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涵养造句 首页

  • 1、外在美是你的资本,内在美是你的涵养,温柔是你的味道,贤惠是你的本质,善良是你的天性,快乐是我给你的祝福,妇女节快乐,祝你青春常在!
  • 2、云峰山景区位于密云水库北岸,属于水库涵养区域,长期的保水工作不但为城市提供了优质的水源,更使这里具备了较高的植被覆盖率与清新的空气。
  • 3、Through reading and traveling, I have learned to cultivate my mind and nurture my soul, finding inner peace and happiness.
  • 4、Ina fast-paced and materialistic society, it is crucial to cultivate patience and resilience to navigate through life's challenges with grace and ease.
  • 5、The beauty of nature has the power to nourish and cultivate our spirits, allowing us to appreciate the wonders of life and find solace in its simplicity.
  • 6、Asparents, it is our responsibility to guide and cultivate our children's character, teaching them kindness, empathy, and respect for others.
  • 7、Cultivating a positive mindset is essential for personal growth and success, as it allows us to overcome obstacles, embrace change, and seize opportunities.
  • 8、Through practicing meditation and mindfulness, we can cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us, leading to inner transformation and fulfillment.
  • 9、Learning to let go of grudges and forgive others is a powerful way to cultivate compassion and promote healing, both for oneself and others.
  • 10、Cultivating gratitude by acknowledging and appreciating the blessings in our lives can bring immense joy and contentment, even in the face of adversity.
  • 11、Cultivating healthy habits and a balanced lifestyle, including exercise, proper nutrition, and sufficient rest, is the key to maintaining physical and mental well-being.
  • 12、The arts, such as music, painting, and literature, have the ability to inspire, uplift, and cultivate our senses, allowing for a richer and more meaningful experience of life.
  • 13、Cultivating a strong work ethic and a passion for excellence is essential for achieving professional success and personal fulfillment.
  • 14、Cultivating self-discipline and perseverance is the key to overcoming obstacles and achieving long-term goals, no matter how challenging they may be.
  • 15、In a world filled with distractions and noise, it is important to cultivate the habit of solitude and introspection, allowing us to reconnect with our true selves and find clarity.
  • 16、Cultivating a sense of community and actively participating in social causes and volunteer work can make a significant impact in the lives of others and create a more compassionate society.
