on any challenge that came her way.
  • 8、The musician poured her heart and soul into the performance, infusing each note with an electrifying energy that resonated with the audience's emotions.
  • 9、The vibrant sunrise painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, awakening a sense of liveliness and giving hope to a brand new day.
  • 10、With a zest for life, the elderly couple embarked on a journey of exploration, discovering new hobbies and adventures that rejuvenated their spirits and brought them closer together.
  • 11、The playful antics of the children in the playground brought an infectious energy and laughter to the park, creating an atmosphere of pure joy and innocence.
  • 12、The artist's paintings were a true reflection of her inner vivacity, capturing the essence of life and invoking a sense of awe in all who viewed them.
  • 13、The vibrant energy of the bustling market filled the air, enticing passersby with the aromas of freshly baked bread, colorful produce, and the sounds of lively negotiations.
  • 14、The dancer's graceful movements and expressions exuded an incredible vitality, leaving the audience mesmerized and inspired by her flawless artistry.
  • 15、With each brushstroke, the painter infused her canvas with a vibrant energy, bringing her imagination to life and inviting others to experience the world through her eyes.
  • 16、The vibrant city nightlife pulsed with an electrifying energy, attracting people from all walks of life who sought to immerse themselves in the exhilaration and possibilities it offered.
  • 17、The contagious laughter of children playing in the park spread a wave of liveliness, inviting others to join in and experience the innocence and pure joy of the moment.
  • 18、The passionate speaker on stage captivated the audience with her dynamic personality, infusing each word with an infectious energy that inspired change and action.
  • 19、The refreshing ocean breeze and the sound of crashing waves rejuvenated the tired travelers, filling them with a sense of vitality and reminding them of the beauty of nature.
  • 20、有活力,常思考,行为清净,明辨是非,自我约束,依照真理生活,警觉而不放逸的人,必定会更健康。
  • 21、望着大海,我沉浸在感悟它的恢弘,宽阔中;也沉浸在海在磨损岁月痕迹的感叹中!当我们的生命注入海的宽宏博大时,心中的向往的是充满生命活力勃勃生机,海的精深博大,海的气势磅礴令人流连往返。
  • 22、任何新生事物在开始时不过是一枝幼苗,一切新生事物之可贵,就因为在这新生的幼苗中,有无限的活力在成长,成长为巨人,成长为力量。
  • 23、春天是一个生气勃勃,充满活力的春天。
  • 24、虚弱的身体,将永远不会培养出有活力的灵魂和智慧。
  • 25、一个人只有保持快乐和满足,才能远离痛苦;一个人只有保持青春活力,才能激流勇进;一个人只有坚持学习,才能与时俱进;一个人只有坚持奋进,才能永远年轻。
  • 26、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是让大家更快地造出更优秀的句子.
  • 27、秋天,花木凋零,没有了春天的活力,夏天的兴奋,可就在这时,一阵风吹过,大树上叶子就翩翩起舞,像舞蹈家似的,代表着我们勇于表现。
  • 28、青春,它就如一轮初升的太阳,朝气蓬勃,活力无限,在它那金灿灿的脸上,展现出我们孩童的天真与可爱。
  • 29、她一身藕荷色碎花薄绉纱连衣裙,白色的腰带上闪着金黄的带扣,使她更显得年轻而充满活力
  • 30、作为一个组织,要保持生机和活力,就必须坚持吐故纳新。
  • 31、教育应当培植出活力,使学生向上长。
  • 32、我努力通过迅速地把握住生命来阻止生命的飞逝,通过运用生命的活力来补偿生命的仓促潜逃。我对生命的占有越是短暂,我必须使它更深沉更充分。蒙田
  • 33、把课堂还给学生,让课堂焕发青春活力,关键就是关注学生。
  • 34、长期的身体毛病使最光明的前途蒙上阴暗,而强健的活力就使不幸的境遇也能放金光。斯宾塞
  • 35、阳光透过叶茎时,水仙花生命活力是如此真实而充盈。叶片上,深绿的脉络,从底一直延伸到叶梢,脉络间,充盈着缅翡翠似的晶莹剔透绿。她姝雅静定,拥握冬日那暖暖阳光,仿佛吸净所有明亮,来饱满自己的绿。
  • 36、我的班主任是徐老师。她是一位年轻和充满青春活力的好老师。她身材虽然不高,但是苗条匀称。一张充满希望与自信的脸上有一双会“说话”的眼睛哩!
  • 37、企业强大难,保持长盛不衰更难;重要的不是个别人,一部分人,而是全体人员,即每一个细胞都充满活力才行。
  • 38、困难是礁石,海水敢于进击才激起美丽的浪花。困难是一张网,禁锢着你的活力;困难是一堵墙,构成了你的自我限制和发展。
  • 39、知之小工具尽量原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 40、青春活力,可以说是把我们整个身心都舒展开了,同时用生活的的乐趣把我们眼前的万物也美化了。卢梭
  • 41、天是吉祥的,她一路走来,纤纤玉步,她把一年里最醉人的日子带到了我们身旁,她让我们不饮而醉。她把活力输到了我们的身体里,让我们感觉力量充沛,干劲十足。
  • 42、我感觉到了竞争给万事万物、各行各业带来的活力,我体会到了人情对竞争的催化作用,我看到了竞争与人情的完美统一创造的美好的世界。
  • 43、不管天有多大,我要用真诚换取你活力的青春,不管地有多广,我要用快乐赋予你青春的活力,你的人生可能会因为我而有所改变,我的人生或许会因为你而更加精彩。
  • 44、青春,就如一串珍珠,颗颗晶莹剔透;青春,就如一道彩虹,在春雨的洗礼后,闪耀出七色光芒。青春,一个充满活力的岁月,是它,使我们的人生绽放出七彩之花。
  • 45、那天黄昏时分,大概下午六点,船还没开。我们在甲板上玩。那时的太阳,已经把直射大地的千万束金灿灿的半透明的宝剑一束束收起,只剩下一个半黄半橙的“大蛋黄”。“大蛋黄”也还是那么刺眼,亮晶晶的,充满了活力
  • 46、枫叶它代表着热情,这些叶子是一双小手,在向行人打招呼,在风中随意摇摆,像一些在表演手语舞的小朋友。在秋天,就数它们最耀眼,最有活力。这些小手染满了火红的颜色,给秋天涂上色彩呢!
  • 47、一旦你勤于工作与学习,你的日子自然就充满了活力与对前途的展望。
  • 48、几天后,它就长出了一些细细的,长长的白根。球上面也长出了片片绿叶,水仙花是单子叶植物,叶子狭长像带子二列状着生。水仙的叶子越长越绿,每一片叶子都挺直向上充满了生命活力
  • 49、多休息。充分的休息,使精神和体能重新补充的加强活力
  • 50、好奇心是智慧富有活力的最持久、最可靠的特征之一。


活力 huólì

1、旺盛的生命力 2、行动上、思想上或表达上的生动性 3、朝气蓬勃,刚劲有力 4、激动的情绪,生气 
活力 活力,指旺盛的生命力,行动上、思想上或表达上的生动性。

