- 1、一个德国男人和女人的脸部特写镜头,他们在谈论白蚁堆美好而必要的共栖性特质,带字幕。
- 2、该图为色彩艳丽的超雄性鹦嘴鱼的特写镜头。
- 3、The special close-up shot zoomed in on the wrinkles and lines on her face, revealing a lifetime of joy and sorrow etched across her features.
- 4、With the unique use of a macro lens, the special close-up shot captured the delicate intricacies of the blooming flower, showcasing the beauty hidden within nature.
- 5、The special close-up shot lingered on his trembling hands, the sweat dripping down his forehead, portraying the nervousness and anticipation before he took the stage for his first solo performance.
- 6、Through the special close-up shot, the camera focused on the teardrops cascading down her cheeks, conveying the deep sadness and heartbreak she experienced after losing her loved one.
- 7、Inthe special close-up shot, the glistening drops of water on the newly fallen autumn leaves highlighted the ephemeral beauty of the changing seasons.
- 8、The special close-up shot revealed the sparkle in her eyes as she watched her child take his first steps, capturing the pure joy and pride of a mother.
- 9、With the use of a special close-up shot, the camera unveiled the intricate brushstrokes of the artist, showcasing the talent and skill behind the mesmerizing painting.
- 10、The special close-up shot captured the resolute determination in his eyes, as he embarked on a journey of self-discovery, overcoming obstacles and chasing his dreams.
- 11、Through the special close-up shot, the camera focused on the crinkles around his mouth when he laughed, portraying the contagious happiness and warmth he brought to others.
- 12、In the special close-up shot, the camera lingered on the sweat dripping down his face, conveying the exhaustion and perseverance of a marathon runner pushing through the finish line.
- 13、The special close-up shot zoomed in on the little girl's hands as she carefully held a wounded bird, revealing the compassion and empathy within her young heart.
- 14、Through the special close-up shot, the camera highlighted the fine details of the chef's hands as he skillfully prepared the intricate dish, displaying the artistry and passion in culinary.
- 15、In the special close-up shot, the camera focused on the twinkle in their eyes as they exchanged vows, capturing the love and commitment shared between two souls on their wedding day.
- 16、The special close-up shot zoomed in on the rusted, aged key in her hands, symbolizing the secrets and memories hidden within the old, forgotten diary.
- 17、With the use of a special close-up shot, the camera captured the determination in his eyes as he attempted the difficult yoga pose, showcasing the unwavering strength and resilience of the human spirit.
- 18、Through the special close-up shot, the camera focused on the gentle touch of their intertwined fingers, conveying the deep connection and intimacy between two lovers.
- 19、In the special close-up shot, the camera captured the beads of sweat on the dancer's face, showcasing the passion and dedication in every graceful movement.
- 20、查理卓别林道:“用特写镜头看生活,生活是一个悲剧,但用长镜头看生活,就是一部喜剧。”这句话视为励志,也可以看成欷歔。
- 21、电子技术使一个又一个色彩缤纷的电视画面不由分说地呈现在你面前,像电影中的特写镜头,把一个细微的细节极大限度地放大在你面前,充斥你的视野,由不得你选择,有一种强迫性。
- 22、和电视新闻一样,报纸的头版头条还是叶*记视察酒厂的文字配图片,篇幅却小得可怜,紧随其后的依旧是杜少华的那个特写镜头,文字是长篇累牍,娓娓道来。
- 23、她那张明媚的眸子,圆月般的笑脸,总好像电影特写镜头似的,在他脑子里闪现。
- 24、你们其中或许有些人记得“通过显微镜看世界”和“20令人惊叹的眼部微距拍摄图像“这两篇文章。那么现在让我们一起来欣赏人眼超高清特写镜头吧。
- 25、抓拍的特写镜头,感人的亲情事件。你们一个个诠释着世界的故事,美好而真实,真情又动人。我们所感受到的是暖暖的热情,是你们带给我们的。祝记者们身体健康!
- 26、一个特写镜头,方糖被咖啡慢慢浸润,然后砰地掉进杯子.
- 27、一名摄影师在南达科塔曼彻斯特捕获到这个龙卷风漏斗的特写镜头.