  • 17、Cultivating curiosity and a thirst for knowledge is essential for lifelong learning and personal growth, enabling us to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing world.
  • 18、Cultivating effective communication skills, such as active listening and empathy, is vital for building strong relationships and fostering mutual understanding.
  • 19、Embracing diversity and actively seeking to understand different perspectives cultivates tolerance, respect, and acceptance in our increasingly interconnected world.
  • 20、Cultivating a sense of purpose and meaning in life gives us a sense of direction and motivation, enabling us to live a fulfilled and purposeful existence.
  • 21、Cultivating a sense of humor and the ability to find joy in everyday moments brings lightness and happiness to our lives, even during challenging times.
  • 22、倾听是一种涵养,宽容慈悲;倾听是一种尊重,理解和谐;倾听是一种学习,吸纳智慧;倾听是一种表达,友善关爱。2月2日倾听日,愿你多一点倾听,世界将因此多一点温馨。
  • 23、表现了中国文化中贤德宽容,自然朴质,恬淡明志的人格境地和婉约、委婉、内敛,柔中寓刚的道德涵养
  • 24、自然不是真的,涵养功夫到了顶层便是诚心诚意地大讲假话。
  • 25、大事难事,看担当;逆境顺境,看胸襟;是喜是怒,看涵养;有舍有得,看智慧;是非成败,看坚持。
  • 26、水源涵养林是具有特殊意义的防护林种,具有很好的涵养水源、保持水土、净化水质等功能。
  • 27、’我和你说,我这是涵养好惜老怜贫的,所以刚才没抽你。
  • 28、好耐性,好涵养,好事不关己冷冷静静。
  • 29、加强珠江流域水源涵养林建设和保护,综合治理水土流失。
  • 30、欣赏朋友,是一种境界;善待朋友,是一种胸怀;关心朋友,是一种品质;理解朋友,是一种涵养;帮助朋友,是一种快乐;学习朋友,是一种智慧;团结朋友,是一种能力;想念朋友,是一种习惯;祝福朋友,是真心真意。朋友,愿你幸福!
  • 31、“感恩戴义,怀欲报之心”,30多年的改革开放,涵养着深圳浓郁的感恩文化氛围。
  • 32、时光景难看,一发遂不可制,既过思之,殊亦不必;故制怒者当涵养于未怒之先。
  • 33、李先生再有涵养工夫也忍不住了,冲出房道:“猪猡!你骂谁?”。
  • 34、涵养与修养并非虚伪,故意使人难堪并非率直,这里边有很大分别。
  • 35、随思坐在琴案前,调弄着琴弦,你若想要习武,也需要涵养本性;若是想要习文,也要触类旁通。
  • 36、坚持读好书,高雅谈吐不认“书”;发奋好读书,过人资质不服“书”;相信读书好,优良涵养不会“书”。书山有路勤为径,多多读书心智明,世界读书日,闲时莫忘读书,祝你生活愉快!
  • 37、礼是吾人在现实的具体事上,对生命惟精惟一的磨练与涵养
  • 38、宝珠先生笔下的山水、松柏有咫尺万里的气势,这种境界离不开画家与自然的浸润涵养、默领神会,也离不开岁月流逝中画家丰富的人生感慨和独特的生命体验。
  • 39、美丽是你的资本,聪慧是你的涵养,贤淑是你的标志,温柔是你的味道,善良是你的本质,妇女节快乐,祝你年轻又美貌,开心多欢笑!
  • 40、一个人是应该清高的,但有人是苟求清高,或者为了标榜自己清高,因此只好忍痛牺牲。那就大可不必,这就不平凡,不平凡不是真涵养的精神。
  • 41、华夏大地的精神滋养及悠久绵长的文化传承,涵养了中华民族临难不苟、履险不却、坚韧不拔的担当精神。
  • 42、治择工夫已胜,而波澜未阔,欲波澜之阔,须令规模宏放,以涵养吾气而后可。
  • 43、地下水严重超采区,将按照宜林则林、宜果则果、宜草则草的原则,增加绿化面积,恢复水源涵养功能。
  • 44、淡定是一种人生涵养,纯真是一种性格使然。
  • 45、对照比木荷林地、杉木林地、封山育林地更容易产生地表径流,林地具有较好的涵养水源和保持水土作用。
  • 46、“理直气壮”不如“理直气和”,后者更见涵养,更有风度。
  • 47、由于受到苏维埃**的语言政策,俄罗斯语通常被有涵养的人作为第二语言。
  • 48、陆川的几部戏都到合肥来做过宣传,陆川看起来还是挺有涵养的,不是那种一心为了钞票的导演。
  • 49、永远不要忘记进修学问,拓阔胸襟。人生的烦恼会追随你,只不过学识涵养可以使一个人更加理智冷静地分析处理这些难题而已。
  • 50、苏轼有相当的阅历和涵养,当他遭受别人的轻视时,并没有暴跳如雷、大发脾气,而是很自然地按照着自己的计划,该做什么就做什么,不去在意别人的态度。


涵养 hányǎng

1、修养 2、滋润养育 
涵养 涵养,是指滋润养育;培养。大多指在修身养性方面而言,也指道德、学问等方面的修养。语出 宋 朱熹《答徐子融书》之四:“就平易明白切实处玩索涵养,使心地虚明。”宋 罗大经《鹤林玉露》卷一:“言少不更事之人,无所涵养,而骤膺拔擢,以当重任,力绵才腐,凛凛危亡而曾不知畏也。”


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