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游牧造句 首页

  • 1、尽够我的想象力在那里游牧的了。
  • 2、四处漂泊,四海为家的游牧生活,和根深蒂固的中原儒家文化,冲撞揉合成了:天性酷爱自由,洒脱飘逸,清风朗月般纯净心境的李白。
  • 3、The sound of hooves hitting the ground echoed through the valley as the nomadic tribe embarked on their annual migration, seeking greener pastures and carrying with them the hopes and dreams of their community.
  • 4、The painted faces of the nomadic warriors reflected determination, as they rode their horses fearlessly into battle, defending their land and preserving their cultural heritage.
  • 5、The majestic sight of a herd of horses galloping freely across the open plains is a testament to the indomitable spirit of the nomadic way of life, where the bond between man and animal is cherished and revered.
  • 6、Inthe heart of the nomadic desert, where the sand dunes rise and fall like waves, a sense of solitude and tranquility envelops the wandering souls, providing them with a sanctuary from the chaos of the outside world.
  • 7、The nomadic tribes, with their intricately woven tapestries and vibrant traditional costumes, epitomize the richness and diversity of the human spirit, reminding us of the importance of preserving our cultural identity.
  • 8、The nomadic musicians, playing their ancient instruments under the starlit sky, tell stories of love, loss, and longing, their melodies carrying the emotions of generations past.
  • 9、The nomadic children, with their sun-kissed skin and sparkling eyes, embody innocence and resilience, their curiosity driving them to explore the world beyond their temporary homes.
  • 10、With each step taken on the untrodden path, the nomadic souls embrace uncertainty and face challenges head-on, realizing that true growth and transformation lie beyond the comfort of familiarity.
  • 11、The earthy scent of the wildflowers mingled with the crisp mountain air, as the nomadic family set up their yurts in a picturesque meadow, creating a temporary home amidst nature's bounty.
  • 12、The nomadic elders, with their weathered faces and wise eyes, pass down ancient traditions and wisdom to the younger generation, ensuring the legacy of their vibrant culture lives on.
  • 13、The nomadic storytellers, with their enchanting tales of heroic adventures and mystical creatures, captivate the young and old alike, reminding us of the power of imagination and the importance of preserving oral traditions.
  • 14、In the embrace of nature's grandeur, the nomadic souls find solace and inspiration, discovering their true selves and forging a deep connection with the ever-changing rhythms of the natural world.
  • 15、The nomadic herdsmen, with their strong bond with their livestock, embody a profound respect for all living beings, teaching us the importance of sustainable coexistence and harmonious relationships.
