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  • 1、这些可爱到爆的小饼干一定会让你的客人食指大动、垂涎欲滴的,要是放在小朋友的感恩节派对上来吃就再好不过了。
  • 2、小丑魔术师舞蹈员木偶在这个夏日派对中施展浑身解数。
  • 3、The party was a vibrant display of colors, as guests arrived in their stunning outfits, each representing their unique personalities and adding to the atmosphere of celebration.
  • 4、Laughter echoed through the party, as friends gathered together, sharing hilarious stories and jokes, bringing a genuine sense of happiness and camaraderie.
  • 5、The exquisite decorations mesmerized everyone, with shimmering lights, elegant floral arrangements, and glamorous centerpieces, creating an enchanting ambiance that captured everyone's attention.
  • 6、Drinks flowed freely at the party, with glasses clinking and toasts being made, symbolizing the spirit of celebration and the joy of being together in that special moment.
  • 7、The party was a feast for the senses, with delicious aromas filling the air and tantalizing flavors being savored by every guest, enhancing the notion of indulgence and enjoyment.
  • 8、People from different backgrounds and cultures mingled seamlessly at the party, embracing diversity and fostering a spirit of tolerance and unity that transcended differences.
  • 9、The music played by the talented live band was infectious, and soon everyone was on their feet, dancing with abandon, forgetting all their worries and embracing the joyous spirit of the soirée.
  • 10、The party became an avenue for self-expression, as performers took the stage, showcasing their talents through captivating dances, soul-stirring music, and gripping performances.
  • 11、The night sky served as the perfect backdrop for the outdoor party, with twinkling stars illuminating the atmosphere, adding a touch of magic to the already enchanting event.
  • 12、Friends reunited at the party after a long time apart, and tears of joy were shed as they embraced each other tightly, grateful for the opportunity to come together and celebrate their bond.
  • 13、The children's laughter filled the air, as they happily played games and enjoyed various activities arranged especially for them, ensuring that the party catered to guests of all ages.
  • 14、The party was a platform for creativity, as artists displayed their stunning artwork, graffiti, and sculptures, adding a touch of sophistication and culture to the overall ambiance.
  • 15、The energizing beats of the DJ's music filled the room, and the crowd pulsated with energy, moving in sync and creating a vibrant atmosphere of unity and celebration.
  • 16、The party served as a reminder of the power of love and friendship, as couples held hands and danced romantically, and friends embraced, cherishing the bond that held them together.
  • 17、The party was a perfect blend of tradition and modernity, with traditional dances and music being fused with contemporary elements, representing a harmonious evolution of culture.
  • 18、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句应有尽有,几千词语的造句供您参考!
  • 19、如同生日派对上的气球,健康的血管很柔韧,整天都会根据需要扩张或收缩。
  • 20、因此,改良派对革命派的这种说法给予驳斥和批判。
  • 21、踏着云儿飞,抱着月亮睡,星星调皮露暧昧,为爱心陶醉;走错星座位,涨满银河水,喜鹊搭桥建派对,为爱来相会。七夕情人节,愿你的爱情甜如蜜!
  • 22、卢克不会和我们去开派对了,因为他和主人有过节。
  • 23、遗憾的是,我们只能在今年的圣诞节派对中扮演女傧相而不是新娘.
  • 24、在派对上她最抢镜头。
  • 25、但是,实际上一旦所有的告别派对都曲终人散,哪怕后人把你的塑像都立在了大楼前,你也该意识到自己应该不在其位不谋其政了。
  • 26、汤姆?克鲁斯和凯蒂?赫尔姆斯于上周六晚在家中举办了一个盛大豪华的乔迁派对,共有五百多位宾客到场恭贺。
  • 27、对于生活奢靡的派对狂人们来说,这种药就成了奇迹药丸,然而,服用这种药物存在着潜在的危险后果。
  • 28、在遇见艾利克斯几天后,我特地去参加了一个派对,因为我知道他一定也会参加的。
  • 29、她那晚在花园的露台上结婚,然后她的派对转移到室内进行正餐,一位侍应生通知她说屋里着了小火。
  • 30、一起变身捣蛋鬼参加美吉姆万圣节派对,更有幸运大抽奖等着您,赶快报名吧!
  • 31、周六下午4点一断电,她就邀请邻居们参加临时准备的万圣节派对,一行人在壁炉前饮酒狂欢。
  • 32、我威吓她她将没有午饭、没有晚餐、没有圣诞节或光明节的礼物,二、三甚至四年内没有生日派对
  • 33、她已经过气了。她很多年都没演过电影了。我们这个可派对只邀请一线明星。
  • 34、你应该看看她如何为派对布置她的家里才对,她使出了浑身解数。
  • 35、从日光浴室的楼梯扶栏上滑下来,玩棒球游戏,参加游泳派对,在白宫的草坪上玩游戏。
  • 36、在公司的圣诞派对上,巴德自上回弗兰爽约后再次得到机会和她交谈,巴德意识到希德瑞克每次带到他公寓的女人正是弗兰。
  • 37、我要说的话无疑会遭到在派对上自作聪明的人的反对。但我最终会胜利的,因为我有数据支持。
  • 38、尤有甚者,最近一项调查发现,五分之一美国企业今年将不开派对
  • 39、接着,他走了一英里半路回到别墅,寻求他的表亲及派对的联合主办人,一位律师的帮助。
  • 40、知之小工具原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 41、手纸派对通常只是妇女聚会和婚前茶话会才有的保留节目,不过维多利亚毫不介意,办的玩的都相当嗨皮。
  • 42、妻要爱日,妻子忆恋爱;送送花,牵牵手,含羞带俏脸娇红;约约会,亲亲嘴,每个步骤走一走;求求婚,派对开,心中甜蜜盈满间。
  • 43、我奇怪地意识到,好像那时我是在生日派对上,而她则是在出席一场葬礼。
  • 44、学衡派对于中国通史的编写曾作过一系列探讨。
  • 45、每周五教课加派对,周六派对,您觉得怎么样?
  • 46、他绝对属于不入流的名人。这场派对是名人专享的,不能出现无名小辈与重要人物打照面的情况。
  • 47、派对上最少有两名学生乐极忘形,发生意外,一人在游戏中途和榄球选手“埋身肉搏”,不慎弄伤脚踝,另一人则在楼梯滑倒受伤,两人送院接受治疗。
  • 48、现在,他们的钢琴课已经取消;生日派对改在家里开,而且规模变小。
  • 49、虞山琴派对于清代以后琴家、琴派、琴谱风格及琴乐美学思想,均有着极其深远的影响。
  • 50、新凯恩斯学派对这一新说法持怀疑态度.