- 1、河南网通呼叫中心的现状是服务水平参差不齐,员工流失率高、满意度低、消极怠工现象严重。
- 2、坚持公平合理原则:如果激励过程中存在偏心不公,就会出现消极怠工,甚至人员流失,因此,实施激励要公平合理,才能全面调动销售员的积极性。
- 3、Despite being fully aware of the consequences, he intentionally avoided completing his assigned tasks, displaying a clear demonstration of negative work ethic.
- 4、The relentless display of indifference towards his job responsibilities can only be described as an intentional act of passive resistance, also known as negative work avoidance.
- 5、Heconsistently demonstrated a lack of motivation and dedication by purposefully delaying his work, thereby embodying the concept of negative job inertia.
- 6、Instead of exerting any effort, he shamelessly indulged in negative work inertia, refusing to make any valuable contributions to the team.
- 7、His consistent pattern of intentionally neglecting his duties clearly indicates a persistent and deliberate display of negative work avoidance.
- 8、Despite numerous opportunities for growth and advancement, he constantly exhibited negative work inertia, impeding both his own progress and that of the organization.
- 9、The visible lack of enthusiasm and motivation in his work clearly resembles the characteristics of negative work avoidance, actively deterring productivity.
- 10、The blatant refusal to participate in tasks and projects can only be deemed as an intentional showcase of negative job inertia.
- 11、Byintentionally disregarding his job responsibilities, he displayed a clear example of negative work avoidance, hindering the progress of the entire team.
- 12、His consistent demonstration of negative work inertia painted a picture of an employee uninterested in fulfilling his duties and contributing to the organization's success.
- 13、Despite receiving guidance and support, he obstinately persisted in his negative work avoidance, causing frustration among his colleagues.
- 14、The continuous display of negative job inertia not only affected his own progress but also posed a challenge to the overall cohesion and success of the team.
- 15、His consistent lack of effort and commitment to his job duties demonstrated a clear example of negative work inertia, reflecting poorly on his professionalism.
- 16、The constant display of negative job avoidance negatively impacted team morale and hindered the achievement of collective goals.
- 17、Despite being a capable employee, he consistently fell into the trap of negative work inertia, willingly contributing to the decline in team productivity.
- 18、It was disheartening to witness his intentional display of negative job inertia, as it not only hampered his personal growth but also hindered the collective progress of the team.
- 19、消极怠工以一种缺乏兴趣或低效率的方式运作.
- 20、陈老板对于员工们的消极怠工毫无办法,只得同意增加工资。
- 21、这几天许多头疼的问题接踵而来,已经搞得他焦头烂额,征地引起的刁民群欧,匪众们哄抢食盐,盐腿子们的消极怠工,弄得他也精疲力尽,夜不成寐。
- 22、因此,自私自利,消极怠工,贪污腐化,风头主义等等,是最可鄙的;而大公无私,积极努力,克己奉公,埋头苦干的精神,才是可尊敬的。
- 23、我带着一个目的来到这个办公室:令英国社会从依赖走向自力更生;从人人为我到我为人人;建立一个奋发有为的英国,而不是消极怠工的英国。
- 24、中国历史上,在反腐败之后个别单位不作为的事情也曾多次出现过,被当时的文件称为“躺倒不干”,其目的是以故意消极怠工来对抗反腐败。
- 25、因为调资问题,财务科长和厂长闹翻了脸,财务科长就消极怠工,威胁厂长说不想干了。