  • 16、The nomadic way of life, with its constant movement and adaptation, serves as a powerful reminder of the impermanence of all things, urging us to live in the present moment and appreciate the beauty of each passing season.
  • 17、The dance of the nomadic people, with its graceful movements and intricate footwork, tells the story of their nomadic journey, reflecting the ebb and flow of life and the enduring spirit of resilience.
  • 18、With the nomadic lifestyle comes a deep appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things, as every step taken leaves an indelible mark on the land and every encounter shapes the collective memory of the tribe.
  • 19、阿巴嘎旗推进保障性住房建设,解决了811户低收入家庭住房,通过游牧定居工程,481户困难牧民搬进了新居。
  • 20、东晋末年,在中国北方五胡十六国的战乱纷争中,一个草原上的游牧部落联盟鲜卑族拓跋部强势崛起,他们先是以内蒙古的盛乐为都城,建立代国。
  • 21、先行出动的是匈奴汉国有名的匈奴骑兵,匈奴汉国是游牧民族匈奴所建,虽然剽取了“汉”。
  • 22、一群在三只狗儿后吹著口哨的牧羊人,为这场吸引大批当地民众与观光客的游牧家畜街头大游行,揭开序幕。
  • 23、乌孙——古游牧族,本在河西走廊,汉文帝时西迁至今伊犁河、伊塞克湖一带。
  • 24、一种是具有半游牧人的特色:,他们把春天里的第一只羊羔献给神,为了获得神的偏爱,来年春天继续赐福。
  • 25、“嘈杂凄紧”,“壮伟狠戾”的音乐风格是北方草原游牧民族音乐的特色,对元杂剧的创作产生了影响,使其在声韵、句法和修辞等表现形式方面迥异于传统。
  • 26、一些考古学家已经提出,在公元前13世纪的埃及档案中,记载了游牧民族萨苏信仰雅威的早期一神论信仰。
  • 27、吉尔吉斯坦馆的主题是游牧族与自然地和平共存。
  • 28、今天数字式游牧人拥有吨多媒体数据。
  • 29、燕山山脉起着抗击塞北游牧民族南下的屏障作用,翼蔽河北乃至整个中原的安全。
  • 30、她从小生活在新疆最北端的阿勒泰市的富蕴县,在那儿她度过了自己的童年,她的母亲为了生存,在游牧区开办了小卖部。
  • 31、任一个在几年时间内饿死近四千万人的社会都是一个人类史上极端的悲剧社会,而这就发生一个新国家新社会之内,任何残酷的异族也没有这样对待过另一个民族,无论是北方游牧的,还是海上外来的,结论很明显:对中国人最不好是的中国人。只有从中国的口头爱国者那里,你才能感受到一种活生生的古代卑贱。石康
  • 32、你笑笑的样子,有不安定的气质,我的心狂乱不止,你自由的方式,像一个游牧民族,迷得我爱又痴。伍思凯
  • 33、对于神速的蒙古骑兵来说,这一线都是游牧区,成吉思汗攻打到大金川边是可行的。
  • 34、毕竟,生活并非印度电影。阿富汗人总喜欢说:生活总会继续。他们不关心开始或结束、成功或失败、危在旦夕或柳暗花明,只顾像游牧部落那样风尘仆仆的缓慢前进。
  • 35、突厥人世居塞外,逐水草而居,秉承游牧名族剽悍耐苦的天性,又时值盛夏,所谓安营扎寨就是人畜就地休息,饮水进食补充体力。
  • 36、倭奴有书布告,地球中有华夏文物之邦,为北方犷悍游牧种族所占据,荼毒生民等语,实属横谬可恨。
  • 37、这些虏、戎、夷正是西夏周边文化低于西夏番族的游牧民族。
  • 38、而在撒哈拉大沙漠的游牧民,他们则为今年的第一场雨弹冠相庆。
  • 39、像觊觎冬夜的空气一样,游牧在梦一般的缠绵里。一个辉熠的夜晚,那些有刺的元素在掩泪装欢。穿裤子的云
  • 40、蓝,是难以驾驭的一支色裔,像色彩中的游牧民族,自由隐没于晴空、砂丘、草原、瀚海与深渊之间,在他们身上,既看得到死亡的荫谷,也反映出稚儿无邪的蓝瞳。简媜
  • 41、在很长时期里,游牧的吉尔吉斯人没有文字,中国史学家曾将吉尔吉斯人纳入视野,为他们持续地记载了历史,但也多半是些片断;许多过往故事都已湮灭无闻了。
  • 42、总而言之,盛乐时期拓跋鲜卑与其他诸部族融合发展的历史,就是游牧文明和农耕文明碰撞、融合的历史。
  • 43、主要从事畜牧业,兼营农业,过着半定居半游牧的生活。
  • 44、还好,色斯卡人是游牧民族,他们并不善于修建复杂的楼阁与殿宇,黑衣女子很快就摸清了四周的环境,她在黑暗中摸索着,眼睛像鸱枭一般灵敏。
  • 45、秦人与西北的游牧民族杂居,性情豪迈不羁,这个时候看开了的秦军将卒士气开始恢复知之小工具。
  • 46、但正如巴博尔说的那样,“他们已经完全忘记了游牧民的生活方式,他们不会喂养牲口,也没能挺过严冬。”。
  • 47、美国加州的水荒、中亚乾燥龟裂的咸海、横跨北非将近四千公里长的萨赫勒游牧草原的乾旱不毛,这些世界各地零星分散的艰困水荒,如今越来越像是全球共同水荒危机的证据缩影。
  • 48、现在,除了部分牧区的游牧民之外,所有的家庭都有固定住房.
  • 49、阿富汗人总喜欢说:生活总会继续。他们不关心开始或结束、成功或失败、危在旦夕或柳暗花明,只顾像游牧民族那样风尘仆仆地缓慢前进。卡勒德·胡赛尼
  • 50、二千年初期的游牧民族已非昔日吴下阿蒙,而是蜕化为"边疆国家"。


游牧 yóumù

游牧 (词语) 游牧是在干旱草原地区通过骑马移动放牧的方式利用水草资源,以获取生活资料,并保持草场可持续利用的最佳方式。游牧诞生至今已有3000年的历史。
