- 1、这一人生哲学施行于内部人际关系的调整,增强了企业的凝聚力,创造了高层主管十年无消极性人事变动的奇迹。
- 2、但就整体而言,新兴媒体对于中国社会发展的作用,积极性高于消极性,正能量大于负能量。
- 3、Inthe depths of despair, he wallowed in the consuming darkness, unable to see any ray of hope.
- 4、The heavy burden of regret weighed down on his weary shoulders, crushing his spirit bit by bit.
- 5、Loneliness engulfed her like a suffocating cloak, leaving her longing for a connection that seemed forever out of reach.
- 6、The bitter taste of betrayal lingered in his mouth, poisoning every thought of trust and destroying any remnants of faith.
- 7、The world around her was painted in shades of desolation, as if all joy had been drained from existence.
- 8、Every day, the harsh reality of his circumstances stabbed at his heart, reminding him of his unending struggle for survival.
- 9、The resentment burning within him fueled a fiery rage, ready to explode at the slightest provocation.
- 10、The constant failures and setbacks chipped away at his self-esteem, leaving behind a fragile shell of a person.
- 11、The suffocating monotony of life drained all color from his world, leaving him trapped in a cycle of despair.
- 12、With each passing day, the weight of disappointment grew heavier, crushing any remaining flicker of enthusiasm.
- 13、The storm of negativity in her mind drowned out any positive thoughts, leaving her trapped in a never-ending cycle of pessimism.
- 14、The constant barrage of criticism and judgment eroded her confidence, leaving her feeling inadequate and small.
- 15、The dark cloud of pessimism hovered above him, casting a shadow on any glimmer of hope.
- 16、The sharp sting of jealousy twisted her heart, poisoning any chance of happiness or contentment.
- 17、The cruel hands of fate seemed determined to knock him down at every turn, leaving him battered and bruised.
- 18、The dark thoughts of self-doubt whispered in her ear, poisoning any belief in her own abilities or worthiness.
- 19、他们会逃避一些事情,身体改造如果说具有反抗性的话,也是消极性的反抗而不是主动性的反抗。
- 20、这种包养政策,曾经为调动八旗官兵的积极性起到了十分重要的作用,不过,随着社会发展,这种制度的消极性也日益暴露出来。
- 21、至于人们想出或提出的各种应对机制,如逃离、堵塞监视漏洞、检讨外交政策存在的问题、指责受害者也难辞其咎,等等,都是消极性的,不会使问题得到解决。
- 22、所有的满足——通常所谓的幸福,实际上往往是消极性的东西,而非积极性的。叔本华
- 23、医治消极性的最佳解药是花时间做一些积极正面、使人开心的活动。
- 24、但今天回过头来看,当一个国家的安全战略只停留在“防”的层面上时,其内部的虚弱性、消极性和保守性也就暴露无遗。
- 25、从心理健康学上看,羞怯者的一些行为表现属于消极性的心理自我防御机制。
- 26、今日上午8点左右,数百名来自越秀区的环卫工人,齐集人民公园门口,集体消极性怠工,并提出将工资收入增涨至三千元,取消环卫工作外包化等要求。
- 27、这种消极性的盲目攀比,对于本以为自己身材好的人,结果反手摸不到肚脐,对本身就争强好胜的人来说,这容易产生抑郁症状。
- 28、人们对官员“乱作为”的危害多所知晓,对“不作为”的消极性似乎还不够警惕。
- 29、你习惯性使用的一些字眼会反映出你内在的某些消极性思想。
- 30、须知“不服从”是公民为抵抗“**”而采取的消极性不作为与表态。
- 31、从盲目的或消极性的乐观,上升为清醒的或积极性的悲观。
- 32、还有一种观点认为,元杂剧《汉宫秋》同样也反映出了作者思想认识上的局限性和消极性。
- 33、绿色壁垒的消极性是众目睽睽、有目共睹的,可谓千夫皆指。