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  • 1、合约共十条,第一条就明确写明翻铸铜像“所需生铜为3380市斤”,并标明“不足由**添补”。
  • 2、时钟迈过长假,闹钟重新上岗,生物钟拨回常态,上班的钟声将你召回。我敲响祝福的钟,为你除去假日疲惫,给你添补快乐精神,愿你好运钟声一路响。
  • 3、Inthe quiet solitude of a rainy afternoon, I find solace in the embrace of a good book, the words on its pages providing a refuge that helps me mend the broken pieces of my heart and fill the void left by lost love.
  • 4、The art of conversation, once considered a lost form of human connection, has the power to bridge the gaps between us, to mend the frayed threads of understanding, and to fill the void of loneliness with the warmth of shared experiences.
  • 5、Asthe sun sets on the horizon, casting its golden hues across the sky, it reminds me that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope, a sliver of light that can fill the void of despair and guide us towards a brighter future.
  • 6、Nature, with its vast landscapes and intricate details, has a way of feeding our souls, of reminding us of the beauty that exists in the world and filling the void of emptiness with a sense of wonder and awe.
  • 7、When life's challenges leave us feeling depleted, it is the love and support of our friends and family that fills the void within us, reminding us that we are never truly alone on this journey.
  • 8、The laughter of children, a sound that has the power to melt even the coldest hearts, is a testament to the joy that exists in the world, filling the void of sadness with a contagious and unbridled happiness.
  • 9、Inthe quiet stillness of a starry night, as the universe stretches out before us, we are reminded of our smallness in the grand scheme of things, and yet, the boundless possibilities that exist within us to fill the void of insignificance with purpose and meaning.
  • 10、Music, with its melodic notes and powerful lyrics, has the ability to stir the depths of our souls, to tap into our emotions and fill the void of emptiness with a symphony of hope and healing.
  • 11、The beauty of art, whether it be a painting, a poem, or a piece of music, lies in its ability to stir the emotions within us, to awaken our senses and fill the void of monotony with a burst of creativity and inspiration.
  • 12、Time, with its ceaseless march forward, has a way of healing wounds and filling the void left by lost love, reminding us that every ending is merely a new beginning waiting to unfold.
  • 13、Memories, like whispers from the past, have the ability to fill the void of loss and longing, to transport us to moments long gone and bring a sense of comfort amidst the chaos of life.
  • 14、Through acts of kindness and compassion, we can fill the void of despair and hopelessness, ignite the flames of change, and create a world where every individual is valued and respected.
  • 15、The power of forgiveness, although often a difficult journey, has the ability to fill the void of resentment and anger, to heal the wounds that have been inflicted on our souls, and to set us free from the shackles of the past.
  • 16、The beauty of nature, with its vibrant colors and intricate patterns, has the ability to fill the void of monotony and routine, to remind us of the wonders that lie beyond our everyday existence.
  • 17、As we find ourselves lost in the depths of despair, it is the light of hope that has the power to fill the void of darkness, to guide us towards a brighter tomorrow, and to remind us that there is always a glimmer of possibility amidst the shadows.
  • 18、他的小说并没有写完,后面那四十章是另一个人添补的,这人的名字很可能叫高鹗。
  • 19、在广泛的国际审评之后,国际电磁场项目促进了添补知识空白的研究。
  • 20、优惠供应成套或拆零添补备件。
  • 21、女人,不一定要多好看,但要耐看;不一定要懂道理,但会讲理;不一定会挣大钱,但会花钱;不一定添补面子,但会过日子。三八妇女节,愿你一定要幸福!
  • 22、该项目开发的新工艺为国内首创,产品添补国内空白,技术水平达到国际先进水平。
  • 23、在中国,均匀每户每年的碳排放量是2.41吨二氧化碳。这充足添补半个奥运泅池塘了。
  • 24、在假期中我或可添补贵公司空缺.
  • 25、他们打算把阁楼做成一个出租的卧室来添补家用。
  • 26、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
  • 27、算了改天再说,我还得赶紧回家给老娘添补件褂子去,这打春了厚衣服就穿不住了。
  • 28、功效:深层滋润疲劳肌肤,添补白天流失的营养物质,调节肌肤油脂分泌,让油性肌肤在睡眠中轻松焕颜,焕发迷人润泽健康肌肤。


添补 tiānbǔ

添补 添补,指添置补充。与填补不同,添补是指增加,填补是指填充空白。
