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牟取暴利造句 首页

  • 1、在这样严重不对称的情况下,消费者权益无从获得保障,任由开发商予取予携,牟取暴利
  • 2、台南县议会议长吴健保涉嫌收买职棒球员打假球以牟取暴利,遭板桥地方法院检察署起诉。
  • 3、Some unscrupulous business owners exploit the desperate situation of the poor to make exorbitant profits, showing no remorse for their actions.
  • 4、Itis disheartening to see that instead of focusing on the welfare of their employees, certain companies prioritize gaining astronomical profits at any cost.
  • 5、The CEO's greed knows no bounds as he continues to exploit his workers' labor, ignoring their rights and dignity just to secure massive profits for himself.
  • 6、The relentless pursuit of profit has blinded these corporations, leading them to exploit natural resources and damage the environment without any consideration for future generations.
  • 7、Intheir relentless quest for profit, pharmaceutical companies sometimes choose to withhold life-saving medications, putting the lives of countless individuals at risk.
  • 8、The man's sole motivation in starting his own business was to exploit every opportunity to maximize his personal gain, disregarding the impact on others and the community.
  • 9、Some landlords shamelessly take advantage of the soaring housing demand, gouging tenants with exorbitant rents without providing reasonable living conditions, solely driven by their desire for profit.
  • 10、It is alarming to witness the exploitation of child labor in sweatshops, where innocent children are forced to work under hazardous conditions to ensure the maximum profit for the factory owners.
  • 11、The financial crisis in 2008 revealed the ruthless nature of certain bankers who manipulated the market, taking advantage of unsuspecting individuals for their own profit, resulting in a global economic meltdown.
  • 12、The thriving black market industry exploits the desperation of refugees and immigrants, charging them exorbitant fees for illegal transportation, putting their lives at risk all for the sake of personal gain.
  • 13、The multi-million dollar celebrity endorsement contracts demonstrate how companies are willing to exploit famous individuals' influence to maximize their product sales and profit margins.
  • 14、Some corrupt politicians shamelessly accept bribes and abuse their power, using their position for personal gain at the expense of the well-being and prosperity of their citizens.
  • 15、The booming counterfeit industry preys on unsuspecting consumers, selling them low-quality and potentially harmful products, solely driven by the desire for profit.
  • 16、It is ethically questionable how certain businesses exploit legal loopholes to avoid paying their fair share of taxes, prioritizing personal wealth accumulation over societal welfare.
  • 17、The rise of online scams and frauds illustrates how criminals exploit the vulnerable and unsuspecting individuals, stealing their hard-earned money under false pretenses for personal profit.
  • 18、企图盗窃废钢牟取暴利,不料被过磅员的“火眼金睛”看出破绽。
  • 19、“在防治非典期间,对屯积居奇、哄抬物价、牟取暴利、扰乱正常经济秩序的行为,一定要给予严肃查处,对情节恶劣的典型案件,要公开曝光。
  • 20、因为东方商品在欧洲需求量很大,所以作为这些商品的主要供应地,威尼斯可以从中牟取暴利
  • 21、针对不少经营户为牟取暴利而坑害消费者的行为,苏州周庄工商分局日前开展了名土特产“万三蹄”专项整治活动。
  • 22、人民将阻止你们牟取暴利的诡计,人民必胜.
  • 23、知之小工具尽量原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 24、这一时期云南省内私盐更是盛行,究其成因当与盐商的牟取暴利有着重要的内在联系.
  • 25、经查王某父子在邓州市穰东镇经营一门店,为牟取暴利,二人与平顶山市叶县一名不法烟贩勾结,干起了贩卖假烟的勾当。
  • 26、资本家经常采取投机取巧的办法,囤积居奇,牟取暴利
  • 27、有的不法分子,为牟取暴利,不择手段地偷工减料、偷税漏税。
  • 28、当时香港正值物价飞涨,市民们对商人屯积居奇、牟取暴利的所作所为非常愤怒,一致认为应该采取措施加以遏止。
  • 29、他们在高档黄金饰品中掺假以牟取暴利.
  • 30、假使这些品牌不提高产品单价和改变牟取暴利的行为,那么玩具产业工作状况的结构改变是行不通的。
  • 31、特别是拥有进口专营权的企业,可以借此通过压货囤积以牟取暴利,结果打乱了市场供应应有的平稳节奏,扰乱了市场秩序。
  • 32、在建筑商和购房者之间设置一个“空手套白狼”牟取暴利的房地产开发商,是导致我国房价持续上涨的根源之一。开发商是位于建筑企业和民众之间的一个不伦不类、完全多余的环节,房价中相当一部分被这一贪婪的寄生虫掠夺,倘若去除这一环节,即使在地价等因素不变的情况下,房价也能下降近半。时寒冰
  • 33、虽然表面上恪尽职守,但私下却勾结不法分子,进行*品以及人口贩卖,以此牟取暴利
  • 34、一些人正是牟取暴利的公司惹的祸,然而这一指责也经不起推敲.
  • 35、为了牟取暴利,对工人生命视若草芥。