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特色旅游造句 首页

  • 1、究其原因,一是具有国际竞争力的特色旅游产品不多、不强,二是融入国际大循环的旅游精品线路较少、较散。
  • 2、桂平西山风景名胜区负责同志说,这里佛教文化源远流长,“浴佛节”庆典活动,已成为当地特色旅游亮点,成为“广西十大旅游节庆品牌”之一。
  • 3、Embarking on a culinary adventure through the bustling markets and quaint little eateries of Barcelona, savoring the rich flavors and authentic regional dishes, is a food lover's dream come true, showcasing the city's distinct travel charm.
  • 4、Step back in time and wander through the charming ancient alleys of Dubrovnik's Old Town, discovering its rich history, exquisite architecture, and breathtaking views, an experience that truly encapsulates the essence of specialized tourism.
  • 5、Immerse yourself in the intricate art of traditional Chinese tea ceremonies, learning the ancient techniques and savoring the delicate flavors, for an enchanting cultural journey that will transport you to a world of elegance and tranquility.
  • 6、Dive into the vibrant underwater world of the Great Barrier Reef, where colorful coral reefs and exotic marine life create a visually stunning experience, leaving visitors with a profound appreciation for the wonders of specialized tourism.
  • 7、Traverse the picturesque vineyards and meet the passionate winemakers of Tuscany, indulging in the region's exquisite wines and enjoying the serene countryside scenery, for an unforgettable wine-tasting adventure that showcases the essence of specialized travel.
  • 8、Experience the exhilarating thrill of hiking along the world-famous Inca Trail, as you make your way to the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu, immersing yourself in the awe-inspiring beauty of the Peruvian Andes in a specialized journey of a lifetime.
  • 9、Embark on an unforgettable safari adventure in the African savannah, where you'll have the chance to witness majestic wildlife up close, creating memories that will last a lifetime and showcasing the true essence of specialized tourism.
  • 10、Discover the hidden gems of Prague's quaint and narrow streets, lined with beautifully preserved medieval buildings and charming cafés, for a magical and captivating journey that captures the essence of specialized travel.
  • 11、Immerse yourself in the captivating world of flamenco dance, witnessing passionate performances and even learning the intricate steps from skilled professionals in the heart of Seville, for a cultural experience that will leave you spellbound.
  • 12、Wander through the ancient streets of Rome, exploring its iconic landmarks and archaeological ruins, and indulge in the city's rich history and vibrant culture, for a specialized travel experience that will transport you back in time.
  • 13、Traverse the stunning fjords of Norway aboard a luxurious cruise ship, taking in the breathtaking scenery and immersing yourself in the peaceful serenity of nature, for a specialized journey that will leave you feeling rejuvenated and inspired.
  • 14、Dive into the vibrant street art scene of Buenos Aires, where colorful murals and graffiti adorn the walls, reflecting the city's rich cultural identity and creating a visually stunning display that showcases the essence of specialized tourism.
  • 15、Experience the unique blend of European and Asian cultures in Istanbul, as you explore its historic sites, vibrant markets, and indulge in its flavorful cuisine, creating a specialized trip that offers a fascinating fusion of traditions and flavors.
  • 16、Uncover the ancient mysteries of Egypt as you visit the iconic pyramids of Giza and sail along the Nile River, immersing yourself in the rich history and mythology that still captivates the world today, for a specialized journey that reveals the wonders of the past.
  • 17、对此三亚野生动物保护站有关负责人表示,景区可向陵水南湾猴岛取经,对野猴进行训养,建立特色旅游项目。
  • 18、2013年7月,凭借独特的旅游资源,广西上林县被列入广西壮族自治区首批20个特色旅游名县创建单位。
  • 19、近年来,扎囊县把培育特色支柱产业作为促进农牧民增收的重要途径,积极扶持特色旅游业、民族手工业和特色农牧业,有效促进农牧民增收。
  • 20、造网是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是让大家更快地造出更优秀的句子.
  • 21、旅游资源丰富,境内拥有光雾山、诺水河、米仓山、恩阳古镇、南龛石窟、红四方面军总指挥部旧址纪念馆、空山国家森林公园等特色旅游景区。
  • 22、自2014年5月自治区旅游发展委员会明确将龙州县列为创建“广西特色旅游名县”后备县后,龙州县抢抓机遇,大打“红色边关”旅游牌。
  • 23、将乐县气候宜人,名胜古迹众多,可开发的旅游资源丰富,发展特色旅游,是该县经济发展的一个重要途径。
  • 24、例如重点打造万人濑粉节、高明绿博会、油菜花节等三大特色旅游节会品牌,并在一年四季中举办各类旅游节庆活动来保持高明旅游“不降温”。
  • 25、海洋型冰川所在山地气候水热组合状况最佳,自然旅游资源类型多,生物多样性丰富,可进入性强,离客源市场较近,许多冰川资源现已被开发为特色旅游产品。
  • 26、一楼设有服务咨询台、“两马”旅游风光展示区、多媒体简报室、游客休闲区;二楼设有“两马”特色旅游商品展示区及户外景观平台。
  • 27、“速来慢游”感受火洲特色旅游
  • 28、一楼设有服务咨询台、“两马”旅游风光展示区、多媒体简报室、游客休闲区;二楼设有户外景观平台及“两马”特色旅游商品展示区。
  • 29、鳞鱼岛还有御温泉等景点,十一期间接待的港澳台、珠三角游客,每天达到3千人。今年斗门区致力开发具有田园风格的特色旅游项目,取得了良好效果。
  • 30、北塘片区规划建设将抓住新一轮区域特色旅游业发展带来的机遇,打造北塘特色旅游区。
  • 31、福建特色旅游名镇厦门汀溪候选。
  • 32、今报柳州讯2月7日至8日,广西特色旅游名县创建县竞争演讲会在南宁召开。
  • 33、为使乡村游走上可持续发展轨道,先后修建了“元古奇石林”等多处景点;建环村路,完善了基础设施;推出了骑马、露天垂钓等农家特色旅游项目。
  • 34、尖扎县坎布拉镇直岗拉卡村发挥地理优势,大力兴办“藏家乐”特色旅游产业,目前该村已有42户“藏家乐”。
  • 35、渔乡特色旅游受青睐,临高县。
  • 36、鄂西旅游区必须发展生态特色旅游,以促进湖北经济、社会、生态的可持续发展。
  • 37、据悉今年5月,龙州县被自治区旅游发展委列为创建广西特色旅游名县后备县,龙州正着力打造旅游精品线路,扎实推进龙州县创建广西特色旅游名县工作。